
Chapter 146 S-rank mission

Chapter 146 S-rank mission

"Sessions?" Old man Yu raised a brow upon hearing the word his grandson had just spouted. He wanted to believe that the session he was talking about was about ’that’ but knowing this grandson of his, he couldn’t help but doubt.

When Yu Chen didn’t answer, the old man curiously sidled towards him. "Xiao Chen, what kind of session?" he was curious and his face was screaming his desire to gossip. "Could it be that you’re talking about doing ’that’?"

Yu Chen who already returned his attention back to the documents in his hand finally lifted his face and looked at his grandfather. "That?"

"Yes, yes, ’that’."

"What do you mean by ’that’?"

". . ."

Yu Zhaohui’s shoulders dropped. ’I knew it! This damn grandson of mine still... ah, good grief!’

"Grandpa, it’s late. You have to go home now and rest."

"Don’t worry about an old man like me and just focus on your health!"

"You have nothing to worry about."

"I am talking about your sexual health! I can’t believe that you’ve been living with a woman for about a month now and yet, here you are, still painfully clueless!"

Old man Yu was suddenly so frustrated. That day he heard about the news that a girl was now living in his grandson’s house, he was overjoyed and extremely relieved as if he finally saw the sun rising again after decades of hopeless nights. Well, his fear that his grandson was actually bent was finally confirmed as false so how could he not be happy? However, seeing that he was still pretty much the same made him realize that it was still too early to celebrate. It seemed like the only time for him to relax was the moment when a baby was finally born.

And thus, just like that, the old man left Yu Chen’s room quietly in frustration.

Outside the house, the old man was suddenly glaring at Yu Chen’s men who were standing behind him. Of course, the men didn’t have any idea why the old master was suddenly glaring at them so they could only ask themselves what the hell did they do wrong.

"You people... what is your priority?" the old man suddenly asked.

The men, glanced at each other before they answered. "Protecting the boss, sir!"


"By shielding him from any harm and destroying anyone who will try to attack him."

"Is that the best thing you can do to protect him?"

There were invisible question marks above the men’s head. They were obviously confused as to why this old master was suddenly asking these questions.

"No sir, I believe destroying all his enemies before they attack is the best way to protect him!" one of the men stated but the old man smiled in disapproval.

"Wrong. The best thing you could do to protect him is by helping that wooden block boss of yours to finally make a move on his woman and make her bear his child."

Yu Chen’s men: ". . ."

Yu Zhaohui: "You people are the ones who are always with him so this too is your responsibility. Lend him a hand about this matter, you understand what I mean?!"

Yu Chen’s men: "Y-yes sir."

"Good. You guys should do your best. Give him tips or something." The old man’s mood now turned a bit better and he shifted his gaze towards Gu Wei. "Gu Wei, come over."

"Er... yes sir!"

Inside the car, Yu Zhaohui’s hand was on Gu Wei’s shoulder as he spoke.

"I have a task for you." the old man said. His voice grave, as if he was about to give him a certain s-rank mission.

The intensity in the old man’s eyes made Gu Wei immediately became serious. And then his eyes blazed in excitement because judging from the old master’s expression, Gu Wei was certain that this must be a do or die mission and it thrilled him. "Please state it. If it’s for the boss, I’ll do it even if it will cost me my life."

"Good. As expected of you Gu Wei. Okay, now listen. This is your mission and you have to do this no matter what."

Gu Wei’s heartbeat started beating wild because of the anticipation. It’s been a long while since he was given an extreme mission so this was giving him quite the thrill and he couldn’t wait anymore.

’C’mon sir, tell me now!’ he was screaming inside him.

Old man Yu: "You have to make him watch these."

Gu Wei: ". . ."

Yu Zhaohui gave him a phone and the speechless Gu Wei received it. When he glanced at the screen, he could see folders which was labeled as ’confidential’.

’H-huh?! My mission is to make him watch?! Sir, are you kidding me?!! But wait... could it be that these video contains a real extreme confidential matter that could make the boss go berserk?! That must be it, because if that’s the case, it is still indeed an s-rank mission.’

"Sir, I will do it."

"Good. Now go and execute your mission Gu Wei."

"Er... now?"

"Yes, you must show that to him before his fiancée arrive."

"O-okay, copy that, sir."

Gu Wei finally moved and pushed the car’s door open. He was about to climb out but the old man spoke again.

"No matter what happens, make him watch it." he reminded in a very serious tone and Gu Wei nodded.

"Yes, sir."

After the old master’s car left, Gu Wei didn’t waste a moment and he entered Yu Chen’s house. His expression was serious as he walked upstairs.

He lightly knocked on Yu Chen’s bed room and upon pushing the door open, he saw that his boss was still reading documents.

Gu Wei’s eyes then fell to the two little buns sleeping beside him and he immediately thought about getting them out of this room first. He knew how dangerous Yu Chen was when he lost control of himself so taking these little buns out is a must.

"What is it?" Yu Chen’s voice was weak and he spoke without looking at Gu Wei.

"Uhm... boss. Don’t you want to monopolize Miss Luo tonight? How about I’ll take the twins in the attic? They kinda like it there and Juu and Kyuu will be there to watch them." Gu Wei started. He was prepared for some coaxing and negotiation to quickly make Yu Chen agree but to his surprise, the man didn’t disagree. He instead, looked at the little buns sleeping faces for a while before he nodded at him.

"Okay, take them there." He said and Gu Wei was relieved.

When everything was done and the twins were now soundly sleeping in the attic, Gu Wei quickly returned to Yu Chen’s room.

"Why are you still here?" Yu Chen asked and Gu Wei exhaled before he walked towards him.

’Here we go Gu Wei! This is a mission personally given by the old master so you must do this.’

With a serious and brave expression, Gu Wei stood beside Yu Chen and slightly bent towards him. He didn’t have any more moment to spare because he knew that Luo Xiaolei was already on her way back, so there was no more beating around the bush.

"Boss, I have something to show you." he said and his grave expression caused Yu Chen to become serious as well.

He knew that when this playful man was like this, it only means that there was something serious going on.

Putting the documents down on his lap, Yu Chen took the phone Gu Wei was giving him.

"No matter what, please watch it." Gu Wei’s voice was severe, increasing the brewing tension in the air.

Yu Chen didn’t speak anymore and he stared at the ’confidential’ folder. After some few seconds, he finally tapped it.

And then, the highly confidential video started playing...

"Ahh, ahh, ahh!" Abruptly, an erotic voice of woman echoed inside the room and the two men immediately turned into stone.

They were so shocked they just froze right there and they even stopped breathing for a moment.

"Ahh... ahh... Mmm... ahhh..." the voice continued and Yu Chen’s gripped on the phone tightened as if he was planning to crumple it.

Gu Wei finally came to his senses the instant Yu Chen turned his blade-like deadly gaze towards him, making him gasp in horror.


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