
Chapter 255 Resolving problems with Elise? (I)

Chapter 255 Resolving problems with Elise? (I)

(POV: Lumiere)

Our time in the bustling cafeteria came to an end.

I slowly rose from my seat, taking a moment to stretch my tired limbs.

Ruri, always attentive, noticed my exhaustion and gently inquired, "Are you feeling tired, Professor?"

I admitted the truth, responding with a nod.

"Yeah, I\'m pretty tired today. Teaching can be really draining, you know."

Anastasia, with her no-nonsense demeanor, promptly chimed in.

"A teacher mustn\'t succumb to laziness, dear \'professor\'. You should really maintain your composure and perseverance."

This idiot... She put a lot of sarcastic weight on that "Professor".

I scoffed playfully, countering her statement.

"Honestly, I\'m not lazy. Just merely tired from the long hours of preparation and late-night teaching drills I\'ve been conducting to find the most effective way to engage Elise."

Stellaria sighed having finally eaten at least half of her food.

She wasn\'t a heavy eater, and that\'s because she was lazy.

Everything seemed like work to her, the only thing she enjoyed eating was bread, and it was only the crust she ate. Nothing else.

"Oh, come on now, Lumi. Tired\'s just a fancy word for lazy, isn\'t it?"

I raised an eyebrow at her remark, refusing to back down. "If tired means lazy, then that would make you lazy too, wouldn\'t it?" I retorted smugly.

Stellaria, fighting back a yawn, playfully shrugged her shoulders.

"Who said I\'m not lazy?"

There was no defeating this woman in an argument, because she\'d come to a conclusion before you did.

For her, conclusion = less work = more opportunities to be lazy.

Ruri rubbed her chin and uttered a thoughtful hum. "It\'s rather unusual to see you so tired, especially since the day\'s just begun," she remarked.

From what I could tell, maybe Ruri felt that Elise?s basket case wasn\'t the only thing that had me this way.

And yet... It was.

I sighed.

"You\'re right about one thing, Ruri. It\'s not normal for me to feel this tired. But Elise?s been quite challenging to teach, and I\'ve been dedicating countless hours to finding the best approach."

Lucilia, finally grasping our conversation, added her perspective.

"Is Elise the quiet girl who is always silent?"

"Yeah, that\'s the one," said Stellaria.

Lucilia raised an eyebrow. "You know her?"

"Nope." Stellaria took another small spoon of beans. "Just felt like talking."

"Uh, sure." Lucilia turned her focus back to me. "I have trouble teaching her during Land Management 101 as well."

Nodding in agreement, I commiserated with Lucilia.

"Elise?s a unique student who requires special attention. It\'s not an easy task, I\'ll tell you that."

Turning to Anastasia, I sought any additional insight she may have gathered.

"Have you managed to gather any more information about her, Ana?"

Apologizing softly, Anastasia shook her head.

"I\'m sorry, but anytime I try to confront her, she caves."

"Seriously? Well that sucks... How else am I supposed to teach her?"

Stellaria raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Huh? We\'re supposed to be teaching?" she asked, perplexed.

I rolled my eyes at her apparent cluelessness.

"Well, duh! What else did you think?" I retorted.

"Well I just tell them to kneel down, then roll on the floor and bark like dogs while I punish them and tell them all sorts of dirty things..." said Stellaria.

Lucilia, who was standing nearby, chimed in with a curious expression.

"Dirty things?" she repeated, her voice filled with disbelief.

Stellaria smirked mischievously.

"Oh, yes," she replied nonchalantly. "I tell them the worst things, those boys are silly virgins that\'ll never get laid, it\'s actually amusing..."

As Stellaria continued to divulge her questionable methods, I couldn\'t help but take action. I quickly placed my hands over Ruri\'s ears, shielding her from the inappropriate conversation. Meanwhile, I observed Lucilia and Anastasia, horrified expressions slowly creeping onto their faces.

The things Stellaria described were so immoral and unprincipled that even I hesitated to repeat them.

But those boys she was teaching, they were a special kind of strange, that\'s for sure.

When Stellaria finally finished her disturbing monologue, I cautiously removed my hands from Ruri\'s ears.

To my surprise, her innocent curiosity got the better of her.

