
Chapter 11 - Floor 1

Trudging through the snow, Adam felt that his senses were overwhelmed and suppressed by the cold and snow around him.

Looking around, he could see he was on a mountain of some sort. ​​

Gasping for air, Adam was struggling to breathe in such a cold climate and being at the top of a mountain that had scarce air.

[I need to get down from this mountain as soon as possible and find a warm and safe space to rest before I begin hunting] he planned.

{Environment Effect - Strength and Speed decreased by 2, and for every minute you will lose 1 HP until you overcome Environment Effect} announced to him the system and the message appeared before him.

As he heard this, he realised how urgent the situation as he began to feel his muscles and blood stiffening and hardening due to the cold.

"I need to get out of here quickly," he exclaimed.

During his research during the day, Adam knew that in cold mountainous regions you would find extremely dangerous animals that were used to the environment.

Adam charged down the mountain as fast as he could through the cold snow and made sure to look in every direction in case of a sneak attack.

The snow matched with the wind was clouding both his sight and senses and made him very weary and scared.

His body was shaking as he trampled through the snow.


The howl of the beast resounded throughout the area and Adam knew that beasts were very territorial.

"Goblin Summon" he screamed as he boosted his speed towards the lower levels of the mountain.

Instantly he felt that his energy had lowered but saw a goblin appear before him, but it was larger than the goblin guards and was looked slightly stronger.

"Go that way" he ordered the goblin will pointing up the mountain.

One thing about his Hunter\'s mind prioritised was survival, and he was willing to sacrifice almost anything for it.

Instantly the goblin ran up in the snow towards the direction his master pointed at without an ounce of reluctance and wasn\'t able to refute in the slightest.

Adam didn\'t even look back, and his goblin summon was the least of his worries.

Looking at his MP, it was dropping incredibly quickly, which meant that the goblin summon was losing HP at incredible speed.

{MP has diminished and you are no longer able to sustain the summon which will be retracted} announced the system.

Hearing the system announcement, he felt all his energy had been drained from his body and was struggling to stay conscious.

In his last moments of consciousness, his body reflexively jumped forth in order to tumble down the mountain and despite being unconscious, would be able to still get away from the beast.

A figure wearing all black with long black hair tied back rolled down the mountain as his body became covered in snow and began to form a ball.

The more the snowball rolled the more snow it picked up with it getting larger and larger as it went along.

Becoming larger it was also becoming heavier and after rolling over a ridge on the mountain, catapulted into the air and crashed onto the ground.

As the large snowball hit the ground the snow splattered throughout the area and left the figure of the youth lying there on the snow.

Despite its negative effects on him, the snow had softened his landing and saved him from suffering a much worse injury from the fall.

Adam lay there as his body reflexively panted for breath after having suffocated within the snow he was encapsulated in.

Adam despite being unconscious felt that he was in a dark space where he could see what was happening to his body.

[System where am I] he asked feeling that he could see himself but couldn\'t move and was seeing himself from a different view.

{You are within your consciousness while your body is unconscious} stated the system.

"Menu" he pronounced.

The menu popped up before him which surprised him and he wasn\'t expected it to work.

Seeing his status Adam realised just how dire the situation he was in was.

Mortal LVL: 2

EXP: 24 / 25

HP: 52 / 110

MP: 0 / 11

Strength: 11

Speed: 12

Intelligence: 16

Charisma: 5

Luck: 5

Without MP, that he knew that it represented the energy within his body, and his HP being less than half, which was fatal and was only lowering in such a cold and vulnerable environment, Adam knew his body was useless in the state it was in.

[System how long until I regain consciousness].

{Forced conscious awakening}

As he heard the system, he felt as though his consciousness was forced back into his body and forcing it had made it very painful.

"ARGH" he screamed as he awoke in his body that was going through immense pain and had absolutely no energy.

[System what is the fastest route to recovery] he asked urgently within his mind.

{The store has HP recovery pills at different ranks, the higher the rank the more expensive, but the more health it recovers} suggested the system.


As the store menu appeared before him, he lifted his weak arm and clicks onto the item tab.

"E Rank HP recovery pill" he stated.

The store went onto the E Rank HP recovery pill and seeing it, it cost a single system point for a pill that would recover 10 HP.

Adam had 35 points.

He spent 15 points on 5 E Rank HP recovery pills and 10 E Rank MP recovery pills.

All of the pills were placed within his inventory.

Adam had no time to waste and withdrew the pills one by one and began to stuff them in his mouth.

As each pill entered his mouth, they instantly dissolved and he felt a rush of energy and vitality surge through his body.

Within instants, his body went from going through excruciating pain and extremely weak and drained, to being almost at peak condition.

Adam knew that this couldn\'t be normal and dismissed it as another effect of his special constitution and the system.

"Couldn\'t I give this to my Aunt so she can recover" he exclaimed in realisation.

{Despite it healing your Aunt\'s body, your Aunt is in a vegetative state and requires a pill, at least at the Mortal B Rank, for her to have a 100% chance of regaining consciousness} stated the system.

With this, he was disappointed but didn\'t let it discourage him and in turn used it as a fuel to drive him.

"Time to hunt, then I will return to the beast at the top of the mountain to get my revenge"

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