
Chapter 311 Final Battle (23)

Chapter 311 Final Battle (23)

Aline fired a bunch of wind blades to cut the tentacles, and Dante used his instant slash to help. They instantly cut down Numerous tentacles, but it didn\'t change a thing since they Regenerated as fast…

Ian used the power of his dagger and moved to the back of the enemy. Still, the giant monster, even without seeing him, changed his gravitational field and made Ian fall into the void… Mary stopped his fall by creating an ice path with her Frost Breath.

Anna threw some potions at Ethan, but the tentacles stopped them all… things weren\'t looking good for the group… but then Emily used the power of her staff, and in the next moment, Ethan got much faster…

With the help of Temporal Shift, Ethan swung his sword around and cut down all the tentacles that approached him… his body was hurting like hell, but the pleasure of the adrenaline made him forget that… until the giant beast joined all of its tentacles to together and hit Ethan with a single strike.

The monster\'s attack struck Ethan with devastating force, sending shockwaves rippling through the entire dimension. The sheer power behind the blow caused the very fabric of reality to tremble and quiver as if unable to bear witness to the immense impact. The sound of bones cracking echoed through the air, a haunting testament to the sheer ferocity of the attack.

The collective gasp that escaped the lips of Ethan\'s companions reverberated in the air, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief. Witnessing the extent of the damage inflicted upon their comrade, a wave of fear and concern washed over them. The realization of Ethan\'s injuries and the brutality of the monster\'s strike struck at the core of their being, leaving them momentarily paralyzed by the sheer weight of the moment once Ethan disappeared into the void below again.

"Annoying insect… your determination is insignificant if compared to the chaotic energy produced by countless universes. Just die already."

Everyone thought that Ehan was gone, but considering the words coming from the enemy, perhaps they were too quick to assume his death. In any case, he was alive, and now they had to worry for themselves since the enemy was looking at them once again.

"I shall start with the less annoying insects…"

Emily, Dante, Aline, Ian, Mary, and Anna clustered together to watch each other\'s back. Ethan showed a lot of resolve and resilience, and it was time for them to do the same. They clenched their teeth and readied themselves to fight.

"Use your mana for defense!" Ian shouted. "Leave the offense to the two of us."

Even without any time to plan ahead or work in unison, Emily, Aline, Anna, and Mary pointed their hands to the side and then began to emit their mana, forming a shield around themselves. The giant monster tried to crush them with gravity magic. Still, the magic field was fighting back against the enemy\'s attack. The entire island began to fall apart, but the part that they were in resisted.

Dante began to swing his sword around, targeting the eye of the monster. Still, its numerous tentacles blocked the instant slashes. The giant beast got pissed off seeing its body suffering damage like that and then began to attack using its tentacles.

Although he was caught off guard, Dante still used his skill to block and destroy the enemies\' tentacles, but there were too many… it was only a matter of time before he lost. However, much to his surprise, Ian began to swing his daggers too, and when that happened, other tentacles started to be split from their bases.

Dante\'s eyes widened with astonishment as he witnessed Ian effortlessly replicate his technique after only a brief explanation and a few observations. A mixture of surprise and admiration flooded Dante\'s expression as he grappled with the reality that his intricate skill had been so quickly and masterfully absorbed by his comrade.

The depth of Ian\'s comprehension and his ability to execute the technique with such precision left Dante in awe. He had spent years honing his craft, refining every nuance and intricacy of his technique. Yet, here was Ian, demonstrating a natural affinity and innate understanding that defied conventional expectations.

Still, there was no time to be amazed. Dante just felt relieved that he didn\'t have to block the tentacles alone… However, the giant monster used its gravity magic to envelop the whole floating island on a gravity trap, and it fell apart in a matter of seconds.

Not everyone in the group could fly, so Mary used her Frost Breath to keep some sort of footing below them. She was able to keep one inside the barrier of mana. Still, the barrier was shrinking thanks to the fact that only three people were using their mana to feed it.

Fortunately, when the monster was about to crush them… Ethan emerged from the void below yet again and attacked the giant monster. The gravity spell was canceled since the beast suffered enough damage to move backward several meters, and a large wound below its eye began to gush a shit ton of blood.


Ethan\'s appearance had changed yet again. The black omni armor that enveloped Ethan began to undergo subtle transformations. Like a living entity, it shifted and adapted to the demands of the fight. Observant eyes would notice that certain areas of the armor appeared slightly thinner while others grew thicker and more reinforced.

The once uniform and consistent armor now showcased a nuanced design, with strategic variations in its thickness. The legs and arms, which bore the brunt of attacks and required heightened protection, exhibited a more substantial layer of armor. The increased thickness served to bolster Ethan\'s defense in these vulnerable areas, fortifying his ability to withstand powerful blows and reducing the chances of debilitating injuries.

In contrast, the armor in other regions appeared somewhat thinner, suggesting a deliberate choice to optimize mobility and agility. These areas, such as the torso and joints, allowed for more flexibility and freedom of movement, enabling Ethan to swiftly evade incoming strikes and unleash swift counterattacks.

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