
Chapter 922 - The Inner Kingdom: Dark Alchemist

Chapter 922


It turns out that the employees in the merchant association have been instructed that if they see someone that sells unique things, they would be sent to the merchant association chief. And he would then determine if that person is the right one from the picture in his drawer.

The picture came from Central Town in the outer world, so he can clearly determine the face of Shin Jiao in one look.

"I guess you have looked at many people already…" Shin Jiao said with a smile.

"Haha… That\'s right, I never would have really expected that you would visit but, when I heard that the radio began to be circulated from Fushaun village, I knew that you have arrived. We are expecting you for a while now."

"By the way, I am Marcus Jing; I am the manager of the merchant association of Zepa city in the inner kingdom." the man introduce himself.

Shin Jiao extended his hand for a shake. Though the man looks amiable he still did not trust him, so he just perfunctory shakes hands with the guy.

The two talked for a while, and Shin Jiao showed him the terraforming agent which could revitalize the soil outside of the city.

When Marcus Jing saw this, he was a bit skeptical of trusting Shin Jiao. But he also could not deny the fact that the guy in front of him is someone amazing and has done a lot of impossible things in the outer world.

And so he just nodded his head while looking at the green liquid inside the bottle.

"Master Shin, I believe that you know that we could not try this thing outside. With the presence of those radical groups within the city hall, my hands are tied, and could not do anything except offer you shelter and food. For others, I could not do anything as my hands are tied. I dare not offend those crazy people."

"What is happening in the city?" Shin Jiao asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hmm… How do I say this… This city is under the management of the people under Duke Malin Guard. And he is the one who controls everything in this place… For many years now, the city has been this desolate and the land outside of it became a dead land."

When Shin Jiao heard the name of the duke, he just showed a slight frown.

"Do you mean… dark magic?" he asked.

"No… Duke Malin Guard is an Arch Mage. He is among the people trusted by the king and one of the light mages who fought in the war. When they occupied this city, more than 20 years ago, before the defeat of the dark god believers, everything suddenly changed."

"So the duke is already occupying this city under the nose of the dark god believers?"

"Yes, but he is neutral… he does not discriminate against those that believe in the Dark God Ruel."

"Hmm… Where is the duke now?"

"Well, he is staying in his castle." Marcus Jing said while pointing to the northern part of the city.

In that direction, there is a tall castle on top of a small hill.

"So he is like the king of this city then…"

"Kinda… But people would not dare visit that place. Many said that it is a spooky place…"

After listening to Marcus Jing, Shin Jiao got the gist of the situation in Zepa city. It seems the city is under the rule of Duke Malin Guard and many are suspecting him to be colluding with a dark mage that cast a curse in the city.

Though this is not proven yet, still Shin Jiao has the inkling that it might be correct. From the evidence that he has seen and the things he noticed, he is sure that it is around 70% correct. Though there is still some doubt in his heart on how the Duke could have done such a thing.

Shin Jiao decided to leave the merchant association and came back to his inn.

When he enters, a person suddenly stood in front of him and greeted him.

"Mr. Jiao… My master wanted to talk to you…" the man said.

The man looks pale and his sunken eyes look a bit scary. However, what surprise Shin Jiao is the man\'s heartbeat.

This is because… he has none.

Shin Jiao walks to the dining room of the inn where many people are eating. He then gets seated in front of a black hooded man sitting calmly next to the window.

This is the first time that Shin Jiao noticed this many people inside the inn. Last night when he enters, he could barely see anyone. Plus those that are in the inn stayed inside their rooms and eating their own food.

It seems that the people are more vigilant than he thought they would be at that time.

However, tonight something seems different.

"Mr. Jiao… please, sit down…" the man in the black cloak said while gesturing for Shin Jiao to sit.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure?" Shin Jiao asked as he takes his seat.

"Hmm… You don\'t have to know my name. You just have to know that if you do not follow my words, I assure you that you cannot leave this place… alive." The man threatened.

Upon hearing this, Shin Jiao could not help but chuckle.

"You mock my words, Mr. Jiao?" the man suddenly said as he stops drinking his tea.

He puts the teacup on the table and looks at Shin Jiao.

When he lifted his head, his eyes were shown. The glowing eyes of the man look like two red eyes of a demon.

"We already knew who you are… But we are not afraid of you…" the man said.

"I actually don\'t have a problem with you… dark mages. But should you all just wait for 100 years after your defeat before you can try and start a war again?" Shin Jiao said.

When the man heard this, his expression suddenly changed. Then he looks at Shin Jiao and he turned serious.

"I guess you know something. But I would just like to tell you this… Ever since your appearance, the dark god Ruel has already told us that he would make a move. The light mages have become stronger ever since your appearance a few months ago. And this has caused us to be alarmed. If the people stayed in darkness and ignorance, then we could just let it be. But now, because of your arrival and intervention, everything is in chaos. We cannot let this be. So the dark god has already sent his command to terminate you and your people." the man said.

When Shin Jiao heard this he frowned. This is because, he just discovered that Ruel has actually not cycled out, but instead began talking with his worshipers. He seems to be commanding them about his destruction.

If this is true, then he would be in a fight against a deity-level existence and that would not be advantageous for Shin Jiao.

The hooded man with red glowing eyes suddenly stood up and waves his hand. Fine dust was suddenly thrown in the air and spread all over the place.

Those that are in the vicinity suddenly lost consciousness.

Luckily for her, Yemei Yin did not follow him this time. If not she would have fallen for this man\'s trap.

Suddenly, Shin Jiao stood up and looks at the man.

The man confidently glared at him and then smirked.

Shin Jiao\'s figure began to wobble as he subconsciously held to the chair. Then his figure fell to the ground and became unconscious. The man laughed as he waves his hand. The people waiting in the far corner of the dining hall walked towards them.

Those people who have fainted suddenly regained consciousness and as if they are being controlled. They walk out of the dining area of the inn in a uniform manner.

"Prepare the army… We will subdue Fashuan Village tomorrow at dawn…" he commanded as he walks out.

"Carry him with us…" he added before leaving.

The hooded man puts back his hood and walks out of the inn. The people behind him carried the unconscious Shin Jiao and put him inside the carriage.

While inside the carriage, the man takes off his cloak and reveals a scrawny-looking young man with red glowing eyes. He has no hair and his limbs are very thin.

But on his body, there are many vials and liquid potions inside the many pockets of his robe.

"Hehe… I will be happy to dissect that brain of yours and see how it ticks. Maybe I can even extract some of the knowledge in there to improve my body… Hehe…" the man chuckled.

He was old to capture the man named Shin Jiao and sent him to the Duke, but before he does that, he would do something to him first. He needed to get something from that mind of the man which has piqued his interest.

So the direction they are heading right now is not in the Duke mansion but towards his own laboratory.

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