
Chapter Book 24 2: Rescuing People Like Putting Out Fire

He had asked more than a dozen people; although no one did not know An Long, yet nobody could tell him among the three shops An Long owned at the south market, which one was his old shop, and this has caused him so much headache. All he could do was to try his luck.

Turning into another big street, this one was more lively than the last, the sound of gongs and drums warmed the world; along the carriages and horses lane of the street, people brandished their lanterns in the lantern dragon festival dance, while the pedestrian path was crowded to bursting point with onlookers. The atmosphere was very warm.

Focusing his attention, Xu Ziling saw that all the dragon dancers had quite extraordinary skill; they flew high and leaped low, displaying all kinds of difficult movements. They all wore the same uniform, hence they must be from the same local gang or society. This moment they all mingled together with the crowd enjoying the festivities.

The dragon dance was certainly brilliant, but Xu Ziling’s heart was not here. With great difficulty he escaped the crowd and turned into a side alley. While he was thinking of leaving, someone blocked his way and said with a laugh, “Ziling Xiong, I trust you have been well since we last met?”

Surprisingly, it was the ‘Passionate Prince’ Hou Xibai; his hand was still holding a fan, his handsome face still had a smile on it, he looked like he was immensely pleased with himself. Inwardly Xu Ziling cried, ‘Bad!’ but on the surface he acted as if nothing had happened. “Leaving Sichuan, entering Sichuan, Hou Xiong’s tendency is really impossible to unravel,” he spoke indifferently.

Hou Xibai smiled and said, “Because Xiaodi is concerned over Xu Xiong, I could not help turning back to Sichuan. I just arrived in Chengdu, and I hear Xu Xiong is going all over the place to look for An Long’s old shop, I couldn’t bear not to show myself up to see if I could help a little; Xu Xiong please do not blame me.”

Xu Ziling shivered inwardly, thinking that the reason Hou Xibai was dealing with him must not be that simple. Perhaps he was fighting against Yang Xuyan, his martial brother of the same master but of different schools – for the ‘Immortal Print Scroll’ in Shi Qingxuan’s hands. His mind churning at the speed of light, he decided to harden his heart and said, “How could I dare to blame Hou Xiong? If Hou Xiong is willing to tell me frankly, why are you in Chengdu this time? Perhaps the two of us could sincerely cooperate with each other, each takes what he needs. Otherwise, would Hou Xiong please get out of my way, and do not hinder Xiaodi from doing a very important thing.”

Hou Xibai’s eyes were flashing with sharp light, but he quickly held it back. Nodding his head, he spoke in low voice, “We’d better talk while we walk.”

Xu Ziling agreed, and then he followed him to the other end of the small alley, just as a group of seven or eight young girls were coming straight toward them. Noticing the two men’s outstanding appearances, their eyes lit up brightly.

But the two were preoccupied, each one with the load in his mind, so that they turned a blind eye toward the coquettish glances and the smiling expressions being thrown at them.

Leaning a bit closer, Hou Xibai said, “To tell you the truth, Xiaodi has just come across Feixuan, so I started to understand that Xu Xiong came to Sichuan for the sake of Qingxuan, hence I was anxious to find Xu Xiong; I would never let Qingxuan receives any harm.”

A bitter and astringent feeling welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart, thinking that Shi Feixuan indeed gave her bare heart into Hou Xibai’s keeping. But as he heard the last sentence, suspicions grew in his heart; he could not help asking, “Does Hou Xiong really have the intention to protect Miss Shi? I wonder if it was because of her relationship with your honorable master, or was it because of some other reason?”

Smiling wryly, Hou Xibai said, “If Shizun finds out that Xiaodi is meddling in his, the Senior’s family matters, Xiaodi will have to bag my food leave before I finish eating. But Xiaodi was born to protect beautiful things. Something like Qingxuan’s beauty and her incomparable-under-the-heavens flute art, which are both the gems of the human world, must have an intimate friend to treasure and protect them.”

Xu Ziling was confused; the way Hou Xibai spoke those things carried some kind of a sincere sentiment, which evolved from the bottom of his heart. Immediately he felt at a loss in trying to figure out what kind of gentleman this man really was? But saving people was urgent; hence he asked, “Where is Hou Xiong taking Xiaodi now? I wonder if we are going to An Long’s old shop?”

Hou Xibai nodded, “But of course,” he said, “Just now Ziling Xiong only told me half of the story; I wonder if you could continue now?”

Xu Ziling replied indifferently, “I said each takes what he needs; I was referring to I am saving someone, while your objective is to prevent your honorable master’s ‘Immortal Print Scroll’ from falling into Yang Xuyan’s hands. However, Hou Xiong has not told me why did you appear in this place?”

