
Chapter 178 - Volume 5.7 The Calm Before The Storm 1

In a room lightened by a single lamp, a lone figure of a man cloaked in black attire was seated in his bed. He looked submerged in his thoughts. The said man was no other than Kayden.

{"You can\'t die like that to me." 

"Not yet until you have accepted me,"}

Unwanted memories of the past about his stepmother were resurfacing back to his mind. The metal glass that he was holding had a dent since he was strongly gripping it. Then another memory passed to her mind. \'It has almost the same words, but strangely it has a different feeling.\'

{"That is almost close, I thought I\'m going to lose you. That scared me a lot." Malaya released a deep sigh as she put her head to Kayden\'s chest. "You idiot, when you can\'t even swim, be more careful next time."}

It was surprising to him that he couldn\'t even swim. Since he has been relying too much on his magic. It was not like he had not been able to have times that he could use his magic either. But then he remembered, that time, the moment when he was drowning, somewhat inside him, he knew someone would save him…someone who he can rely on. He knew that she would save him. "I-this time," he clutched his hands on his face. "I didn\'t know that I trust her now even with my life to this extent. And..." He touched his lips.

"I don\'t want to interrupt your thoughts, but I\'m really getting bored now on how you completely ignore me." 

Kayden just cast the guy with orange hair a side glance before completely ignoring him once again. Oliver who was already used to such treatment just brought out a chessboard with him. 

Yes, since the time he showed himself in the ship, he sneaked in and was now staying at Kayden\'s room. He was already fortunate that Kayden was a man of few words and didn\'t really interfere with others\' interests other than his own interests. 

"Can you play at least a game with me? Now that I can\'t use my magic again, I can\'t really sneak in and out of your room. Since others might find out about me." Oliver said once again, but Kayden simply laid to his bed. 

"Silence or else get out." Kayden simply said and closed his eyes. 

"Hah, what a boorish man," Oliver said. Then lean his arm to his table. "You\'re the son of that witch right?" Oliver asked. "Do you want to know about her, if you do, play with me and I\'ll tell you along?"

Oliver waited for his reactions but he got nothing. 

"I\'m not her son." Kayden simply answered after a few moments and there was only silence that followed. 

\'It seems he is not interested in the witch anymore, either. I thought I can get him some good reactions.\' He just moved the first pawn in the front of the white queen into the e4 of the board. He would just silently play to himself like he usually did these past days.

"But you\'re quite lucky." A bitter smile escaped his lip. "You are able to see the woman you love. And she is not even afraid of you." 

\'I really wonder, why am I even sneak inside this ship and throw all the will to be the next emperor.\' Oliver smiled faintly. \'I must be gone much unreasonable and insane.\'

He looked at the sea that was covered with entire crimson color. While they were fighting those monsters, crossing those whirlpools like real insane men led by an insane girl, he was just watching in this tiny window. To think that he would be crossing the Red Current which was never crossed in his mind and plans."It must be because I was lead unconsciously by a real insane and free-spirited woman." He just chuckled to himself, as he moved the horse piece. \'Plus since Hyun Jae is coming here along with them. I can\'t really just sit by and watch from the distance.\'

"The woman you desire is really something. But I guess if I met her before Hyun Jae, I am probably sure that anyone would easily find her interesting and get attracted to her. Her personalities, looks, and energy was out of the world that anyone will probably fall into it so easily," 


Some of Oliver\'s strands of hair were cut off as a dagger flew fast to him and hit the wall that was behind him. But he remained unfazed as he moved the last piece of the white bishop, checkmating the black king. \'Bingo, so this is where he will get a reaction.\'

He glanced towards Kayden who was looking at him intently. Oliver remembered the time when they fought back along with his terrifying strength. \'He is really frightening as an enemy.

"Be at ease, I am just kidding. My heart already belongs to someone else." He said as he fixed the chess pieces back to the starting point. "And she is the only one, I will love in this lifetime. And a word of advice," Oliver looked at Kayden\'s eyes.

"Don\'t ever think or do anything of hurting the one you love. And become someone like me who can only watch his beloved from the shadows."

Kayden\'s eyes narrowed. \'The one I love? Does she means her, I love her?\' a strange warm sensation filled his chest.

Oliver seeing Kayden\'s reaction just smiled faintly. \'Does he is still not realizing his feelings?\'

"How can you say that I love her?" 

Oliver was surprised that Kayden was now initiating a conversation between them. "You want to follow her wherever she goes."

"I\'m not a stalker-like you."

Oliver\'s smile faltered. \'Hah,\' But in the end, he just gave up to retort. 

"What I mean to say is you want her to be by your side and no one else. See her happy and away from all the dangers. You get hurt when she is hurt, and if ever you would give everything even your life just to protect her. And when you are with her, there is this warm and happy sensation inside your heart." 

Kayden\'s eyes narrowed his gaze at Oliver\'s words.

Oliver smiled seeing his conflicted expression. "If you feel all of this. Then it is not simply a matter of like but already love." 

But another thought passed in Oliver\'s head. \'Why in the world, I am giving love advice now to some blockhead? I can\'t believe that I\'m saying these sweet and embarrassing words.. However, I guess this is what I can only do to my roommate.\'

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