
Chapter 405: Equip Weapons

Chapter 405: Equip Weapons

The studio’s secret room is supported by a series of complex machines. Since Ye Qing had already seen the show, he had concluded the secret room in the studio was sub-jects to mechanical failure.

There was plenty of time for the next program. Next time, when he comes back from this trip, he will see if he could help.

All the way of the trip, he had a chat with Xu Luoyu, and it was only two hours later when the plane arrived in Beijing the capital. Xu Luoyu was going home, Ye Qing went to make a change. From the Capital Airport, he would take an international flight to Nigeria.

The transfer plane is Boeing’s 747-8 Intercontinental Plane, and its final destination is Brazil, where it will stop briefly in Nigeria. At the time of boarding, Ye Qing stood on the boarding platform and looked over. At the endless airport, it seems that there are only two types of aircraft. Airbus and Boeing. The other types of aircraft are pitifully small, and they are also those of small national airlines.

If the automobile is the throne in the field of industrial manufacturing, the air-plane is the crown in the field of industrial manufacturing.

A country that can produce qualified commercial vehicles can definitely manufacture most military equipment. And a country that can produce qualified commercial aircraft can definitely manufacture military equipment that most countries cannot. An aircraft has more than 6 million parts, each of which is the highest civilian standard in the industrial field.

At the same time, commercial aircraft is also the most expensive civilian product. Unlike the rare number of supergiant ships, the number of commercial aircraft in my country alone is about 2,500. Ninety-three percent of these are Boeing and Airbus.

Manufacturing large commercial aircraft is perhaps the biggest dream of industrial companies. Ye Qing also had this dream, especially when he looked at the domestic aviation market as being occupied by foreign companies. Unfortunately, now he does not have the technology to manufacture large commercial aircraft.

The monster factory that was upgraded to the fifth stage, the newly acquired engine black technology was still used for cars. The road to the aircraft industry is a long way to go!

When Ye Qing was standing at the boarding stand looking at the airport with a heart full of feelings for China, a slightly serious female voice came from behind making Ye Qing recover from emotion: "I’m sorry, excuse me, please let me pass. You blocked the road..."

Ye Qing did not block the road. He was surrounded by bodyguards in black suits and black sunglasses. They had the same physical strength as that of King Kong.

"I’m sorry." Ye Qing turned to apologize, and then couldn’t help looking at the girl a few more times. Another beauty! Ye Qing sighed inwardly, she was a heroic girl with short hair wearing a slightly plain jacket, no powdered Dai, slightly wheaten, looks very healthy skin, letting her suddenly be distinguished from the girls dressed as dolls that Ye Qing saw in the airport lobby. Onboarding the boarding platform, it was natural she took a plane with him.

This made Ye Qing a little surprised. The plane that flies to Africa was almost all occupied by old men, one by one. He didn’t expect to meet a girl his age. The short-haired girl also looked at Ye Qing, and then walked through the gap made. Onboard the plane, Ye Qing was still in first class.

Boeing 747-8 is a large double-decker airliner, with first-class and business class on the second floor. Ye Qing didn’t see the girl when she entered. It seemed that she was in an economy class.

The terminal of the plane was in Brazil and will stay in Nigeria for two and a half hours to refuel. Ye Qing estimated the girl was going to Brazil or Bolivia to travel. After all, was it difficult for a single girl to travel to this ghostly place in Nigeria? Wasn’t it unwise for single girls to go there?

Before getting on the plane, Ye Qing made two calls and received a satellite call from the Master Metal Expert at the agreed time.

He made the first phone call to the international freight company responsible for consigning his Mercedes-Benz G 65. In another call, he called General Mopu, a veteran European arms supplier active in Nigeria.

When Ye Qing has got off the plane, he will receive the Mercedes-Benz G 65 outside the airport as well as the weapons to be delivered, the "premium cargo weapons" ordered by him. Everything is going according to plan.

After hanging up the phone, the Master Metal Expert on the Lord’s Battleship will enter the submarine mode until Port Harcourt. This flight will take more than ten hours. After the plane had taken off, Ye Qing occasionally took out the monster factory mobile phone to control the course of the Lord’s Battleship.

The mobile phone needs to be turned off when taking off and landing. Some airlines allow the flight mode to be turned on when flying smoothly.

All the way of the trip, this intercontinental plane took Ye Qing across the mountains and plains, across the long rivers and the seas and passed the day and night.