Severely shaken, Hou Xibai halted his steps. Stunned, he said, “Yang Xuyan? Immortal Print Scroll … What are you talking about?”

Xu Ziling cried ‘Bad!’ inwardly; looking at Hou Xibai’s appearance, it did not look like he was pretending. He started to realize that Shi Feixuan still had some reservations toward Hou Xibai, and yet he inadvertently divulged the secret to him. His scalp went numb, he said, “Turns out Hou Xiong did not know that Yang Xuyan is the other disciple of your honorable master. As for the ‘Immortal Print Scroll’, I am not completely clear either; I only know that Yang Xuyan and An Long are joining hands in cooperation to obtain the ‘Immortal Print Scroll’ from Shi Qingxuan. Hey! We don’t have much time. Hou Xiong …”

While listening, Hou Xibai’s countenance did not stop changing; finally his pair of eyes shot sharp light as he cut him off, “I understand! Tell me what’s most important now, is it to find An Long?”

Xu Ziling had no idea which one he understood. But thinking about Cao Yinglong, he had no time to delve into it. Nodding his head, he said, “We must find Cao Yinglong first.”

At a loss, Hou Xibai asked, “Isn’t Cao Yinglong the big leader of the Four Big Roving Bandits? Has he also come to Chengdu?”

Xu Ziling briefed him using the simplest explanation. Finished listening, Hou Xibai exhaled a mouthful of cold air and said, “Fortunately Xu Xiong told me clearly, otherwise you will never find Cao Yinglong. Follow me quickly.” Soaring up, he landed on the roof of the building to the left.

Xu Ziling followed closely behind him from house to house, until finally they came to a large residence at the west side of the city, where they crouched behind the roof ridge. Noticing that Hou Xibai was looking into the distance at a monastery across the street, he could not help asking in astonishment, “What place is that? What does it have to do with An Long?”

Hou Xibai replied in low voice, “This is one of Chengdu’s scenic spots called Qingyang Si [qingyang is a district in Chengdu, si could simply mean ‘shop’]. It is rumored that in the past, Laojun [Lao-tze, founder of Taoism] agreed to meet with someone in here, hence Qingyang Si became famous near and far, and has been a well-known Taoist scenic spot ever since. Just now, when I was looking for Xu Xiong, I came across the two generals under An Long, the Tall and Short Generals, who were sneakily coming into this place, carrying someone. Since I had no plan of provoking An Long, I let them go and did not meddle in their business. But now, naturally it is a different matter.”

Xu Ziling could not help asking, “Chengdu’s streets are curving to the left and bending to the right; extremely confusing, yet like an old horse that knows the way home, Hou Xiong is able to look for people, to find a place without the least bit of difficulty?”

Hou Xibai sighed and replied, “Xu Xiong’s curiosity is really big; I am certainly an old horse that knows the way home, just like your knowledge of Yangzhou. Chengdu’s streets are well known to be confusing. In addition to the main streets from each gate of the Imperial City to the ten gates of the second wall built around the city wall, there are the east-west passage and the north-south passage. And then other local streets that are slanting and winding, tangled and complicated, built that way due to their potential. All right! Are we going to take the risk and knock on his door?”

He had not finished speaking, a shadow flitted by from a distant southeasterly direction. In one glance, they could see from his build that it was An Long himself. It was because An Long was not in Qingyang Si that Hou Xibai proposed to take the risk by charging inside, but now that An Long has arrived, albeit later than they thought, they were greatly surprised.

Hou Xibai made a prompt decision. He quickly said, “You go save him,” while decisively flying out of their hiding place to meet this senior figure, a martial art master of demonic way, who had mastered the ‘Tianxin Lian Huan’ [Lotus Ring At The Center Of The Sky], the highest gongfa of the Tian Lian Zong [Heavenly Lotus School, see Book 22 Chapter 5].

Inwardly Xu Ziling had to admit that Hou Xibai was certainly decisive and daring. If he had told Xu Ziling to intercept An Long, while he himself rescued the person, due to Xu Ziling already doubted his intention, he might sit and waste a good opportunity since he would be hesitant. But now that he took it upon himself to deal with the most difficult part, he was displaying his sincere intention of cooperation. Naturally it could also be interpreted as his determination to obtain the ‘Immortal Print Scroll’, but at least he was proving that their cooperation would not end here.

Naturally Xu Ziling did not dare to be negligence; from the other direction he flew down the roof ridge and landed on the side alley, before sneaking away toward Qingyang Si.

