
Chapter 147: What Now

I look up and jump up in a straight line .

I could see a herd of hyenas migrating in the distance . It’s the first time I’ve flown so high .

The weight of my body was starting to take toll and my ascension speed gradually slowed down .

Not yet, I can still fly up .

After finally coming to a stop in the air I looked over my surroundings . Most of what I saw was just sand . No ships or other islands could be seen on the ocean . Even if there were just migratory birds would give me a little hope, but nothing .

Is there seriously no other city around besides that walled city . Should I try looking around a little more?

I flap my wings but I don’t rise in altitude . Looks like my momentum from jumping has already disappeared, and it looks like I cant rise anymore with the strength of my wings alone . Not only did I fly all the way to my limit but I also managed to break my posture .

I need to recover, this is actually a pretty risky situation . When I thrust my center of gravity to the left to fix myself, my body turned over . Due to my impatience it backfired, this is dangerous . I was awkwardly falling while flailing my limbs around .

After magnificently crashing down on my shoulder raising a sand cloud, I slowly rose . It was a good thing I had [[Fall Resistance]] .

Without that, it may have been the end of me .

While I was falling I happen to catch a glimpse of that one soldier captain who had attacked me before in the distance .

What was his name… . bald? Dutz? It looked like it straddled a three headed camel with something . I was uneasy as to whether he would be able to escape safely after the horse ran away, but it seems my worry was unneeded . I think that camel was pretty slow but…I think that bald man will be able to make it alright .


「What, was there something?」

With the thought in my head sent with [[Telepathy]] I shook my head . This is troubling . If we don’t find another city soon I will have to send Nina back to that walled city .

Nina was watching over mine and the ball rabbits conversation with uneasiness . I better explain the situation to Nina . I need to tell her about my [[Dragon Scale Powder]], and about the plan to find a good place for her since I can’t stay together for a long time . I also need to raise my skill level, I should explain this with [[Human Transformation]] .

Lets see, the amount of time I could spend as a human is… . .


Race: Evil Plague Dragon

State: Normal

Lv: 44/75

HP: 302/344

MP: 237/237

Alright, 237 seconds… . that’s almost four minutes .

The conversation will be smoother than before, and that should be enough . Although, I’d like to at least leave around 50 MP . Also, if I’m not able to explain everything in time, I can just have the ball rabbit be the translator like always . I can just ask it to use [[Telepathy]] from the start but I also want to talk to people occasionally .


I give a low growl to get Nina’s and the ball rabbits attention . After making eye contact with Nina I use [[Human Transformation]] .

As before, my whole body heats up and compresses to human size . At first I almost fainted due to the heat and pain but now I’m used to it . I hope the duration and my appearance is better . I can still only call myself half lizardman and half human .

Nina guessing that I wanted to talk to her, looked over to the ball rabbit and made a firm expression before going in front of me . No, you don’t need that much resolution to face me… . You can at least trust me a bit more .

“I have miasma, Nina being here will poison . We can’t be together for long . Need to find somewhere to put you, but this place unfamiliar . If this continues, I will have to go to that city you were before . ” (Irushia)

“…… . ” (Nina)

“You have somewhere? I know that place bad, but we may have to go to the wall city . ” (Irushia)

This is a similar question I’ve asked before . When I asked last time I was told that there was no place to go, but I need to reconfirm it . If I tell her the situation how it is and show that there are no other options there is a chance that a place she was silent about before will come out .

Even returning to that walled city won’t be possible right away . If we continue to travel with no destination then we will have to leave you in the desert or the [[Dragon Scale Powder]] curse will kill you . I need to take her somewhere before then .

After hearing my words, Nina’s ears hang down and her head slowly follows suit……If only there was more time to spend searching, but we are running short on options .

Me and Nina were not saying anything to each other, just standing face to face . Since my MP will run out at this rate I need to say something .

“… . Body will fall ill with curse, should have said earlier . ” (Irushia)

It was confirmed with the ball rabbit that after sometime an abnormal status will appear on their body . When the ball rabbit was coughing, the status was still normal .


The ball rabbit suddenly cried out . Nina looked towards the ball rabbit and after looking it in its eyes started gently stroking the ball rabbits head . Nina then makes a small nod and turns to me . I wonder what he said with [[Telepathy]] .

“… . . along the coast, where we went straight before, there is a small port city closer than Haranae . ” (Nina)

The direction is opposite to the walled city . So that walled city was called Haranae? I saw that name show up a lot on the status of those soldiers .

A port city huh… . .

Perhaps Nina and the other beastmen were brought to this continent by ship and it’s likely that they were on their way to Haranae by carriage from there . If so, even if we go to that port town, Nina’s treatment won’t be too great… .

“Umm, uhh the port city is close, and my body is still fine, So I can… . move slowly… . ” (Nina)


Has the speed so far been a burden on her? I tried to keep it steady as much as possible .

“…Returning to that port city… . I will be caught again…so until then…I’d like to travel slowly with Mr . Dragon, I won’t be a burden will I…? (Nina)

“… . Umm, yeah, we can do that” (Irushia)

“Th-Thank you very much nya!” (Nina)

I back up a few steps and release [[Human Transformation]] before Nina finished talking . My body expands and returns to its original dragon form . After changing back I quickly turn my back towards Nina and the ball rabbit .

I suddenly released [[Human Transformation]] not because of a lack of MP, it was still at about half . It was because I didn’t want them see the tears coming out of my eyes . Although I turned back into a dragon, the tears didn’t stop .

Is there anything else I could do instead of delivering Nina to the port city or Haranae? Whether it’s the port city or Haranae, Nina’s treatment there will be the same . That fat man who was kicking Nina and her fellow beastmen out of the carriage and laughing as they became monsters food is still fresh in my mind .

I won’t even be able to stick around to see what becomes of Nina after separating . Even if she were to enter the port city, there is a possibility that she will be killed anyway . If it’s going to be like that, then is there any meaning to what I’m doing?

I fought the huge centipede by risking my life, and looking at the result, did I just help that fat man?

“… . Mr . Dragon?”

Nina asked me a question behind me, but I couldn’t look back .

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