
Chapter 100 - 100. Auctioning With Auctioneer

After returning to his home, Snape went straight to his room, ignoring his mother calling him for lunch she made especially for him. She was trying to turn into a good mother now, as the toxicity had left her life and she didn\'t have much authority to make mistakes.

Snape ignored her and locked himself in his room. He went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. ​​

~I never stood a chance... Look at him... Blood of Merlin, the future king of Britain whereas I, a poor, ugly, weak pathetic boy.~


He filled water in the wash-hand basin and drowned his head. He wasn\'t trying to kill himself, just wanted to space himself out of the sounds around him.

Once it was silent, he opened his eyes. Water made it all blurry, but his brain seemed to play games on him as that blur felt like images.

"Love for someone doesn\'t always need to be reciprocated. If you truly care for her, you would try to find happiness in the simple fact that she\'s also happy."

"You cannot and should not, ever, force your feelings on someone, because, maybe you can overpower them into submission, but would that really be genuine love?"

These words came to his mind. They were not spoken by Magnus or Ragnar. It wasn\'t even spoken by someone living. These words were from the portrait of Merlin and Arthur who was inside Merlin\'s portrait.

After this, Snape saw another scene in the water, it was not from much long ago, just from the previous night.

"We are brothers, I got your back." These were Magnus\' words in the letter.

"Blbrrrrrgl..." Snape suddenly lost his breath and pulled his head out. He fell on the floor.

"Ha... Ha...." He was breathing heavily.

He set his unorganised hair back and sighed.

"Brothers? Haha... What a fool I am. I finally have everything I could dream of, friends who are like family, mother, who\'s finally free. Money, to finally not be poor.

"I do like her, but how can I blame her personal choices on Magnus? He doesn\'t even know about her feelings. She is to Magnus what I am to her. She\'s even more unlucky, as she\'s not even his close friend." He talked to himself.

He then got up from the floor and tidied his clothes. He again looked at himself in the mirror, now much more confidently. "Life has given me another chance. I WILL NOT WASTE IT. I WILL BECOME THE BEST POTIONEER I CAN. With Magnus, Ragnar and Bobby, I will help make this world better."

After that, he quickly went out of the locked room. He went downstairs to the dining table. There, he saw the lights dimmed and his mother sitting alone, looking at the food on her plate depressingly.

Snape felt extremely bad for ignoring her when she was trying her best to be a good mother. So, he put on a smile on his face and went behind her, then, he hugged her neck.

"I\'m sorry, mum. I will be good now. Let\'s eat now. After this, we will go to the park." He spoke.

Elaine looked at the radiation face of Snape and turned happy. She felt energised all of a sudden and got up to put food on Snape\'s plate.

"YES, let\'s eat, Sev. My sweet baby." She dotted on him.

~I love this feeling.~ she thought to herself. She had nearly forgotten how to love her own child in the past, but, now her mind was in a good place.

"Sev, you don\'t have to worry about money all the time. Mummy will find a job soon. I know I\'m not very smart or qualified, but I think I can do something out there." She told him.

Snape supported her wholeheartedly. She needed to get out of this gloomy place and do something other than just sit. "Hmm... I know the owner of Potions shop in Diagon Alley, he\'s looking to hire. Maybe you can be his store clerk?"

"Really? Then I will go and apply there later." She enthusiastically said.

Snape just silently smiled seeing her smile. A line once again resonated in his head and he thought to himself.

~Yes, seeing people you care about happy does make you feel happy.~


London, Heathrow Airport.

Magnus, Ragnar, Grace, Adam and Ted had come to the airport to catch their flight. It was just 1 day before the auction. Magnus had actually sent his Diamond and the 10th-century coin to Riyadh already. It was in the Gringotts branch in Saudi Arabia. Ted was able to get a spot in the final auction. However, the slot of his item was not decided yet as they needed to check it first.

They only agreed to give the slot after hearing how big the diamond was. They initially thought Ted was a conman or maybe a prankster. So, he had to say that he represents the owner of Dragon Holdings, who owns 15% of Intel, plus many more. Magnus was also planning on investing in another chipmaker company called AMD, fully known as Advanced Micro Devices. They went looking to go public in 1972 September.

Magnus approached them and they agreed to let him invest as his investment would increase company\'s worth and that would make the IPO better. But the specific details were still being talked about.

Poor Ted couldn\'t have done all this alone, so, even he had formed his own Law and Consulting firm and named it Tonks and Tonks. Why multiple Tonks? Well, that was for his soon to be arriving daughter.

Magnus did not invest much in his company. Just 5 per cent stake for initial capital. Then, Ted hired lots of newly graduated kids from famous Law Schools in the UK and US. He also hired a few old-timers to advise with their expertise.

Anyway, Magnus was yet to completely sign the auction contract and he would only do it after blowing the minds of experts there.

"MUMMY... HURRY UP!" Magnus excitedly ran towards the big 747 aircraft.

Grace chuckled seeing him all excited. People also smiled seeing him, an innocent kid having fun. Unknown to all, he was probably the richest man of the past many centuries.

Meanwhile, Ragnar was very nervous. This was his first time boarding a plane and he had just one thing to say.

~I feel so much safer on the broom.~

But, thankfully, the 1st class seating was so open spaced and comfortable that Ragnar forgot about his fear as soon as pretty stewardesses started giving them food.

