
Chapter 384: Good Boy Duck

Chapter 384: Good Boy Duck

Magnus and Ragnar spent 3 hours looking around, and up until now, they had found a lot of items in great proportions, broken and damaged furniture. Thousands and thousands of books, flying catapults, Fanged Frisbees, bottles of congealed potions, corked bottles whose contents still shimmered evilly, what looked like dragon eggshells, several rusting swords, a heavy, bloodstained axe, an enormous stuffed troll, hats, jewels, and cloaks.

Many cages in various sizes. A chipped old bust of an ugly warlock. A few heavy broomsticks. A record turntable that “skipped”. A banjo. A set of dominoes. Various metalware (including cauldrons). Various trophies. A mask. Various portraits; also frames. Suits of armour (some disassembled). Various textiles.

“Damn, I’m taking all the metal and will give it to the goblins of Camelot. As for the books, I think Hogwarts students would appreciate having a few extra ones, especially those who can’t afford to buy them.” Magnus planned.

But Ragnar gave an even better idea, “Brother, you said we’re making a new Hogwarts in Brunei? Why not use all the furniture and metalware here to stock that school after refurbishing everything here?”

“Woah, I never knew you had a brain. A really good idea, I guess I will hire the elfs of Hogwarts to work here for a day and meanwhile order food from outside for the students.” Magnus planned for it. He was sure that if all the elfs did it then it was one day’s work.

But they were yet to find what they wanted to, “Okay, I will try to accio the Horcrux, you stay on alert and if anything comes flying towards me, don’t let it touch me.” Magnus requested.

Ragnar became alert, “Got it, Mag.”

Magnus took out the staff instead of the wand as it was much stronger. “Okay, here we go. ACCIO Horcrux!”

Nothing happened for a few seconds. But they didn’t bring their guards down. *TAP TAP* They heard the sound of something hitting wood. So they walked towards the noise, only to end up in front of a cabinet.

“So it’s in here? Damn, he really left a piece of his soul in the garbage.” Magnus was shocked.

He cancelled his accio from the previous spell so it wouldn’t jump on him, then slowly opened the cabinet without touching it. He was told that these Horcruxes can corrupt a person even if they were merely touching it.

The door of the rotting cupboard creaked open slowly. It was empty, except there was a nice little diadem in it, placed as if asking to come and touch me.

“Ssss… come, touch me and get your wishes fulfilled… you want power?” the hissing voice spoke from the diadem.

Magnus and Ragnar dumbly looked at it, their mental shields were like castles with a billion castles made around it for security. Ragnar cursed, “Holy Merlin, Voldemort is a paedophile, listen to that voice, and the way he’s inviting.”

“Great, another criminal charge to be put against him. Anyway, I will head to Gringotts for a while to store it in my vault. You look around in the meantime, or maybe head back.” Magnus put a cloth on the Horcrux and picked it up. Then he apparated away to Gringotts.

Ragnar, now alone, looked at a few things, hoping to find some nice potion or potion book.


It was one of the few wizarding organisations that was under his control. The influence of Gringotts went way beyond the borders of the UK, they were present in every major nation in the world.

“Goldruk, got the 2nd one,” he told the Chief of Gringotts, the goblin was also the chief of the goblin tribe in Camelot.

Magnus then went straight into his vault, the vault had no features to allow him to just apparate or portkey in it, this was to eliminate any way of exploiting this means of entry. The only way to open the vault was to have the blood of Merlin and Arthur in their body, something only he in this world had.

Going inside, he went straight to the cabinet he had emptied just to keep these Horcruxes. Now, he had two of them, the Hufflepuff cup and now this diadem.

“I wonder how many more there are,” he thought. Then, he refilled his disposable wand storage and returned to the school. It was a surprising but bountiful day for sure.

