
Chapter 22 When The Forsaken Gather

People around the gate were now starting to crowd around the commotion. The earlier shouting of Hiro and the guards already drew the attention of bystanders. When Artorius came out and started smacking Hiro with his sheathed blade, people while careful not to get involved, tried to understand what was going on.

Most laughed when the trash swordsman covered in shit got thrown to the wall by the white knight. Others thought that the blood-drunk saint again decided to begin his power trips. But unexpectedly beyond the first exchange, Artorius unsheathed his sword and started charging a powerful skill!

The people then grew wary and left, but many wanted to see how shit-covered swordsman would react when confronted with overwhelming odds. News of their first duel made its rounds through word of mouth. Before being marked as a rapist and thief, many were impressed with Hiro.

Unbreakable, the moniker granted to him by the masses, news of him standing up to the brutality of Artorius grew like wildfire. Against the white knight\'s tyranny, wives were taken and husbands murdered yet no one gave them justice. When they heard that someone finally stood up to him, they only had one thought. \'It is possible.\'

Thus when their expectations of him were betrayed the citizenry hate Hiro with a passion. The one who gave them hope, the one to lead the way became nothing but a rapist just like Artorius, or so they thought.

When the people saw Hiro struggling to stand even after being trashed by the tyrant\'s mighty power they were in awe. When they saw him arm himself with a sword in an attempt to confront the impossible something inside them burned.

They felt their hearts grow hot in passion, this man represented them. He was weak, trampled to the point of certain death, but unlike them, the trash swordsman never bowed down. His condition after the duel became famous; the eggplant man.

To be beaten so badly your entire body turns purple. To have your eyes shut themselves due to swelling, to have bones broken yet continue to stand. To brace your legs to endure injustice beyond the point of consciousness.

Yes, the man in front of them started out like them; unlike them, he chose to move forward. Many who tried, succumbed after being beaten once. But not him, not the eggplant man. His second duel with Artorius two days after the first could be seen as proof of this.

They couldn\'t stop themselves and started cheering for him as he charged toward the husband of Starfall. Against the impossible Hiro sliced the winds protecting Artorius. Even when his attack failed, like a mad dog he leaped again to strike one last time.

They weren\'t concerned with the outcome, many just longed for tales of the weak standing up to the strong. This was why stories, legends, and tales continue to stand the test of time. And this tale similarly deserved to be added to the annals of legends for the same reason!

But unfortunately, it didn\'t happen.


The strongest man in the empire after the emperor, Maximilian Andino the crimson overlord arrived. Like his namesake, Max sent Hiro flying toward the opposite wall like a hot potato. The eggplant man then vomited blood as he slid down to the floor.

With the trash swordsman\'s fall, the hopes of those around them were dashed. Yet unknown to everyone else, the flickering lights already turned to fires for some. After today, the forsaken would never be the same again.

So long as their symbol refused to bow down, there will always be hope, the three women that stood in front of Max became the first embers. Despite his attempts at negotiation, coercion, and intimidation they didn\'t budge.

Although their power looked pathetic, they intended to protect Hiroyuki. Like a seed, the notion of standing up against injustice has already been planted. Only time will tell how this one event would drive the future. But at the center of it all stood the one called Unbreakable.


Max shook his head in annoyance as he pulled out yet another two-handed oversized hammer from somewhere. His twin hammers were like comedic balloon toy mallets, that notion only lasted until people saw what Max did with them. Using his immense strength, Max decimated entire cavalry charges by smashing them to the ground, armor, horses, and all.

Plenty of knights, mercenaries, and fighters who wanted to make a name for themselves challenged him, but Max only operated under one rule. "You fight with me, you either win or you die." And despite being here over five years Maximilian Andino has never lost. His other nickname being paste maker, primarily because most of his opponents became adhesives sooner or later.

Raylene, Vanessa, and Jade stood in front of the over 200 cm giant wielding oversized war hammers. Contrary to their appearances all three were shaking from fear. Like most of the people here, the three were those that were at the very bottom of society. They assisted Hiro due to their desire to see him trump over the impossible. Imposing themselves on his image.

"I don\'t suppose you ladies have any ideas? I want to make it clear, I do not have enough strength to even stop one of those hammers." Raylene commented.

"No need to win. Delay enough. Help on the way." Jade replied.

Vanessa commented. "Hmm, If that is the case then I guess, I have half a plan at least. Please follow my lead."

The maid then sprinted towards Max as fast as her legs count take her. Max who saw the three start to move lamented in his mind. \'Such as shame, I hate senseless violence the most.\' The crimson overlord had half Artorius\' AGI and INT, but he had over four times the STR.

Even then at over 1000 AGI to him, Vanessa\'s charge looked as slow as a snail crawling on the floor. But before he could act, his eyes suddenly were forced to close due to a beam of light that nearly burned out his eyeballs.

Jade\'s voice echoed as he closed his eyes. "[Flash Arrow]!"

\'This won\'t be enough, blinding a stronger opponent is a common battle tactic. I have ears ladies, and while I cannot see your aura due to you guys being pitifully weak. Hearing is more than enough.\'

Max detected a body moving towards him in slow motion, every rustle of her clothes, the clattering of metal, and her short breaths could be heard. AGI directly increased the speed a body can move, but with it, the body also needed the senses to operate at that speed. So an increase in sensory perception became a by-product of a high AGI.

The maid pulled a couple of objects from her pockets while firing bolts towards Max from her crossbow. The projectiles were directed into his eyes. Smiling, Max smashed them with his right hammer while waiting for the bombs or whatever the maid had in her other hand.

"A valiant effort ladies, but you are all going to die at this rate!" Max a veteran of duels didn\'t forget to psyche his opponents out.

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