
Chapter 518 Cain Vs Zaleria I

As the sunlight reflected from her polished red scales she landed in the middle of the dirt battlefield.

The battlefield was an area of the forest almost as large as Furberg that has been flattened by Zaleria and Cain in the past day. They did that for two reasons.

They didn\'t want to cause a wildfire so removing all the vegetation was a must. This entire forest was basically Zaleria\'s backyard so she was free to do what she wants.

The second reason was making sure no one was around. If any human that they didn\'t spot approached the place, they will get stomped.

As she landed, she looked around and sniffed the ground. It was all good, no one has walked past the place. She started walking around pinching her tail to the ground to draw magic circles to lay traps.

Exploding mines, lava geysers, and fire pits...more and more traps were laid. She was sure Cain wouldn\'t fall for most of them but she would try.

It only took her about an hour to cover the whole place with traps, she lay on the ground like a lion and survived the place.

Zaleria wasn\'t intending to fight Cain in her humanoid form, she will face him in her draconic form going all out. At that moment, she was more excited thinking about which spells he might use against her.

\'If he used short teleportation, I will blast him with a breath. If he tried getting closer I will set my body on flames to fend him off. If he tried to fight me at the range I will use fire spells to take him down. If he used telekinesis, I will counter with burning feet and a quick acceleration\' she kept going over her strategies.

The more stayed there, the hotter the battlefield got. It quickly went from mildly warm to blazing hot. Not a single animal dared approach the happily humming dragon. Even birds avoided flying over due to the heat rising up.

Then, Zaleria sensed someone approach from her hut\'s direction. She stood up immediately and gave all the animals watching from the forest a scare. On the other side of the forest, Cain landed wearing a grey robe and holding his steel staff in his right hand.

Looking at him she could feel a cold sweat dripping across her back, all of her draconic instincts were screaming that he was too much Mana. Cain\'s oppressive feeling was closer to that of an S-rank dungeon gate made of concentrated mana.

Thud! Thud! She slowly approached him with careful steps, and each of her steps caused the ground to shake slightly. Her draconic body weighed more than 70 tons and she was a gargantuan monster that shouldn\'t be fought by such a lone human.

As she stood compared to him, he was no longer than her claws. Yet she could feel it, a fear similar to what humans get facings an extremely poisonous bug. A single mistake could cost end her life.

"Are you ready?" Cain asked looking at her massive body. He could see flames dancing under her scales as the heat slowly raised from her back twisting the air. Her second eyelid blinked and her massive green eyes glared down at him with a crimson flame burning inside her.

"I\'m ready, are you fine though? I don\'t see Alice around." She asked lowering her head to his level, he was shorter than her fangs.

Cain smiled and patted her nose, "Alice will come if anything happens, don\'t worry about me, and fight as much as you want." He floated up.

Zaleria smiled, "Very well, don\'t die, or lose." She took a few steps back and stared at him fly a bit away. The distance between them seemed large, about 330 feet. Considering that she was about 220 feet long from head to tail, that was only one leap away for her.

The two didn\'t need a bell or anything, they immediately started as their eyes met.

Cain immediately teleported to her the moment the fight started. He found her jaw open with an already charged breath. ROAR! A blast of crimson-red flame gushed across the battlefield with a booming roar. The ground melted into lava as a red flash painted the forest red.

It was then, Zaleria felt a strong hit on her chest. The pressure immediately increased enough to block her breathing. Thwack! Her body flew to the sky as Cain punched her as hard as he could with [Telekinesis]

VROOM! Her wings went on full blast and she flew head-first toward the ground, opening her mouth another breath rushed toward Cain and exploded in a crimson flower of fire.

Cain flew away covered in his magical shield. BAM! Zaleria crashed head-first into the ground and changed direction chasing him with a roar.

Multiple stone walls emerged from the ground to stop her. 100 feet wide and about 100 feet tall and 10 feet thick of pure hard stone.

Zaleria rushed forward bumping into them head first, they crumbled as she ran over them in a fiery rage. Cain frowned, such a spell wasn\'t enough to even stall her, what monstrous strength.

The moment he lifted his staff to charge a spell, the ground beneath turned into a pool of lava and he flew to the sky. He stared down and he could sense Zaleria\'s magic flowing across the whole battlefield. That was one of her traps.

PEW! PEW! He looked ahead and several fireballs flew at him, Zaleria rushing behind them. [Dispel Magic] He immediately erased them to focus on Zaleria.

She swung her claw at him, the moment he got his shield up. Fire gushed from her elbow accelerating her fist and her claws glow bright red.

CRACK! Her claws cut and smashed through his shield as if it was made of fragile glass. Cain clocked the attack with Mary\'s staff just to her smacked with a second claw. His body crashed into the ground covered in a cocoon of tentacles.

[Burning feet] Zaleria charged down, fall damage was not a thing in her dictionary. Plunging downward seemed to be a thing she like doing a lot.

As Cain exited the cocoon, his skin had a pale green tint, and tentacles grew from his face like a beard. Two wasp-like wings extended from his back and he zapped away at high speed. Till this point, only Alice had seen him like this when she watched him recover from the operation.

Zaleria cared less about his look and more about how she felt his aura get stronger, BAM! BAM! Cain flung two [Dark Star] spells as he flew away and Zaleria plunged into the solid ground as if it was made of water.

Cain could see her run toward him with ground splashing around her feet like water, he could only wonder how fast she could get had she had sufficient friction and a solid enough ground.

ROAR! Cain pointed his staff at her as flame covered her body.

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