"Please, what did Professor Stellaria say?!"

Quickly realizing that it was best for Ruri to remain oblivious, I shook my head.

"You don\'t wanna know," I advised her.

Stellaria then took the opportunity to defend her actions, "Huh? it\'s not like I said anything wrong."

"B... But all those things you said," Lucilia hooked. "About punishing them... And..."

"But I love punishing them... My students, a pitiful bunch of boys with low self-esteem, just the perfect targets for my sadistic pleasure. These idiots will do anything for me, but I\'ll leave them all as girlfriendless virgins, scarred for life. They\'ll forever remain impotent bastards, unable to rise to the occasion, haunted by memories of the woman who mercilessly punished them without granting them the satisfaction of sex. The thought of it just makes me want to... Ahnnn~~"

As Stellaria\'s words hung in the air, a heavy silence settled over our group.

Lucilia, Ruri, Anastasia, and I blinked in unison, our shock evident on our faces.

We were speechless, trying to process what we had just heard.

"You still wanna know what she said before?" I knowingly asked Ruri.

She immediately shook her head to tell me no.

"Good," I said.

Anastasia stood up, her face still pale from the shock of Stellaria\'s unsettling words.

Ruri, her naive eyes wide with innocence, mirrored Anastasia\'s actions, uncertain of what to make of the conversation.

Anastasia placed her hands on her waist.

"We have Adventure classes with Professor Ophelia and Grome," she announced, her tone slightly relaxed.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the mention of Ophelia and Grome.

"Eh? Ophelia and Grome?" I repeated.

I knew these guys, yes, I did.

Lucilia joined the conversation with a casual tone.

"Oh yeah, I remember them mentioning something about an easy quest that paid handsomely. This must be it," she chimed in.

Teaching in a University? Did it really pay that much for adventurers?

"You didn\'t tell me though," I told her.

Lucilia giggled playfully, lightening the tense atmosphere. "You didn\'t ask, silly," she retorted, her giggles turning into chuckles.

Stellaria, seemingly unaffected by the consequences of her actions, rose from her chair.

"Time for classes," said Stellaria, actually eager.

"Eh, Stellaria, you haven\'t finished your food," not that I was surprised.

"I\'m too tired," she replied dismissively. "I\'m in the mood to punish my sweet male students today," she added with a chaotic tone in her voice, before walking away.

"Have fun!" I called after her, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ruri spoke up, her voice soft but hopeful. "At least you have a day off today, right? Since you\'re not teaching any classes?" she asked, her eyes filled with innocent curiosity.

I sighed, even on a free day I wasn\'t so free.

"Well, technically, I\'m not teaching any classes today," I began, trailing off with a hint of frustration in my voice. "But I still need to find a way to connect with Elise," I added.

"Why don\'t you ask the other teachers about their experiences with her? Maybe that will give you some insights on what to do..."

"Anastasia you\'re a genius!" I told her.

Blushing at my comment Anastasia said "Whatever."

Ruri nodded eagerly and allowed herself to be pulled up from her seat, the sunlight dancing in her eyes.

"Okay, let\'s go, Anastasia! I\'m excited for Adventure class!" Ruri exclaimed.

Anastasia chuckled softly, her cheeks slightly flushed from the comment.

"Professor Ophelia can be quite strict, so be prepared," she warned, her grip tightening on Ruri\'s hand.

Lucilia, noticing everyone getting ready to leave, stood up from her chair, straightening her skirt with a grin. "Well, I better go. I have a class to attend," she said. She turned to me. "Don\'t forget, my marriage proposal interviews are later today," she reminded me with a knowing smile. "It\'s really important, so make sure to prepare yourself."

I chuckled at her comment.

"Of course, of course, I won\'t forget."

I hardly forgot things... Sometimes...

"I\'ll get to that in a jiff," I added.

I picked up my books, ready to head in the opposite direction. "Well, I better get going too," I muttered under my breath, a yawn escaping my lips. "And I still need to register at the Merchants\' Guild with Anastasia later today."

Lucilia\'s mischievous tone followed me, her voice dripping with teasing sarcasm. "Ooooh, sounds romantic," she joked, earning a light chuckle from me.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I waved her off. "You wish," I replied with a smirk before parting ways with Lucilia.

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