
Chapter 1107 - Myrth: 78

Chapter 1107


As Xin Ja takes a carriage to go home, he rested his head on the side and closes his eyes to relax after the whole day of class. He showed a faint smile on his face as he felt a bit contented with what he has done today.

"Hmm… Helping others is not that bad after all…" he muttered to himself.

He then frowns upon remembering the challenge of that teacher. He truly hated those kinds of people. Although he knew that not everyone is like that, yet he also knew that there are always people who think like Teacher Ma. They are those that look down on others and would always think highly of themselves.

Well, he could not deny the fact, that those kinds of people are the ones who always move to the higher ladder in life. Being timid and all would not help you if you wanted to be at the top. You can only be shameless, proud, and talented in any aspect if you truly wanted to reach the top.

But of course, that is not Xin Ja\'s personality. Although their family is now rich, he is still the same Xin Ja, the shy and ignorant boy.

Upon thinking to this point, he could not help but chuckle to himself.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped which jolted Xin Ja to open his eyes.

"Student… it seems that there is trouble ahead… I… I…" the coachman stuttered as Xin Ja could sense fear in his words.

"It is okay… I will get off in here…" Xin Ja said heaving a deep sigh.

In his heart, he feels a bit afraid, but at the same time seemed to have accepted this kind of trouble.

In the forest, you will not know who your enemy is as, in that place, everyone is your enemy. The weak will succumb to the strong… that is the rule of the forest.

When he takes a step down from the carriage, his temperament has already changed and his mindset transformed.

The shy and timid person is already gone and has now changed into the person whom he would always be when going to the forest… a hunter.

"Haha… He\'s not that cowardly after all…" a man said with a hood covering his face.

"Is he really the idiot son of Xin Jong?"

"Yeah, he is… But it seems that the rumors are wrong about him…"

"Haha… Let\'s just get it over with… Do not kill him. Just cripple him or something… We do not want that Xin Jong getting crazy and cause trouble in the town…"

While the people began to surround Xin Ja, he stood there calmly and loosen the tie on his robe. He carefully hides his right hand inside and from his space takes out the Ki buster.

"Since you guys wanted to cripple me, then, you should not blame me for what happens to you, right?" Xin Ja thought as he takes a low fighting stance.

Suddenly, from afar something came flying towards him.


The loud sound of metal hitting against metal sounded in the air.

And from that, the figure of Xin Ja was sent flying to the side of the street.

Xin Ja was taken by surprise as he did not expect that a crossbow would be used to attack him. And from the trajectory of that crossbow, it is aiming for his heart. He knew that someone is aiming for his life. But luckily for him, he is holding a shield bone rune in his hand and was able to protect himself with the sacrifice of the rune. However, the impact still gives him significant damage making him feel that his internal organs were shifted.

As he picks himself up, he spews a mouthful of blood and glared at the people before him.

Xin Ja quickly ran to the dark alleyway while holding his chest.

"Chase after him! Do not let him get away?!" shouted the leader of the hooded men.

"Who was that? Who attacked him?" someone suddenly asked while running after Xin Ja.

"Who cares!… That person has his own plan, and we have our orders… just stick to your jobs!" shouted the leader.

While the group chases after Xin Ja the shadow of the person from the roof also began chasing after them.

"Damn it… I did not expect that he would be wearing rune shield…" the man said with a sinister glare.

Xin Ja ran as fast as he could and takes out his only healing pill. He has been keeping this for a while now just in case of an emergency.

After taking the pill, he could feel a warm sensation inside his body and he knew that his internal body is being healed by the pill.

He soon arrives at the end of the alley and with a flick of his fingers he quickly threw out the camouflage array. And after activating it his figure suddenly vanished.

Then he began forming one array after another behind that camouflage array after seeing the group running after him.

"Where is he?"

"He… He just vanished?"

"No… be careful everyone! Our master told us that this guy is a very tricky one…" the leader commanded as they all began taking out their weapons.

The leader of the group is a 5th level Ki fighter, and the rest are 3rd and 4th level. From their lineup alone, Xin Ja knew that he is going to have a tough fight. Plus there is another shadow lurking in the dark which he could tell judging from his hearing.

He did not know how he offended them that they would do such a thing. However, he has already experienced the darkness of the human heart and he knew that in some of those small conflicts he has in school, one of those people has sent these men against him.

"Well, two can play in that game…" Xin Ja thought as he already planned to retaliate once he is able to escape this predicament.

"Let\'s test the waters first…" Xin Ja thought while he flings two needles towards the people outside the camouflage array which is slowly walking near.

Swoosh!!! Swoosh!!!

Ting!!! Ting!!!

To his surprise, the needles were quickly blocked by his targets. From this, he already knew of the quickness of the reflexes of his opponent.

But Xin Ja showed a faint smile on his face while looking at the group. There are around ten people, and all of them are ranked higher than he is. Although he felt nervous, yet in his heart, he is more excited.

"Time to test out your true capability…" he thought as he lifted the Ki buster and pointed it at the first person almost approaching the camouflage array.

If that person walks through it, he would be ending up in a trap array he has prepared. That trap array is only a beguiling array as he has no time to set up the quagmire array which he likes to use.


A loud sound reverberates through the air which startled everyone. Then he saw the arm of the person ahead of them flying off his shoulder.

They did not see what happened, it was just a flash of silver then the right arm of their companion was suddenly blasted.

The screaming sound of the guy filled the alleyway and everyone with him suddenly takes a step back.

"What was that?" shouted the leader in panic.

He has not seen such a weapon before, and it made him feel afraid.

The person on the roof also showed a hint of astonishment in his eyes. He dare not come closer for fear of such a weapon… so he stayed in his spot.

At this time, the leader shouted to his underlings.

"That is just a single-use artifact! Do not be afraid! Let\'s attack him together!" he shouted as he suddenly charges.

The people behind him feel conflicted by upon seeing their leader rushing forwards they too feel excited and began running towards the place in front of them.

At this time, Xin Ja has finished reloading the Ki Buster which is a one-shot weapon prototype that Xin Ja made. Since this is his trial creation of a new artifact, he is unable to create the more complicated ones. He is using the alchemical mixture of fire crystal as a propellant and his Ki as the igniter.

The Ki buster is a simple tube where there is a small slot near the end where the handle is. That slot is where one should insert the ammunition which is made of fire crystal inside the cartridge and a ball as a propellant.

Once inserted, the bullet will be locked by a lever on the side.

Then all Xin Ja would have to do is to use his Ki to ignite the bullet. He has practiced loading and unloading the bullet which would take about 5 seconds max and more if he is nervous.

After firing the first shot, Xin Ja has already thought of ways on how to improve the weapon.. But for now, he needed to concentrate as he knew that the weapon has a weakness… its accuracy.

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