
Chapter 134 - New Chinatown

Adam walked into the apartment building with Chase, after showing his apartment ID to the security guards that were initially surprised by Chase\'s size that was bigger than their own, and entered his apartment followed by Chase.

He had been out for slightly over 2 hours, so it was already nearly noon and his aunt was getting ready to leave and visit Chinatown, like they had planned.


"Who is this?" asked his aunt who was initially surprised and intimidated by his size, then seeing his smile and that he was with Adam, calmed down.

Chase\'s hair had grown and was spiky and quite rough, and his tall and strong figure was quite unusual, which made Adam\'s aunt curious as to who he was.

"This is my friend Chase and he wants to come with us to the new Chinatown" answered Adam as Chase introduced himself to Adam\'s aunt.

His aunt was slightly surprised by Adam inviting a friend that she had never seen to come with them, but she didn\'t really mind as he seemed friendly and as long as Adam was happy with him being there, she was as well.

"Should we leave now so that we can look around and explore before we get some lunch" suggested Adam.

"Yes, I don\'t have anything else to do" agreed his aunt as they all got ready to leave.

While his aunt changed her clothes and prepared, Adam took Chase into his room and let him go on his computer.

Chase obviously knew what a computer was and how it worked, from when he had used it when he was younger, but he wasn\'t very comfortable using it and Adam knew that increasing his knowledge was just as important as increasing his power.

Adam reminded him of the basics and what he could do on the computer and while Chase used the computer, showered, then relaxed on his bed until his aunt was ready.

After she was ready, they all left together and Chase was the one that was most excited to see what the new Chinatown was like.

A car would have been useful for Adam to own, but currently, he was satisfied with his motorcycle and didn\'t need the additional hassle of needing to learn how to drive a car and maintaining it.

Instead, it was easier for him to take taxis to wherever he needed to go and called for a taxi outside his apartment and money wasn\'t really an issue for Adam even if he didn\'t use his gold.

Chase, who was the largest, sat at the front beside the driver, while Adam sat at the back with his aunt and knowing the drive was quite a long one, they all began chatting about random things.

Adam\'s aunt soon realised that despite Chase\'s size, he was very nice and even Adam was surprised by how nice and friendly he could be and was glad that he introduced him to his aunt. 

Chase for the first time since he could remember was genuinely happy as he spoke to Adam and his aunt while the taxi headed towards the new Chinatown that had been built in Brooklyn and was open to the public.

Thinking about how he was in the past before he knew about cultivation and the cultivation families that were at the peak of the city, he would have thought that a new Chinatown been built as something ordinary. 

However now he was going into the new Chinatown prepared to fight and protect his aunt, and from what Elizbeth had told him about the large cultivation families, the Lin Family was the strongest in terms of the power of their cultivators, so he had to be careful.

But Adam weirdly felt excited and was confident enough in his power and capability to observe what was going on between the two cultivation families.

With his opportunistic nature, Adam was looking for any opportunity to profit from their conflict and that was another reason that he had ended his training and he was curious to see where and how the families would fight.

He was also interested to see how the government and law enforcement would deal with it, so was planning to be an observer, unless he saw an opportunity to benefit himself or saw something that he couldn\'t allow to continue.

Adam was by no means a hero, but innocent children and women should never be bought into conflict and depending on the circumstance, he would intervene if he saw something that went against that basic moral.

While in the taxi, Adam invited all of his friends to meet them at the new Chinatown if they wanted to come, but all of them were busy. Emma had college work, Sarah was busy running the company that was trying to form and Cole was busy helping his father.

Adam really wanted to use the Status Peering Feature on Cole to see whether or not he was a cultivator and whether or not he was from the Maxwell Family, but he would have to wait until Cole was available to see him.

It was a half an hour drive for them to reach the newly built Chinatown, and upon arrival, they were surprised by how pretty and well-built it was.

The main entrance was in the form of a traditional chinese gate and had golden and red imprints and decorations.  It would probably look much better in the night time, where there would be many lights that would make it look even better, but they were already there and could visit it at night, another time.

The oriental smell of Chinese food engulfed their noses as all of them were excited to look around and try different foods, but despite wanting to enjoy himself, Adam was more focused on monitoring his surroundings and protecting his aunt and Chase if anything happened.

After paying the taxi driver and getting out of the taxi, Adam grabbed Chase to the side to tell him some things before they entered the new Chinatown.

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