
Chapter 308 Do Not Buy- Will Fix Later


The Dominator was over 5-Sun thus the pressure from its realm threatened to suffocate even 3-Sun Heliotrope elves. As they could no longer fight individually, they used a skill unique to Heliotrope elves, [CHORUS OF THE NIGHT] to chant in tandem with others. This magnified and combined their Force pools to create feats of unimaginable power. And with over 500 3-Sun Wolfsbane elves, the strength of such a strike was guaranteed.

Lights of unimaginable heat, burned in white as they fell from the heavens, in this sealed space of only darkness. The sight looked beyond beautiful If only its purpose was as harmless. The celestial bodies streaked across the space, aiming for the Crimson Dominator that was locked in combat with the Eymuori armies and Death Brigade.


Star after star slammed themselves into the 500-meter Beowolf with such might and impact that the behemoth was forced to defend and cross his arms in front of its body. The corpses of the Eymuori that littered the area were turned in cinders as the fires from the heavenly weapons continued to rain upon Abel. The shielder then thought inwardly.

\'This isn\'t working my size while helps me shrug of the blows of the Death Brigade make me a large bullseye to Wolfsbane. I am also struggling to hit such small targets. I need to fight in even levels.\'

Opposite what happened the last time, the last rank-up Abel had placed him at 3-Moon finally reaching the rest of the Beowolves. He was somehow able to keep his wits with him when he invoked his 1-Star skill the [Steel Beowolf]. But as his weaponry were a horn, cannons on his shoulders and a short stake on his right arm, he was struggling.

\'Oy! Fenrir, if you can hear me and listen to my desires, then work with me here! drop the cannons and give me the ability to wield dragon fire. Short spears do not work with heavy armor, since I normally fight alone give me swords instead. Joshua has the fastest way to kill opponents. So, I will try copying his fighting style.

Don\'t give me a shield and let my body accept the damage. If Pearl can use it to revitalize herself, I will too. Keep the horn and lose the stake. Give me lighter armor but enough to still withstand blows.\'

Unsure if the Fenrir battle suit can actually hear him, it normally just displayed the parts of his body that was damaged, and the details of the support systems. That\'s why the rest of the Beowolves treated them as powered suits and here he was talking to it like a genie.

While being battered by the falling constellations, the Death Brigade continued to latch onto Abel 500-meter frame and smash their weapons into him. Despite the suppressing effect of the dominator\'s realm. The three-meter Sunfire berserkers continued fighting like nothing was there even while Abel was being bombarded.

As the combination skill of the Wolfsbane elves ended, smoke engulfed the battlefield. Abel then heard a robotic voice in his mind.

- User request received, changing Fenrir suit according to request...

WARNING! User does not have enough Force for conversion, searching for options . . .

Available methods of compensation found, please select from one of the following options.

1. Lifeforce equivalent to 10% of Users\' total lifespan.

2. Memories associated with the Beowolves.

3. Ability to feed Despair, Hate, and Pride.

4. Affection to the entity known as Xin. Mode of compensation locked by higher authority.

5. Permanent loss of vision in the right eye, taste, and smell.

6. Ability to bear children. Mode of compensation locked by higher authority. –

\'What?\' Abel was inwardly surprised how the Fenrir suit talked; it was like a machine but sported abilities impossible for ones he knew of. Lifespan? Memories? Ability to strip emotions? Higher lever authority? Hell, it can even make him a eunuch!

However, time never stopped for anyone, when the shower of stars ended, the Eymuori once again leaped and slammed themselves onto Abel as he tried to shake off the opponents climbing on him.

\'AHHH! Whatever I choose number 5! I will die here if this keeps up!\' despite having a 500-meter body the damage the crimson dominator was dealing with was no joke. While his realm pretty much flattened the lower level Eymuori and prevented them from reincarnating. The elves were not deterred as much.

- User has chosen Option 5, sight in the right eye, the ability to taste and smell will forever be removed from the Anima fragment "Abel". Anima fragment "Abel" will no longer be able to use said sense across lifetimes. The compensation received; Fenrir recalibration will now proceed. –

\'WAIT HOLD UP! Across lifetimes? What the hell! WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU FENRIR!\' roared Abel as he tried to shake off his assailants by skating around the field.

As he was fighting the crimson shielder felt himself getting smaller at an outrageous pace. The boxes on his shoulders melted like butter and the liquid material from them went to his hands and created two Japanese katanas.

The thick and bulky appearance of his armor got reworked to no longer intended to support massive weight but became thinner in his joints and grew thicker around his vitals. The only thing the same as his original appearance was the crimson color of his armor. The horn on his head split down the middle and placed one small horn on both sides of his head.

After the conversion, Abel felt his body lighter, but knew his limbs now packed more power than even before. The eerie robotic voice once again spoke as Abel started cutting the Eymuori coming at him.

- User Fenrir mode saved, Legacy Armor will now be referred to as KuiJia mode, and the new battle form will be called Gladius mode. The user may switch freely by paying a small Force amount. The command for conversion is [Fenrir Renatus]. –

\'The old one is "Armor" while this new one is "Sword" huh? How poetic. Fine, let\'s take Gladius for a spin.\'

As the knowledge for the new abilities of gladius was shared to the shielder he found himself smiling. He gained the ability to imbue dragon fire in his swords, explode himself like a grenade with it and finally charge with the power of dragon. Feeling giddy with his new present, the Beowolf failed to notice that his sense of smell, taste and the vision in his right eye were forever lost in his excitement.


Abel then charged with fires guarding him like a cone, the Eymuori in his vicinity were burned to ashes. The shielder who now looked like a heavy swordsman burned in a vortex of flames. He was now only three meters and was fending off arrows and sword strikes from the Wolfsbane elves.

Not holding back because they were women, the shielder carved his way through them. Despite being under-skilled in sword techniques, the effects of his skills allowed him to fight back. The suppression field from the dominator and the overwhelming force of his blows above 5-Sun overpowered the 3-Sun elves. Soon, the 5-Sun death brigade arrived and slammed their weapons into his body, bruising him further.

It was only then that Abel noticed his Force filling up again, the power was coming from the corpses of the Eymuori and Wolfsbane. The Shielder then understood that his newest skill [Soul Drain] did not only heal him but took everything from those he killed. This meant even the Eymuori can be killed permanently if he was the one that did so.

\'I got to have El recreate this skill for the others. We finally have a weapon against the Eymuori.\'


Exploding like a grenade Abel fought toe to toe with the 5-Sun death brigade while burning the Eymuori around him. Slowly but surely the battle was no longer just surviving but reducing the Eymuori as much as possible. If the shielder could reduce their numbers even a little, this fight would be worth it.


Back to Cain and the Beowolves.

- Ugh, why are you all standing up again? How the hell can I enjoy my harem of 3000 buxom Heliotrope elves and burly Sunfire elves if you all won\'t stay down?! GIVE UP ALREADY! HELL, I AM TIRED OF YOU F*CKERS! JUST DIE! –

- Ziminar control yourself, they seem different, it might have to do with the dominator. I sense the Eymuori decreasing at a rapid pace, the Warden seems to have given her champion the ability to kill souls. –

While outwardly the Beowolves seemed silent in the [White world] they were celebrating from the info they just heard.

\'YO! The beetle actually managed to put down Eymuori permanently? For real?\' (Josh)

\'Abel seems to be working hard, we need to step up too.\' (El)

\'Jin, Adriel are you guys fine now? Do you need help?\' (Claude)

\'I am fine, the boost early turned the tide, I will bite this f*cker to pieces mwahahahaha!\' (Adriel)

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