
Chapter 846 - Arthur's Hard Time

As for Arthur, his journey inside that weird world wasn\'t pleasant at all.

At first he had to deal with three giant monsters at the same time. All had the same face as him, acting like his own copies.

After he killed them, he started to see changes in his light and also realized something.

"So each time I kill a group of monsters, more will pop up next time? That\'s ridiculous!"

He stood in front of a group of five monsters which appeared next. His light changed from silver white to silver. However facing five at the same time was such a challenge to him.

However he managed to defeat them and the light changed to become silver golden in color. The next wave was seven, then nine, and then eleven.

With each increase in the monster numbers he faced a harder time in eliminating them. Now the dream of breaking through the wall became closer and harder to achieve.

With each batch he killed, part of the wall became dim like it was vanishing. However he knew how huge this wall was, so even after killing thirteen monsters together, only one tenth of the wall became dim.

"That can\'t go on forever, right?" he panted for breath as his body ached. He didn\'t get weapon wounds at all, only bruises and deep pain from them.

From his past fight experience he knew these bruises would take some time to rest to vanish. At first he never cared about this as he wanted to accelerate the process to get out of here.

However with each fight he realized he couldn\'t keep going on like this. At the last fight he nearly was facing deadly situations while fighting with remnant bruises from previous battles.

"So I have to rest for a long time after each fight, besides each fight now will take much longer to conclude," he couldn\'t help but sigh while resting on the ground.

His light now was pitch black like darkness itself. However it started to show its effect on monsters in the last battles.

If not for this light, he wouldn\'t be able to take down such brutal monsters. "What is this place about?" he couldn\'t help but think deeply about this.

He initially thought he was trapped, but in time he started to get some insights. It strangely felt like the tribulations he had before in his past life.

Facing impossible ordeals and constant challenges to make one stronger, that was the case here. If he didn\'t start to get stronger he wouldn\'t be able to survive.

And the key to get out from any tribulation was by completing the trial successfully. "There is no shortcut then... What a regret!"

Despite his sadness he felt somehow happy. He missed that old feeling of facing impossible obstacles and overcoming them.

As he was such a seasoned cultivator he knew the simple rule of any tribulation. "I have to play by the rules or else I won\'t survive."

The only way to get out of here and complete the trial was through getting stronger by killing more monsters. However he also knew the main feat was through elevating that light around him.

"So the next batch will be fifteen, almost enough to extinguish one tenth of that wall... that means in less than five more times I will be able to extinguish most of it..." he deeply contemplated this while taking his hard earned rest.

As he had no other thing to do, he tried to cultivate. However no matter how hard he tried, he failed.

"So I can\'t raise my cultivation base or dragonair\'s energy," he slowly opened his eyes after failing to induce any changes in both energies.

He tried to control his dragonair\'s energy and accumulate it to activate the upgrade trial for it, but he failed.

Just like what he faced when trying to cultivate. "So this isn\'t about any of these two... is it about my golden pearl energy?" he couldn\'t help but think about this.

"If so then I find this quite interesting," he grinned while feeling more relaxed to deal with something he already was quite familiar with.

From his past experiences, he knew that no matter how impossible or confusing a trial was, there was a simple trick to win it.

Like now, all he had to do was to roam the world here and expand his light before he faced monsters. Killing them would elevate his light and make him a step closer to get out of here.

As he rested well enough, and felt no more pain, he started to move. As he expected, after killing the next batch after a long fight, one tenth of the wall vanished in one moment.

Then the next batches helped in removing most of the wall except one last twenty percent of it.

"So, this is the last fight," he said to himself after standing up from his long rest. He took a deep breath before watching the light around.

It was now red blue in color. The next step would be blue for sure. "So I ended up having my blue dragonair energy here... does this mean anything?" he couldn\'t help but think about this with no clue at all.

"I hope they are doing fine out there," he took a deep breath while watching the twenty-five monsters standing all around while looking in a vicious way towards him.

He knew this would be his last battle here. Just this mere thought drove more hope in him more than anything else.

"Just this fight and I\'ll be out," he said to himself while clenching over his two swords.

Since the first fight, he learnt to use both swords to hit monsters. That way they would fall faster than before and he would be easily killing them.

However he thought that his phantom sword was his trump card. And yet he learnt how deeply mistaken he was.

"Both swords are connected together," he reminded himself of what he concluded before about that, "so using only one without the other will exert part of this technique\'s real power."

This was the insight he gained through fighting here.

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