
Chapter 1339 - Divide

Chapter 1339: Divide

As Abel kept leveling up, even light gems were starting to get less useful to him. As a rank 30, the only thing that still did something was the intelligence fruit.

But considering how many he needed, even a whole intelligence tree might not be able to satisfy him.

It had been another month in the Central Continent. 15 intelligence fruits have sprung up with nourishment from the 3rd goddess spring water and 15 top level gems.

By consuming an intelligence fruit every 2 days, Abel could strengthen the 3 laws in his 3 wizard patterns by a tiny bit.

This could make every professional jealous, but it wasn’t to Abel since every 2 days in the Central continent basically equated to tens of days in the Dark World.

Today, Abel arrived at Blood Moor. By that point, the place had already become a world ruled by high elves. As Abel’s control on the high elves also grew, he was much more confident in the future.

Tiny delicate buildings began to emerge, and he finally saw a temple of his own.

The high elves gazed at Abel as he landed from the sky.

It had not been long since they built the temple, but the loyalty of those high elves was already extremely high.

After all, Abel was their all mighty god, their creator, the most prestigious form of faith.

Suddenly, Abel sensed a wave of faith rushing towards him. If he wanted to become a god, he could do so effortlessly.

But he was not planning to. He was already a rank 30 wizard. He would become a half god with just another level up.

Especially since he realized the weakness of being a god. No matter how powerful they were, they could not leave their followers.

The dark world was basically Abel’s world, but he was still not going to give the real world up for it.

The reason he worked so hard was that he didn’t want the real world to end up like the Dark World. Those high elves stood no chance against the demons from beyond.

Therefore, he just wanted to gather all the world stones and the Dark World’s energy.

By using the Dark World’s energy to fight hell, he might have a chance of winning.

Abel’s body was already 98 percent energy. He no longer needed strengthening by faith, so he transferred all of it to the high elves’ temple statue. Since he picked wizardry instead of being a god, he would proceed with it.

He then turned to the oak tree without saying a word to the elves.

It was much bigger.

Although it was still young compared to the tree of life, it was much more powerful because of the mana dense environment around it.

The tree of life in the Central continent might be able to progress as well if it was given the same environment to grow, but too bad it could not.

Abel pressed his hand against a branch and ignited the soul speaker’s ability.

Unlike the tree of life, the oak tree’s consciousness was still a blur due to its age, and it could only react by instinct.

But still, its loyalty to Abel was unconditional.

For example, when Abel first became a wizard, and the Dark World’s law tried to hunt him down, the oak tree sacrificed its all to protect him.

This time he wanted to spread the seeds of the intelligence tree, but he had no knowledge when it came to those heavenly spiritual grade trees.

Up to that point, only one intelligence tree has ever existed at once, and he might actually cry if he killed it by mistake. After all, his training has progressed extraordinarily ever since he got it.

After the oak tree heard Abel’s command, it immediately agreed and did not demand anything like the tree of life.

After all, there was nothing with a closer bond to it than Abel in the dark world.

As long as the oak tree could do it, it would do it. Abel started to wonder if the oak tree had especially created the high elves because of this.

Suddenly, the high elves sensed a chance in the atmosphere, and large amounts of energy rushed towards the oak tree, forming a swirl in the sky above the intelligence tree.

Soon, a branch was separated from it.

It was a huge impact on the intelligence tree, but a green beam quickly shot towards it, and the wound was sealed.

That branch landed not far from the intelligence tree, and all the energy from the swirl above began to enter it.

The oak tree also kept transferring tree energy forward, and the branch began to twitch on the ground.

Abel took a deep breath. He trusted the oak tree, but even the tree of life might not be able to do something like this. The intelligence tree was too valuable. His future as a half god lies within it.

After all, the others only saw Abel’s speedy level up, but no one saw his struggles. There was no way any professionals in the front line had more battle experience than Abel.

Just take the past 10 days in the Dark World, for example. Abel was basically battling non-stop.

If not, he would not be able to kill a hell demon and get blessed by the song of life.

Not to mention, he was basically using up more resources in a day than other professionals in a month.

In order to obtain those resources, he was making potions like crazy, which was what granted his grandmaster alchemist title.

As more and more energy entered the intelligence tree branch, it began to settle.

Throughout the process, Abel did not interfere at all since he had no idea what was going on.

All he knew was that a spark of spiritual energy had sprung up from the leaf.

It was the special attribute of an intelligence tree. The oak trees have succeeded.

However, Abel soon realized many leaves on the oak tree had dried up. Seems like it had exhausted itself.

Abel immediately took out a full recovery potion from his holy portal bag.

Although a full recovery potion wouldn’t normally do anything to plants, the oak tree was different because it was soul bound to Abel.

A purple glow sparked, and the tried-up leaves immediately revived again.

Abel began to blame himself. He had totally underestimated the power a heavenly grade spiritual plant would take to grow.

Only the oak tree would do anything for him like this.

As the swirl in the sky disappeared, a little intelligence tree was born next to the original intelligence tree.

Abel arrived by its side and began to examine it in detail. The oak tree deliberately chose a branch without fruit on the original intelligence tree to minimize its damage.

If not, it would have been killed easily.

That little intelligence tree was tiny, and it looked exactly like a normal little tree, but it was still giving out spiritual energy.

With that set, keeping growing shouldn’t be a problem.

Abel took out some 3rd goddess and carefully poured it on top of the little intelligence tree.

Soon, its branches began to sway and grow.

Of course, it was not very fast, but it should be able to reach the same height as the original intelligence tree in a month.

From that, Abel just needed to leave the high elves to take care of the tree. Considering their loyalty, they would do anything for him.

A month in the dark world was only a few days in the central continent after all, which was quite fast.

Still, he was not planning to ask the oak tree to create another intelligence still immediately since he didn’t know if that would overload it.

He already had double the intelligence fruit he had in the past, so he wouldn’t complain too much.

Abel kept a smile on his face in his following explorations.

He was just a step away from being a half god, and he would be an immortal after that.

Which was why he wasn’t desperate to become a god.

It was better to rely on one’s own power than external things such as faith.

Unlike other professionals in the central continent, Abel was not going to dwell around and let opportunities find him. Instead, he would push himself to the limit and force a level up on himself.

After 3 days in the central continent, the new intelligence tree began to form its fruit.

When Abel was not to return to the golden castle from the Rogue encampment, he gazed at the portal bag he gave the high elves through the little teleportation circle. Initially, there was only 15 intelligent fruit. Now he had 30.

Afterward, he took the fruits out and placed the bag back on the spot for the high elves to fill up again..

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