Adventures of Duck,

Duck had decided to fly west, he soon flew over the big freedom goddess statue in the river, he was told that uncle Rag was horny for this goddess. There was a big city with tall buildings likes of which he had never seen. The streets were full of people and cars, all kinds of smells hit his nose as well. It was nighttime, so he decided to land in the park in the middle of the city. He read the board there, and it was easy for him now, ~Um… C-central park?~

Anyway, he uncloaked himself and became visible. Then he took off his cute backpack with Star Wars Yoda art on it. Taking out a small paper bag, he cast magic on it to make it grow big.

Then he started eating happily, “Ah, grandma makes the best chicken sandwich.”

He joyfully munched his sandwiches alone when all of a sudden a dark-skinned man and a kid, about 5 years old appeared. The man didn’t have tidy clothes, while the boy with him also looked tired and unclean.

Being taught to always be kind, he offered them a sandwich, “Want some? I got a lot of them.”

There was a giant, dark scaled, yellow-eyed dragon sitting in the middle of Manhattan, how could any muggle digest that so easily? The man’s face went pale, he wanted to run but his legs froze. “Christopher… r-run…”

Yes, his son did run, towards the dragon, he cheered, “Woah, are you dragon from fairy tales? You look so cool.”

Duck blushed, “Hehe… I am actually better than those dragons. Here, eat some.”

The boy, trusting that dragons are noble creatures from various stories he had heard, innocently took a bit, his eyes shined, “DAD! This is so tasty!”

It took a few minutes for the man to realise that the dragon, or whatever the creature was, didn’t mean any harm, or he’d be dead by now. Instead, hearing his voice, the dragon seemed young and kind. He too went ahead and sat beside his son and took a bite. As soon as he did that, his body felt a surge of warmth and his eyes teared up.

Duck noticed it, “Oh, what happened? Are you sad?”

The man spoke in a breaking voice, “T-thank you… I-I don’t know who or what you are, because of you, we won’t have to sleep empty stomach.”

“Why would you sleep empty stomach?” Duck inquired.

*Sniff* The man introduced himself and told his story, “I am Chris Gardner, some years back, I invested my life’s savings in Bone Density scanners. However, they do not sell as they were just marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price. Because of lack of money, my wife left me, I lost my house, my bank account, my credit card, I am now working as an unpaid intern, but, I have no place to sleep or money to buy food right now for my son.”

“What’s a credit card? And your wife is a bad girl. Dad often says a friend in need is a friend indeed.” Duck replied, still munching on food.

Gardner chuckled, “You are right, Mr… Dragon. And a Credit card is what you use to pay for money as a quick loan from a bank.”

“REALLY?! I want one…” Duck exclaimed.

“AAAAAA…” all of a sudden a scared shriek resounded and a man ran away after noticing Duck.

Seeing this, Duck packed his bags, “Oopsie, I need to go. And I don’t understand what your problem is really about, I don’t know what a cone density maker is, but take this, this is my dad’s company, call them and say Annihi… Duck gave it to you. And… ummm…” He fiddled in his small bag.

The truth was, it was an expansion punch, hence it takes time to find things, “AH! Got it, dad taught me that in this world, you can buy things with money. Here, I can give you this much only. Okie, grandma said not to talk to strangers, bye-bye…”

Wagging his giant tail, he flew in the air, the little boy happily waved his hand, and the man was left in shock. Duck soon activated his invisibility and left the park.

Chris Gardner was left in shock, as once again tears covered his entire face this time, he stared at the sky for a long time, pinched himself to know if this was real, and then only one idea was in his mind, “Out of billions of people… it was a beast who showed me warmth and kindness at my lowest. I will return this favour one day, I promise.”

“Dad, what happened?” the little boy asked.

Chris Gardner smiled and ruffled his hair, “Let’s sleep in a warm room, Christopher. That angel helped us a lot.”

Duck, without knowing about the currency or monetary values of the world, had left behind a 5-kilo bar of gold with the man. In money value, it could feed the man and his son for months and get him shelter. For Duck, this was an act of obviousness, as helping people was what good boys do.

He didn’t even remember the man and the kid for long, he just thought, ~Where should I go now? Hmmm…~

[A/N: The father and son duo were from the movie called “The Pursuit of Happyness”, it’s based on real-life and it’s pretty sad.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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