An Long was able to stop as soon as he wished to stop. He stood on the roof ridge like a mountain, yet unexpectedly he was able to give out the impression that he was agile and quick-witted, thus it was clear that his demonic skill has reached the pinnacle.

This moment he had his eyes fixed, without blinking at all, at Hou Xibai soaring high in the sky from his left. He waited until Hou Xibai landed about a zhang away in front of him and stood steadily on the roof edge before laughing eerily and said, “I wonder if Xianzhi [worthy/virtuous nephew] is coming to have a drink with me, An Long. But I’ll say that it would be best if you go find Wei Hong, Yi Cui of Taohua Yuan [lit. cuddling red, leaning on bluish-green, of Peach Blossom Spring (i.e. utopia)], so that you won’t fail to live up the expectation of the first round of the full moon.”

‘Swish!’ Hou Xibai opened up his Fan of Beauty, which he waved slowly in his hand. Laughing suavely, he said, “Long Shu [uncle] always has admirable suggestion. Last time you introduced Gucheng Da Qu [lit. Big Yeast of the Ancient City], sparkling and translucent, clear, rich and mellow, fragrant and pure, silky like fat; I wonder what ingredients you were using?”

An Long’s countenance slightly changed, but in the blink of an eye it became nonchalant, as he spoke indifferently, “The ingredients are no more than mainly corn and sorghum, and then a little bit of wheat, qingke barley, peas, and fermented in clear spring water. But the process must comply with the six main key tricks to brew the wine, which are the water must be good and clean, the ingredients must be good and genuine, the work must be good and refined, the utensils must be good and clean, the yeast must be good and fresh, and the cellar must be good and moist; otherwise, you can only obtain the look but lose the essence. Ha! Xianzhi stopped me and blocked my way, was it just so you could learn a couple of wine making skill from your Long Shu?”

Hou Xibai laughed aloud and said, “Xiaozhi [little/young nephew] only asked casually about the subject that Long Shu understand and enjoy the most. Such an auspicious time of the holiday, you didn’t hide in the public bath soaking yourself in the warm spring water, but rushing to the left and running around to the right on the rooftop, tiring yourself for an unknown reason, I wonder if Xiaozhi can share your tribulations?”

An Long’s eyes were flashing with murderous intent, but he put it under control. His voice turned heavy, showing the displeasure deep in his heart, as he said, “I, An Long, will do whatever I please, no need for Xianzhi to share my tribulations; don’t Xianzhi think so?”

Hou Xibai’s eyes also shot sharp look; fixing his gaze on An Long, he spoke softly, “Long Shu should be aware that Xiaozhi has never liked to meddle in other people’s business. But if it has something to do with Shi Qingxuan, it is a totally different matter. Long Shu ought to understand this.”

Finally An Long’s countenance changed, “What are you talking about?” he said angrily.

The rhythm of Hou Xibai’s fan slowed down, but the shine in his eyes grew without letup, a clear sign that he was accumulating his power, although the tone of his voice was still as calm as before. “Whether Xiaozhi is talking rubbish, Long Shu should be well aware of it,” he spoke slowly, “Before asking for advice in Long Shu’s ‘Tianxin Lian Huan’, Xiaozhi wants to ask for your guidance in one more matter: how did Long Shui’s guts suddenly become so big that unexpectedly you are not afraid that Shi Shi [master] may find out that you have the intention of harming his daughter?”

Instead of getting angry, An Long laughed; but his countenance sank down, he even uttered, “Good!” twice, before speaking coldly, “It’s your guts that is big enough; you have the cheek to disregard your elder and offend your superior. Where did you get such ridiculous thing from?”

Hou Xibai knew that An Long’s murderous intent has been provoked, but he was not the slightest bit afraid. “Other than Yang Xuyan, who else?” he responded with a smile, “An Long, you have fallen into the trap!”

While An Long was shaken from what he heard, Hou Xibai’s folded fan, like a sharp knife, slashed toward his throat, in a movement as pleasant to look at as one picking up the brush to write or to draw.

Flipping over the rear wall Xu Ziling entered the Qingyang Si. This famous Taoist site did not occupy a large tract of land, other than the main building, there were only several cottages at the rear courtyard, supposedly being used as sheds where they stored some junks.

This kind of clandestine operation was like an easy drive on a familiar path to Xu Ziling. With several leaps, up and down, he already crossed over the rear court, and noiselessly sneaked into the rear section of the Qingyang Si, which did not have the least bit of light in it.

At the same time, the sound of Cao Yinglong’s familiar but feeble breathing entered his eardrums, followed by the sound of rustling clothes.