When there were cloudless portholes, he could see the magnificent African continent and the longest river in the world. The flight attendant reminded passengers who will get off the plane in Nigeria that they could fill in the entry slip.

At 5 p.m. local time, this almost depleted Boeing 747 punctured the clouds and roared to park in ‎Abuja the capital of Nigeria, which is the only external airport.

A total of 37 passengers got off the plane, and only half of the passengers were Chinese. What shocked and surprised Ye Qing was that the heroic girl who he had previously met at the airport also got off the plane with a group of strong men with different skin colors.

Among the crowd, Ye Qing which was accompanied by a strong bodyguard like King Kong and the young girl were the most eye-catching. Entering the airport lobby along the bro-ken passage that seemed to be in the nineties, Ye Qing couldn’t help but wonder and walked to the young girl who was quite thin among the crowd and moved forward alone.

"Hello~" Ye Qing shouted to her: "Did you make a mistake about when you got off the plane? This is Nigeria. You came here as a girl?"

"If I made a mistake, the stewardess wouldn’t help me get off the plane, right?" The short-haired girl turned her head and looked at Ye Qing with a slightly strange look: "I know exactly where Niagara is. Since I dare to come, I naturally have confidence in me."

"It’s you, young brother, with a lot of extravagances. Don’t think that with an amazing bodyguard, you will be able to swim in Nigeria without any hindrance. The bullet of an AK assault rifle has two thousand joules of kinetic energy. The bodyguard that protects you, even with the thickest chest, cannot stop the penetration of the bullet. If you are only active in the airport city, I can kindly ask my companion to show you off."

"I’m going to leave you here because you snatched me off my line." and Ye Qing pointed to a white man holding a pickup card in front of him and said with self-confidence, "Since I dare to come to Nigeria, I naturally trust myself."

When he saw Ye Qing, who was quite large, the white man who waited the plane immediately ran over with a flattering smile and sang a savory Chinese: "Mr. Ye, don’t let your weight down. Your car has been parked outside the airport. And changed the local license."

Ye Qing nodded. Seeing the girl appeared to be looking for the collector, so she asked him to borrow her the phone. If she didn’t have a companion to pick her up from the plane, of course, Ye Qing couldn’t rest assured that she was going out of the airport alone.

"My name is Wu Weiling." After finishing the call, the girl hesitated for a moment: "Maybe I’m really going bothering you to accompany me on a trip, they said something was delaying them and they can’t come to the airport just now."

"My name is Ye Qing. When we arrive in a foreign country, we are fellows, let alone trouble." Ye Qing smiled and invited the girl with a cool smile to move forward. So, this group of people followed the white man out of the airport in the parking area and among the many worn-out cars, Ye Qing locked the glorious pure black Mercedes-Benz G 65 at a glance.

The Master Metal Expert with a face as cold as a knife got in the car and Juli opened the door for Ye Qing.

"You... have more money than I thought." Wu Weiling looked at Ye Qing for dozens of seconds before getting on the car.

"Wait~ This is a bulletproof car?" As soon as she got into the cab, Wu Weiling noticed this luxury car was different. It had an amazing window glass thickness.

"Good eyesight, the bulletproof version of the Mercedes-Benz G 65, you haven’t seen it." Ye Qing was somewhat proud, and also made a surprised air.

"Before sending you, I have to get something. I just turn around the airport and turn around."

Wu Weiling shrugged her shoulders and expressed no opinion.

The metal expert drove the Mercedes-Benz following the white man’s off-road vehicle. After only one mile away, the white man parked in the alley of a low building. A black van had long been waiting here. When he saw the waiting car was coming, the van door opened quickly, and two white strong men wearing short hunting tactical balaclavas jumped from inside.

Then, an amazing scene appeared...

They had a Mini Gang six-barreled machine gun without any camouflage treatment. Juli and Master Metal Expert got off the car and took over this domestic high-speed heavy ma-chine gun called Gatling. This was followed by boxes, a chain box mounted in an engineering plastic box. This was a standard military ammunition case. Brand-new bullets were arranged on the chain. Each ammunition box was loaded with 600 rounds. A total of six bullet boxes...

More than that, after handing over the ammunition boxes, the two strong white men pulled out four assault rifles without the truck’s support and stacked them in cardboard boxes. Glock in the case...

Wu Weiling instantly petrified on its seat, looking at Ye Qing’s eyes like looking at an alien.

"I Didn’t scare you? My firepower is more powerful than two thousand joules of AK bullets, right?"

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