
Chapter 951 Disappearance Of Leveling Function

Once candidates had been qualified, they were allowed to campaign and present their platforms and visions for the future of the unified lands. Fein encouraged a spirited and respectful campaign, where candidates engaged in debates, town hall meetings, and rallies to connect with the people and gain their support.

On the day of the election, eligible citizens exercised their right to vote, casting their ballots to choose their preferred candidates. Fein ensured that the voting process was secure, transparent, and accessible to all, implementing measures such as voter registration, precincts, and the use of reliable voting machines or manual ballots.

The term of the president and vice president was set at six years, with a maximum of one re-election. This allowed the elected leaders ample time to implement their policies, initiatives, and reforms while ensuring a healthy turnover of power and preventing prolonged stays in office that could lead to abuses of power.

In addition to the executive branch, Fein also established a Senate composed of elected senators. These senators served as representatives of the different regions or districts within the unified lands. Their role was to draft and pass legislation, provide checks and balances on the executive branch, and represent the interests of their constituents.

Senators served terms of six years, with staggered elections to ensure that there was continuity in governance and a balance of experienced and fresh perspectives within the legislative body. This system aimed to foster a robust democracy, where multiple voices and viewpoints could contribute to the decision-making process.

Fein\'s meticulous planning and implementation of the electoral system aimed to create a government that would be accountable, representative, and responsive to the needs of the people. By establishing term limits and a rigorous election process, he sought to prevent the concentration of power, encourage accountability, and ensure a smooth transition of leadership for the unified lands.

As Fein bid farewell to his role as the leader, he expressed his confidence in the electoral system he had put in place. He believed that the unified lands would continue to thrive under the guidance of capable and dedicated leaders who would uphold the principles of progress, justice, and the well-being of all citizens. Bullshit! Of course, he would be the one behind the scenes.

Of course, it\'s not only about the unified land... Fein\'s personal growth and development reached new heights in the past years, both in terms of his personal abilities and the prosperity of the unified lands. After successfully ascending to the SSS-rank realm, Fein was stoked about his increased speed, physical strength, and mastery of various spells and techniques. He didn\'t forget that strength is the foundation of everything. So even though he look busy as the ruler of the unified land, he\'s actually just overseeing the general direction. But the ones executing it were the capable people under him... In other words, it all thanks to people under him that acts as qualified tool man.

Fein didn\'t waste any time in adapting to his upgraded power level. He hit the training grounds hard, putting in the sweat and effort to harness his newfound strength. With lightning-fast reflexes and movements smoother than silk, he could outpace anyone and deliver devastating blows.

But Fein\'s physical prowess was just the tip of the iceberg. His magical abilities had also skyrocketed. He delved into the depths of arcane knowledge, exploring advanced branches of magic that most folks didn\'t even know existed. His spell repertoire grew, giving him a wide range of tricks up his sleeve to handle any situation.

With all these upgrades under his belt, Fein was brimming with confidence. He was convinced that if he were to face off against the Demon God again, the big bad would be no match for him. The Demon God would be scrambling for the hills while Fein served up a can of whoop-ass.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow across the city, Fein and Michael found themselves seated in a bustling restaurant, their plates filled with delectable dishes. The aroma of freshly cooked meals wafted through the air, mingling with the lively chatter and clinking of cutlery.

Fein\'s exhaustion was palpable, etched onto his face as he took a moment to lean back in his chair and let out a weary sigh. The weight of ruling the entire world had taken its toll on him, and he longed for a reprieve from the responsibilities that weighed him down.

Sensing his friend\'s fatigue, Michael couldn\'t help but chuckle. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he unleashed a stream of jokes, aiming to lighten the mood and bring a smile to Fein\'s face. Laughter erupted from both of them, filling the restaurant with a contagious energy that lifted the spirits of those around them.

In the midst of their laughter, Fein\'s expression turned serious, a hint of concern crossing his features. He leaned in closer to Michael, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "You know, being an SSS-rank has its drawbacks too," Fein confided.

Michael raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Oh? What\'s been troubling you, my friend?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine concern.

Fein took a moment to gather his thoughts, the weariness still evident in his eyes. "Ever since I reached the pinnacle of power and became an SSS-rank, my magical and degu energy growth seems to have hit a plateau. It\'s as if I\'ve reached a ceiling, unable to ascend any further," he admitted with a hint of frustration.

The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of Fein\'s realization. He had become the epitome of strength, surpassing all expectations, but now he found himself facing an unexpected obstacle. It was a humbling experience, reminding him that even the mightiest of warriors had their limitations.

Fein also told Michael of his system just like what how he did to Voli. Since he now stand at the peak of the world and became the strongest. He doesn\'t have anything to worry about. As the one that rules the world, he can not act overbearingly because he have the strength to back him up. Of course, he only told it to Michael and Voli because he believe on their strength and he trust them fully.

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