
Chapter 408: Captain Pendragon

Chapter 408: Captain Pendragon

The final days of school had come. It was weird that when it was time to leave they felt reluctant, but on most other days they used to feel tired. So many memories were made here, so many fights were fought.

“Everyone, this may as well be the last party where I am present. But don’t worry, for I will keep sponsoring parties for years to come in Slytherin common room. Not to mention, the day my siblings turn old enough they too shall come here.” Magnus announced it to all the juniors.

He was hosting a big event, a farewell party of sorts. Most of the 7th years who were soon going to leave the school already had job letters in their hands so everyone let themselves go. It was all thanks to Magnus’ vast industries that employed wizards.

“Everyone, the time spent in this hall has been like living with a family. So much has changed, initially, when I came here the atmosphere was that of fear, that foolish Lucious was ruining everything with his homoerotic love for Voldemort. But, I was able to push him back.

“Then, I launched a war on the depressing atmosphere in this hall, bringing in music and television, parties every weekend. I am really happy that you all could forget the foolish pride, it literally does not matter if you’re a pure-blood, half-blood, muggle-born or a muggle, because, in the end, we all are buried in the ground.

“So, if our destination is the same, why mess around? This year, I will become the official king of the United Kingdom, the country is far bigger than before, we have a land of the same size as England, Wales and Scotland in Africa, called Zimbabwe, now known as Greater Britain. We have vast lands in the Sahara desert, called Arthurland. We have many more territories around the world.

“Everyone, my goal is peace, peace across the world. Not just in the wizarding but muggle world too. Because when we will have peace, maybe muggles and wizards can come out in the open and live together. So, I hope many of you will help me in the coming years in fulfilling this dream.

“Thank you for being amazing friends,” he ended his small speech meant for the Slytherin friends. Most were his juniors, however.

After this, the party started. All kinds of food and beverages were available. Even the alcoholic ones, but these were only for those who were above eighteen years of age. Sad for Emma, she could not drink them.

“This is unfair, if I can’t drink it why did you even bring these?” She complained.

“It ain’t my fault you were born in September. AH!… so good, so refreshing.” He tried to make her feel jealous.

Ragnar patted her shoulder, “It’s okay, Emma, it’s not even that good. Most alcohol tastes bitter as hell. I don’t even understand why people drink it, but again, it’s probably got something to do with age. As we grow we also turn bitter and start liking bitter things… maybe.”

“Oh, that’s deep,” Severus muttered.

“That’s what she said,” Ragnar blurted.

“She’s dead, remember?” Severus countered with another attack that hit straight at the boy’s heart.

*Sigh* “Oh my Freya, anyway, I just remembered something. Guys, would you like to go to Norway with me? I want to find out the background and origin of my family name. There has to be something, right?” Ragnar asked them.

Magnus quickly agreed, patting his back, “Of course, we will. You don’t even have to ask, brother. In fact, let’s head there as soon as our exams are over.”

“Thanks, everyone.” Ragnar was honestly nervous about going there alone. He had no idea what he would find and it might also bring back his memories of family.

“Forget all that now, just enjoy the party,” Magnus boomed and moved to dance with his girl.

Magnus’ Dragon Service Asia Division decided to start working on their plan to solve the mess that was India and Pakistan. What did these two countries suffer the most from? Poverty, illiteracy, crap healthcare, corruption. And above all, socialistic policies.

Pakistan was in bed with the USA, while India was in bed with USSR. Both were just being used by the two giants. While their population lives in bad conditions. They didn’t even start liberalising their economy and kept it closed.

And what’s the best distraction when the population is angry, poor and starving? Simple, the blame game starts. Both countries would fight each other, blame each other and whatnot.

It was a mess and Magnus knew that in order to get these countries straight he needs to take over their political fields because as long as they remain unchanged, all these problems will never go away, after all, no king wants to give away his powers on his own.

After picking up two small political parties from both countries, Dragon Service started training candidates into becoming the best speaker, a charismatic leader and above all, a true believer in what Magnus stood for.

After this, all they had to do was bring down the current government by unearthing their scams, corruption scandals with the help of MEDA. As Magnus fed the world’s media every year, he had a firm grip on what was being shown.

Dragon Service came extra hard on Pakistan, however, the reason was simple. It was too unstable. Since the creation of the nation, it has faced 3 successful and 1 unsuccessful coup. Even recently, a four-star general, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq had taken over the nation in a coup last year. The man was an experienced world war two veteran. But he was pressing for more religiousness.

Magnus was against this, religion should never be pushed. It should be allowed to take a natural root, and if it is as great as everyone preaches it to be then it will spread on its own.

Meanwhile, in India, he had no respect for the current ruling political party. Although it was pretty progressive as a woman was the Prime Minister, for the second time in fact. But it was a fact that a single political party had been ruling the nation ever since its independence in 1947. It’s been 31 damn years and the nation was still as backwards as ever, despite so many human resources and absolute majority power in the hands of the government.

Just look at Japan for fuck’s sake, they were in a mess after the war. But they stood back up. Hence, Dragon Service decided it was time to demolish these old bones of the nation.

While in Pakistan the route taken was both political and militaristic, in India the route taken was only political. Huge scandals and mass corruption were reported and publicised in newspapers. Evidence was given as clear as a day. Every single day someone was apologising, people and ministers getting sacked.

Soon, the people of both nations were clear that their country was being run by shrewd hyenas, not mighty lions. Being in such a vulnerable position, slowly the political parties Magnus supported started gaining momentum and winning. Each state or district they would win would start getting a lot of foreign investment. This simple news was fitted in the mind of every single man and woman in both nations and all they could think of was globalisation now.

They started talking less about war, caste and religion, more about employment, health and development. This was a paradigm shift in the mentality of the people that could not have happened without mass secret campaigns.

This was a proven fact, if the population was backward and regressive, the political parties would try to pander to that regressive thinking. If the population wanted schools and hospitals, those in power would have to satisfy them. Hence, in a democracy, the direction the country goes to is actually in the hands of the people, as they shall get what they demand. But most often, they demand stupid things. In rare cases, some politician would come who would on his own initiative bring good reforms. But this was so rare that it almost never happens.

Magnus was the solution to this since he would hold the sword of Damocles over the necks of those in power.

1978 was the year Magnus was going to take the crown. The queen had started the arrangements for her abdication and Magnus’ ascension. She was sad, but not very much. What Magnus had promised her years ago, that he wanted good for the nation, had turned into a reality.

“Yes, I want you to appoint him as a captain in SAS. He’s already fought in Korea, everyone knows that.” Queen Elizabeth requested the Minister of Defence and the Chief of Staff of the Army.

“Your Majesty, we were just awaiting his orders for when he will start the service.” the General replied.

Queen Elizabeth had a different opinion, “No, he’s already working. When NASA sent astronauts to space, all of them were from the military. Magnus, Ragnar and Bobby will be going to space, it’s better we give them military rank as well. It’s a private company and a private venture but by doing this we will be able to include government participation.”

It made sense. So it was promptly decided to make the three officers in the Royal Air Force. Magnus being the highest ranked, a Captain of SAS. While the other two would be honorary Lieutenants.

*ACHOO* “Who called me Bobby now?” Bobby, in his office, grunted. Thinking it must be Magnus. Sadly, even the queen was calling him Bobby.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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