
Chapter 720 Damien

Fein\'s dream began with a black void that stretched out endlessly. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the distance. As it approached, Fein could see that it was a being with a form he couldn\'t comprehend, a 10th-dimensional being named Damien. Surrounding Damien were a hundred thousand other 10th-dimensional beings, all united in their goal to kill Damien.

Damien\'s clothing was already tattered, and his eyes showed a hint of aloofness as he surveyed the gathered beings. Despite this, none of the others were willing to make the first move, paralyzed by fear of Damien\'s final attack. Damien was known as the strongest, smartest, and most evil being in the 10th dimension. He had done many deeds that crossed the bottom line, always result-oriented and focused on achieving his goals at any cost.

Finally, Damien spoke. "Are you all so afraid of me that you won\'t even try to attack?" he asked, a hint of indifference in his voice. "If you won\'t make the first move, then I will!"

With that, Damien charged at the gathered beings, his form blurring as he moved faster than any of them could comprehend. The other beings scattered, some trying to flee, some attempting to defend themselves. But it was too late. Damien struck out with a massive blast of energy that destroyed everything around him.

As the dust cleared, Fein could see that half of the hundred thousand beings were gone, consumed in the blast. Damien was still standing, his clothing even more tattered than before. But instead of triumph, Fein sensed a hint of loneliness and regret from the being.

"I pursued the path of immortality, even in the face of death," Damien said, his voice barely above a whisper. "And now, I am one step closer to ascending to the 11th dimension. I expected that there\'s a minimal chance I would succeed. But to think that I would fail this early..."

The other 10th-dimensional beings began to speak up, recounting all of Damien\'s past deeds that crossed the line, his ruthless tactics and manipulations that allowed him to rise to the top.

"You were willing to sacrifice entire planets just to achieve your goals!" One being shouted.

"You destroyed entire civilizations in your path!" Another added.

"And what about the time you created a black hole just to eliminate a rival? Countless innocent lives were lost!" A third spoke up.

Damien simply listened with indifference, his eyes glinting with a cold and calculated intelligence. He had always known that his methods were extreme, but he firmly believed that they were necessary to achieve his ultimate goal - ascending to the 11th dimension.

"I did what was necessary," he said calmly, "and I will continue to do so until I reach my destination. Death is just another obstacle to be overcome."

The beings surrounding him shuddered at his words, realizing that he was beyond reason or mercy. They knew that they had to take action before he could cause any more harm, but the thought of attacking the strongest among them filled them with fear.

One being finally spoke up, "We have to do it. We can\'t let him continue like this."

The others nodded in agreement, but still hesitated to make the first move. Damien\'s clothing was already tattered from their earlier attacks, but they knew that he still had a final attack left in him that could obliterate them all.

As they stood frozen, Damien spoke his final words, "I may die today, but my legacy will live on. And know that even in the face of death, I do not regret a single thing. I die in pursuit of greatness."

With those words, Damien suddenly exploded, self-destructing and taking the remaining beings with him. Fein woke up, feeling a sense of unease lingering from the dream.

The environment in Fein\'s dream was indescribable, with no recognizable features or structures. The 10th-dimensional beings were amorphous and constantly shifting, with colors that seemed to change and swirl on their surface. Damien, however, was a towering presence, radiating strength and power even in his weakened state.

\'Is that 10th-dimensional being where we came from?\'


Fein opened his eyes with a cold sweat on his forehead. He pulled himself and sat in the bed with his straight back.

\'System, is that dream manifestation of Damien\'s life?\'

System: Yes, because the host have just fused with another fragment, Niki. Some memories of Damien would appear on your mind at a random time at a random form. It maybe a dream or hallucinations. So host, if one day, you stepped on the 10th dimension, be careful of the next generations.

Fein was taken aback by the system\'s warning. "What do you mean, \'the next generations\'?" he asked.

The system replied, "Damien had many followers who believed in his philosophy. They have passed on his teachings to their children and grandchildren. These descendants are the next generations of 10th-dimensional beings. They are fiercely loyal to Damien and his legacy, and they will see you as his successor or fragment. What\'s more, there\'s also the descendatants of Damien\'s enemies.

Fein\'s expression turned grave. "What does that mean for me?"

eαglesnᴏνel The system replied, "If you ever enter the 10th dimension, you will be seen as the enemy of the next generations and all 10th dimensional beings there. They will see you as a threat to the 10th dimension and universe itself, and they will not hesitate to eliminate you."

Fein pondered this for a moment. "But I defeated Niki. Doesn\'t that mean I am different from Damien?"

The system replied, "You may have defeated Niki, but you are still a part of Damien. You are his successor, and your actions will be seen as a reflection of his legacy."

Fein sighed. "I don\'t want to be like Damien. I don\'t want to be seen as his successor."

The system replied, "Unfortunately, that is the reality of your situation. You must be prepared for the consequences of your actions."

Fein nodded solemnly. "I understand. I will be careful."

As Fein and the system finished their conversation, Fein couldn\'t shake the feeling of unease that settled in his stomach. He knew that if he ever stepped into the 10th dimension, he would be seen as a threat. But he also knew that he couldn\'t let fear hold him back from his pursuit of knowledge and power.

He left the system, deep in thought, and went out into the city. As he walked, he couldn\'t help but wonder what the future held for him. Would he become like Damien, consumed by his desire for power and greatness? Or would he forge his own path, different from his predecessor?

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