Magnus laid back on his recliner sofa seat and talked to Ted. "So, how did you get the slot?"

"Let\'s just say I know a guy...who knows a guy ...who...knows another guy. And that guy\'s uncle\'s wife\'s father works as a manager for the auction company. He let me have a conversation with the company owner." Ted answered while sipping on whiskey.

Magnus made an ugly face and got up to go to his mum for a head massage, "Man, you\'re too drunk... Do you know what you even said?"


The flight took six and a half hours to reach Riyadh. There, as 1st class passengers, they got to do an easy checkout.

But, as they got out of the airport. They realised that their guess that Riyadh would be very warm proved to be wrong. They had to take out clothes from their luggage and put them on as they were currently dressed for warm climate.

"Ah, no wonder everyone was looking at us as if we were jokers," Adam commented.

"So, where do we go from here?" Magnus asked.

"Umm, the hotel I booked should\'ve sent a big car for us," Ted said while looking at the road.

Soon, a long black limousine came towards them. Adam, as a car enthusiast, immediately recognised it, "Oh, a 1968 Chrysler Imperial LeBaron?"

And, as they expected, it stopped in front of them. The driver came out and quickly apologised in English, "Sorry Sorry, car stuck at parking."

Ted shrugged, "It\'s alright."

The driver put their luggage in the trunk and brought them to a big 5-star hotel. They had a pretty amazing experience there as people rushed to help them with everything.

~Hmm, is this what fat kings of the old days lived like? I hope I don\'t turn fat after getting crowned.~ Magnus thought.

After that, they were helped to their rooms. They had actually booked a whole penthouse with 4 rooms, a living room, a playroom and a kitchen.

"Mum, Dad, I will return in a while. I\'m going with Ted to the auction centre. You have a rest, we will explore the city this evening." Magnus told them.

Along the way, Grace and Adam had developed a pretty good trust in Ted. And they knew he was also a Wizard so they felt a bit at ease.

"Ragnar, wanna come?" Magnus asked.

Ragnar didn\'t reply and soon snores started coming from the sofa.

"Haha, I guess he\'s tired from the jetlag. I\'ll go then." Magnus left.

"So, what do you want to eat, Grace?" Adam quickly picked the menu and they started having fun. It had been so long since they had gone on a vacation.


Meanwhile, Magnus reached the auction centre. There, he was escorted to the auction company\'s owner. He had collected the diamond on his way.

The owner of the Emperium Auctions was an old man. He was probably a local as he wore the local white robes that men do.

He looked at Magnus judgingly, guessing he was unimportant. But didn\'t take the initiative to speak to show he was the big man.

Magnus rolled his eyes and simply put the diamond on his table. And it was not done softly. Magnus put the diamond on the glass table so strongly that it got cracked. But, it was an expensive glass and didn\'t even break them. It now just had a broken texture.

However, none of the company men were bothered by the broken table. Their mouths were agape and their eyes were about to fall off their sockets.

Then, the old man slowly extended his hands towards the diamond. They were shaking. He tried to pick it up but for some reason felt it was too heavy. That was the weight of the money.

A big smile grew on his face. "MASHALLAH! THIS IS AMAZING! You did not exaggerate but instead understated its beauty and size. AH! This should be kept in a museum... BUT... Now that it\'s here, we will do our best to show it to those who dare to have it."

Magnus nodded and took their contract paper to read it. It said 10 percent would be taken by the auction house.

Magnus, a person who hated losing too much money, couldn\'t tolerate this. This diamond was going to sell for hundreds of millions.

He scoffed, "3 per cent, take it or leave it."

"Ahaha... Son, let me talk to Mr Ted first..." He tried to ignore Magnus.

Ted frowned, "Mr Ahmed, you seem to have mistaken. He is the owner of Dragon Holdings and the owner of this diamond."

It was another round of shock on everybody\'s face. Ahmad internally tensed up, ~Does he even own a bank account?~

"Ah, so you\'re Mr Grant. You see, 10 per cent is the standard ra..."

He was interrupted by Magnus, who was now playing catch with the diamond. "2 Percent, take it or leave it. You are the customer now, Mr Ahmad. I can decide not to sell it here and just go to the Queen of England. Or maybe a dictator of some corrupt country, they will pay me whatever I want and there will be no brokerage."

Ahmad started sweating. He now saw Magnus as the capitalist demon he used to learn about in school back in those days.

"Ahaha... Mr Grant is angry it seems, please try...".

"You want 1 per cent?" Magnus asked again with no expression on his face.


"YES YES... 3 IS FINE..." Ahmad spoke up grudgingly.

Magnus\' brow furrowed, "The bid ended at 2 per cent. That\'s all you get."

~Wait, are we the auctioneer or is he?~ Everyone from the company thought. They felt they were losing their hair by each second of interacting with this kid.

"YES, DEAL..." Ahmad agreed. He now just needed to sell it as high as possible and he can still make a decent amount of money. But this diamond will also be an amazing way to increase his company\'s presence around the world with sensational news. However, he was warned not to reveal Magnus\' identity to anybody.

[A/N: WOHOOOO... 100 CHAPTERS... We\'re in the three-digit now, boys. PLEASE GIB STONE!]

[You can see the 1968 Chrysler Imperial LeBaron on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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