
Chapter 434 - I'm The Golden Dragon!

"Oh, such a nice courageous sword," the sound laughed while adding, "send these toys away, kid, or else you\'ll hurt someone, yourself, hehehe."

Arthur was speechless for a moment there. "How… how can this illusion be so thick?" he muttered.

"It\'s your head that\'s thick," the voice said before adding, "plus what made you enter that peculiar state of yours wasn\'t you, but me."

"You?" Arthur wasn\'t buying what the voice was saying, "where is my system?"

"It\'s… you can say I was too heavy load on him, hehehe."

"You…" Arthur was full from this voice, "show yourself to me, I dare you!"

"C\'mon kid, how can you ask someone already dead to show himself up? That\'s lame!"

"Dead? Dead and speaking? Dead and using illusions? Hahahaha," Arthur laughed as he didn\'t know what else to do except bitterly and sarcastically laughing in this situation.

"I\'m not an illusion! This is the real world, dummy!" the sound shouted before taking a deep loud breath as he added, "I mean you no harm."

"Really? And that illusion just now? What was it for?" Arthur pointed towards the golden globe in front of him.

"I thought you were one of them, so I had to attack you first."

"One of them exactly?" Arthur asked with amusement.

"Dragonairs, black dragons who destroyed everything I once held dear and killed me," the voice said with deep enmity before adding, "you are one of them, but when I took over your body through the illusion, I saw what you already did to them. I like you kid, bold and unrestrained, loving justice above all and hating evil even if being your own kin. Thumbs up for you."

Arthur was speechless again before muttering, "you preyed over my memories?"

"I was already aiming to take over your body and crush your soul, humph," the voice said as if he just did him a favor. "Be glad I wasn\'t so hurry in killing you and was curious to know the current state of the world."

"Who are you?!!" Arthur\'s patience drew extremely thin at this moment.

"Me?" the voice laughed while adding, "I\'m the one you sought to save and believed in your ability to help; I\'m the one of the ancient and long gone golden dragons."

Arthur\'s eyes twitched before saying: "It\'s easy for you to claim something like that. First prove this isn\'t an illusion, second prove yourself to me."

"Third, I\'m not your sweet daddy who came here to grant you all wishes! I\'m here to help me gain revenge over those bastards, nothing more!"

"Still not believing you."

"When your system awakes, you\'ll."

"Not enough proof for me. I still believe all this is just an illusion."

"Sigh," the dragon sighed as he was already tired of Arthur\'s stubbornness. "Alright, I\'ll simply prove it to you. Isn\'t illusion limited in place?"

Arthur nodded as he said: "Sure, only the place inside the illusion won\'t change unless the user is a very high level one, like yourself."

"C\'mon, you know I can\'t mimic everything you know! For example your garden world is known to purify any evil, why don\'t you use it to prove me right or wrong?"

"My garden?" Arthur muttered in confusion.

"You and your system are the two dummiest persons I\'ve ever met! You tend to use such lousy tricks to break the illusion while you can simply do that by using the power of your garden."

The words of the dragon made quite sense to Arthur, who suddenly felt how stupid he was for not thinking about this even once.

"Summon your pillars kid, or go directly into your garden. If your soul is under any illusion, the illusion will instantly break," the dragon said in a tired tone from teaching such obvious things to him. "Damn, you really know shit about illusions!" he remarked.

"Don\'t be so mean!" Arthur warned, "after all if you\'re right, then you are residing inside my body, my soul!"

"A fragile thing that I can easily snap with a finger and take over your body and soul, hehehe," the dragon threatened back, "don\'t use such tactics against me, I\'ve lived longer and seen much more than you kid. Just listen to my guidance and you\'ll have a golden chance to be a real power in this troubled universe."

Arthur just heard the words and swallowed what he wanted to retort back with. The next moment he sat on the ground, closed his eyes again, and delved this time inside his garden.

He appeared in the central place of the garden, the most purified place ever here. Once he reached the ground, he didn\'t move and waited, impatiently anticipating the results.

Yet nothing happened! The garden totally ignored him, and only the sounds of rumbling and the sounds of Anna continuing to hit the protective sealing layer of his pillars remained in this world.

"Tsk, this dragon…" he moved his gaze towards the distance where Anna was shielded from him by the gigantic dome, "this Anna…" he shook his head helplessly before opening his eyes.

"Satisfied?" the dragon said.

"When will my system be awakened?" Arthur didn\'t directly answer the dragon as he asked about his dear system.

He felt like missing a limb here.

"Give him a day and he\'ll be fine," the dragon said before adding, "your system is more fragile than you. Couldn\'t handle my soul force, hehehe."

"Lame," Arthur muttered before glancing over the stick nearby. "What is this used to?" he asked.

"This…" the voice of the dragon seemed unsettled for a moment there before adding, "this was made of one of my dear bones, the one closed to my heart. Those filthy dragonairs, daring to betray us and kill me. Not satisfied by that, they sealed my soul down here using my bones and used this to trigger my soul, curse them, curse them all!"

Arthur glanced over the stick before his mind realized something. "Wait a minute, these gigantic pillars are made of your… bones?"

"Sure, any pillars in the universe are made of the bones of the deceased, only the powerful deceased," the dragon said before adding, "from where do you think your precious bronze pillars hailed from? Huh?"

Arthur was shocked this time beyond description and his mind provided him with a more insane idea.

"Yes, you are absolutely right," the dragon didn\'t wait for him to express his thoughts loudly, "each of the masters you met hailed from one of those killed in ancient times and had their bones turn into pillars.. So, each group of pillars are the responsibility of a group of their descendants, and you are just a mere tool to do a huge task off their shoulders."

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