Borrowing the golden moonlight from the outside, coupled with focusing his power into his ears, via his elevated audio-visual senses, he was able to instantly grasp the layout of this place, even if he entered it only for the first time. Qingyang Si was divided into two sections, front and rear, linked together by an open-air atrium in between. The rear section was furnished with simple and crude beds; evidently people were using to section to go to sleep and stay for a while, as well as to store miscellaneous items such as joss stick and candle, tree-legged incense burning stove, Taoist idol, and other religious articles.

The most eye-catching were more than a dozen large wooden chests. He imagined that stored inside the chests must be the robes and sacrificial vessels that the Taoist priests were using in their rituals. At this time, there was not even half a person in the spacious rear section, yet the sound of rustling clothes clearly showed that there was someone walking toward the rear section from the Taoist Hall at the front section; furthermore, it did not sound like it was only one person.

He had no time to ponder about the relationship between An Long and the manager of this Qingyang Si. Were it not for hearing Cao Yinglong’s breathing, which came from some secret underground room under his feet, he would have already made his move with all his strength, trying to rescue Cao Yinglong using the thunderbolt-failed-to-reach-the-ears method. But now he had no choice but to find a place to hide, and then made his move only after ascertaining the situation.

His heart was moved, he slid toward one of the large wooden chests leaning against the wall in the corner, which was also the only one that was not locked. Raising the lid, to his surprise he discovered a flight of stone steps at the bottom of the chest, and the sound of Cao Yinglong’s breathing was getting clearer.

Time did not allow him to make another choice; like a wisp of smoke he disappeared into the chest, leaving only a crack between the lid and the chest. Right this moment three men and one woman stepped in.

The woman was as beautiful as a flower but was as poisonous as a viper or a scorpion – Zhu Can’s daughter, the ‘Venomous Spider’ Zhu Mei. Out of the other three, two were wearing nightwalker clothes; one tall, the other short. Naturally they were the two martial art masters under An Long, the Tall and Short Generals. Both were around forty years old, and in just one glance he knew that these men were not of the benevolent-type. The last one was an old Taoist priest. Just by looking at his floating footsteps, he knew that this man did not know martial art. However, since the other three were first-class martial art masters, if he had a direct confrontation against them, while Xu Ziling had full confidence that he would be able to defend himself, if he had to look after Cao Yinglong at the same time, it would be a case of ‘everything bodes ill, no positive signs’ [i.e. everything points to disaster]. Therefore, he could only try to outsmart them. At present, his only hope was that Hou Xibai could drag An Long as far away as possible, so that he would have enough time to rescue Cao Yinglong.

There was a sudden burst of light as the old Taoist priest lighted the lampstand by the door, and spoke in low voice, “Will there be trouble?”

The Tall General laughed aloud and said, “Chunyi Daozhang [lit. pure/simple one Taoist priest], please set your heart at ease. Who in Chengdu would not give An Ye a little bit of face? It’s just that this is an urgent matter, we have to borrow Daozhang’s place here.”

Zhu Mei signaled the Short General with her eyes. The latter said, “It would be better if Daozhang go back to the front hall and sit down there. If anybody ask, just say that you know nothing.”

Chunyi Daozhang hesitated for half a day before returning to the front hall.

Xu Ziling understood in his heart that due to the sudden development of this matter, An Long was forced to personally make his move, and thus exposing his whereabouts, attracting the attention of Duzun Bao, the biggest power in Chengdu. The dust was stirred, the horses trotted over the field, he had no choice but to borrow Qingyang Si’s underground room to carryout his plan. As for why Qingyang Si had such a sneaky cellar hidden underground, it was indeed hard to understand.

Knitting her brows, Zhu Mei said, “This place does not appear to be too secure.”

Originally Xu Ziling wanted to go down to check on Cao Yinglong’s condition, but then he had another thought: finding Cao Yinglong was easy, but leaving this place would be difficult. It would be better for him to look at the situation in here first before deciding on the next action to take. Hearing Zhu Mei saying so, he guessed that she had just arrived at the Qingyang Si.

The Tall General sighed and said, “At first An Ye did not know that Xie Hui is involved in this matter. But by the time he found out, it was already too late. Right now he went out to deal with Xie Hui. Although this place is not ideal, it’s much better than our place. If we wait for another half a sichen, we will find out from Cao Yinglong’s mouth where he is hoarding his wealth.”

The Short General respectfully asked, “Would Miss like to go down to inspect the goods?”

Xu Ziling was shocked; fortunately Zhu Mei plopped her butts on a chair nearby, and spoke in heavy voice, “What’s the use of looking? We don’t have much time; when will An Ye be back?”

Xu Ziling cried, ‘Thank Heaven and thank the Earth!’ inwardly, and then very carefully put the lid down before slipping away downstairs.

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