
Chapter 1310 - Two Families Meet

Chapter 1310: Two Families Meet

Granny was gone.

The world seemed to collapse in on itself. She had never known the love of a father or the sweet affections of a mother growing up. Granny had raised her singlehandedly. She was the lone pillar of support holding up the sky for the past eighteen years of her life. She had never imagined the day would come when Granny would... pass on.

That day had arrived.

The world spun out of focus and darkness claimed her.

“Beibei!” Gong Yi rushed forward and swept her into his arms.


Granny was buried. Kneeling in front of her grandmother’s grave, Bai Beibei swallowed her tears. Braided in her hair were small white lilies. She had lost a lot of weight since the death of her grandmother.

Sun Xiaoxiao placed a bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone. She looked at the frozen smile on her mother’s face and asked, “Beibei, did Granny mention anything about me before she departed?”

Bai Beibei shook her head. “No... We wanted to call you but Granny said not to. She said to let you rest...”

A bitter smile crept onto Sun Xiaoxiao’s face. Even on her deathbed, her mother refused to see her.

Her mother died as soon as she returned. In her heart of hearts, she knew that she was the reason for her mother’s premature death. She had, in all likelihood, angered her to death.

“Mother, why did Granny pass on just like that? Granny was in the pink of health. She was so happy. Granny said... she said she would always be by my side... I don’t understand...” The tears she had been withholding burst forth in a raging torrent. It hurt so, so much.

She really could not understand. How could her beloved grandmother pass so suddenly?

Sun Xiaoxiao’s eyes flashed with panic, and she hastened to explain, “Beibei, Granny died from old age. The doctor who performed her last surgery even said that she did not have much time left. Granny did her best... She tried her hardest to keep her promise to you...”

“That’s right, Beibei. Don’t cry. Your grandmother would not want to see you like this either.” Gong Yi took a step forward and placed his large hand on her frail shoulders for support.

Bai Beibei nodded hesitantly. “Mm.”

Gong Yi helped her up.

“Beibei, Young Master Gong, let Granny rest in peace. We should go back,” Sun Xiaoxiao said.


The three of them returned to the capital together. With the old woman’s departure from the mortal coil, their return journey was one of heavy sorrow.

One day, Sun Xiaoxiao invited Gong Yi to the villa for a meal.

Gong Yi accepted her invitation and dined with them at the table.

“Young Master Gong, I have invited you today because I have a few things I would like to discuss with you.”

“Auntie, what is it?” Gong Yi asked politely.

“It’s like this. You’ve been dating Beibei for quite some time now. Isn’t it about time our two families met and acquainted ourselves with each other?”

Bai Beibei’s hand froze in midair, her chopsticks clattering on the table. With whiplash-inducing speeds she looked at her mother in askance, “Mother, what are you talking about? We haven’t been dating long. Why would we need to meet his parents so soon?”

As she spoke, she stole a glance at the man beside her.

Gong Yi just so happened to be looking at her when their eyes met. Panic, shyness, unease and a faint hint of... anticipation lingered in her gaze.

Gong Yi smirked knowingly. “Yes.”


He said yes...

Reality slammed back into her like a freight train, causing her heart to skip a beat. Did he actually agree?

Sun Xiaoxiao smiled. She wasn’t surprised at all. “Alright, the two of you should decide on the time and place. I’ll make sure Beibei keeps to the appointment, that’s all.”



After dinner, Bai Beibei walked Gong Yi out. The two of them stood by the car and talked.

“You shouldn’t agree so perfunctory a manner. My mother will take your words seriously.” Bai Beibei chided with an anxious lilt in her voice.

“You thought I was being perfunctory?” Gong Yi returned with a raised brow.

What else could he have been?

“What do you think the term ‘meeting the parents’ means? It means several things – all of which fall along the lines of establishing a relationship, getting engaged or married!”

In Bai Beibei’s eyes, ‘meeting the parents’ was the grandest ceremony leading up to marriage. It was sacred.

Gong Yi studied her small, exquisite face and asked, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”


“The night your grandmother left for the next world, we...”

“That doesn’t count.” Bai Beibei interrupted him, her small hands tugging at the hem of her dress as she spoke agitatedly, “I know you only said those things to reassure her. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of taking them seriously. I won’t make you take responsibility for something you said offhand...”

“Beibei.”Gong Yi sighed, wrapping her soft little hands in his larger ones. “What kind of person do you think I am? I’ve always been serious.”


Gong Yi stared into her brilliant eyes and said in slow, measured words, “My love for you has always been serious. I’ve pined after you seriously. I’ve dated you seriously. I was serious even when I took you from your grandmother’s hands. Every day we’ve been together, every word I’ve said and everything I’ve done has been nothing but serious. You may not intend to hold me responsible for anything I’ve said but I, on the other hand, have every intention of holding you responsible for me.”

His words flowed into her heart like a clear spring. Bai Beibei was both surprised and happy. She was not sure whether she could believe her own ears. “What you have said... Are you speaking truthfully?”

“My words are worth their weight in gold.”Gong Yi retorted petulantly.

Blessed. She was blessed beyond words. Out of millions of people around the world, she was truly blessed to have met such a wonderful person as Gong Yi.

“But... Will your father agree? I don’t think he wants to see my mother...”

Bai Beibei really didn’t have any confidence. Old Man Gong’s words were still fresh in her mind. Old Man Gong was not overly fond of her, yet her mother wanted to meet Gong Yi’s parents. Wouldn’t that make his father more displeased?

A lesser woman would have retreated in the face of such adversity. She, however, was not one of them.

She would brave hell or high water if it meant a chance at being together with Gong Yi.

“Don’t worry, I’ve said it a long time ago. Our family is quite progressive. My father won’t interfere too much in our marriage. Leave it all to me.” Gong Yi rubbed her head earnestly.

“Okay.” Bai Beibei nodded in assent.

“I’ll take my leave first.”

“Okay.” Bai Beibei stood where she was and watched him leave.


Two days later, the date for the meeting was set.

Imperial Luxury Hotel.

In a private room, Gong Yi’s father and mother were sitting on the sofa. Gong Yi’s father didn’t look well. “Gong Yi, I still feel that you should reconsider...”

“Father, I hope that you will think before you speak. Don’t tell me you’d rather I remain a bachelor. I seem to recall someone urging me to get married and produce a child for our family.” Gong Yi’s reply was sharp and pointedly curt.

“You...” one sentence was enough to silence Old Man Gong. He felt that his life was really tough. This son of his would be the death of him!

“Enough. I don’t understand why you’re objecting. It’s fine as long as my son likes her. Our Gong family doesn’t have any requirements for our daughter-in-law. Remember Xiaotao? She was a divorcee and had suffered several miscarriages yet you did not object to our son’s pinning for her. This Beibei, on the other hand, is young and innocent. Although her background isn’t fantastic, it’s not nearly enough for you to object so strongly. Is there something about her background we do not already know? If so, please enlighten us.” Madam Gong chided.

“Hmph!” Old Man Gong snorted coldly, “I was also against Xiaotao’s matter – make no mistake about that – but the Ye family and our own have been friends for generations. I watched Xiaotao grow up, and this rascal of ours insisted, so I compromised. I’m not complaining about Bai Beibei’s background. Our Gong family has never been picky when it comes to choosing a daughter-in-law, but...” Old Man Gong paused, unsure how he ought to continue.

“Father, my decisions have always been mine and mine alone. I only ever informed you out of politeness and not for your approval so keep your voice down if you’ve nothing pleasant to say. Don’t blow this meeting.”

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