
Chapter 383: A reckless plan

Chapter 383: A reckless plan

Eldrian logged in after a much-needed rest. He felt strange after sleeping the entire day away. Lazy, but also refreshed. It was different compared to meditation. It felt like he had reset his internal clock, whereas meditation only helped him rid his lethargy and regain energy.

\'Meditation feels more like a shortcut, and that is also how the game works I believe.\' Eldrian thought as he slowly woke on Gaia. He didn\'t rush, instead, he allowed himself to get acquainted with this body again. Staring at the early morning sky as he did.

"You\'re finally awake." Girlan, the red-bearded dwarf said upon seeing Eldrian sitting up.

Eldrian nodded and turned to look at the dwarf, and the others standing or sitting around a fire. A massive stag on a roast. Before Eldrian could ask a question Vivian jumped him with a massive hug which Eldrian gladly returned.

"I\'m glad you are alright," He said after they parted, "What is going on here?"

"You should ask them, they didn\'t really want to give me any answers."

Nodding, Eldrian finally stood up and used mana sense without a sense of guilt. Yet, for the first time, he failed in gleaming the information he wanted. Still, mana sense did not fail him completely.

\'Tier 8, 9, and 10... What on earth?\'

"That is pretty rude, young elf," Tovack said and turned to look at Eldrian, or more precisely to let Eldrian look at him.

"Maybe, but I don\'t know you." Eldrian countered without shame. Trying to read the mana flow of the dwarves, only managing to see the slither of mana moving in their armor instead.

Well, for all but Tovack who was still in his rags. Yet even so Eldrian could not get a single piece of information from the dwarf.

Tovack smiled hearing the reply, shocking the others as he started laughing heartily. "You are right, and that should have removed the question of who we are."

"Yes, but why are you here?"

"As I told your friend, we were tasked with protecting you."

"Really? You did a poor job then."

"True, but it is hard protecting someone from a shapeshifter who can teleport."

\'The devil?\' Eldrian wondered but did not ask since the answer was actually clear. "Then..." Turning to Vivian Eldrian considered if he should ask the question he had. \'Might as well, I don\'t really need to keep her in the dark.\'

"Are you here because I am a candidate?"

"Oh? You know?" Tovack was honestly surprised, as were the other dwarfs. In fact, Bring?rr even dropped his parcel which he had taken from the roast.

Vivian was curious what Eldrian meant, but she kept it to herself. Not wishing to interrupt at the moment.

Nodding Eldrian considered what he knew. \'So, someone is aiming for my life...\' Turning to his quests he confirmed that this was still the case. \'A Tier 8 devil prince, and these dwarves are here to protect me. But why?\'

"Who tasked you with protecting me?" Eldrian asked and got no reply for a while. The sizzling of the roast filling the air and the delicious smell causing everyone to salivate.

"Let\'s eat," Tovack said, indicating for Eldrian and Vivian to help themselves.

Dying of hunger after smelling the roast, Eldrian didn\'t refuse. He helped himself to a healthy portion. The dripping sauce staining his clothes as he dug in.

Only after having his fill did Eldrian resume his questioning, "Why are you protecting me?"

"Since you are being targetted by people you cannot defend yourself from," Tovack replied midsts bites.

"Why did you only show yourself now? How long have you been following me?" Eldrian wasn\'t shocked that he had failed to detect them. What he was shocked about was that no one seemed to have even noticed their presence.? \'Itireae knew, but she didn\'t share it with the centaurs.\'

"For a while now, and we showed ourselves because of Bring?rr."

Bring?rr quickly hid behind his roast leg, trying to distract himself from the looks Hrothgar and Girlan were giving him.

"However, I agree with what he said."

"Which is?"

"Bring?rr?" Tovack indicated to the poor dwarf who nearly choked on his food. Taking a healthy swig from his mug, he looked at Eldrian and Vivian, pondering his stance.

"I felt that keeping to the shadows was nonoptimal."


Bring?rr sighed and looked at his fellow dwarves, "I see no reason why we should stay in the shadows. Why we can\'t teach you."

"Teach me? Teach me what?" Eldrian asked, recalling how Itireae had said she could not teach him. Making him doubt that the dwarves would be able to.

"That is indeed the trouble," Tovack replied instead of Bring?rr. "It is also why we were tasked with staying in the shadows."

"Wait, why don\'t you help us against the undead? Do you know what the cause of the corruption is?"

The sudden change in topic threw the dwarves off. They hadn\'t expected Eldrian to ask this, they had assumed he would immediately want to be trained, to be taught.

"We don\'t-"

"But can you protect me so I can try and find the cause?" Eldrian pressed, cutting Tovack off and making the others feel like the world was upside down.


"Come on! Why would you say no? You are already tasked with protecting me, right..." Eldrian smirked as he turned around and started heading back to the forest.

Tovack smiled seeing his decisive action, the other dwarves and Vivian however had no idea what he was trying. One even called out and asked what he was thinking.

Turning around Eldrian smiled widely, as if he had won the lottery, "You have to protect me, right? So, do so from the shadows or by my side. I am going to find a solution to this dammed corruption. Vivian, stay with them."

Shaking her head, Vivian split from the dwarves and ran up beside him. "No way, if you are going then so will I."

Eldrian nodded and continued on his way. Leaving the group of dwarves with half-eaten portions of the roast in their hands. Tovack\'s laughter filling the air.

"Tovack?" Hrothgar turned to their leader in confusion. Tovack the blind, the Eternal Protector of Ganalin. It was just a title, but there was always just one in each dwarven capital. The leader of a regiment, a person whose only leader was Amnur. Kings and Emperors meant nothing to them.

"He is quite smart. It would have been hard for him to convince us to help. Yet, we are tasked with protecting him and as Bring?rr had said, doing so from the shadows is not ideal. Going into the maws of danger makes this even more so."


"Yes, he wins. He clearly does not care much for the training we offered. He must know that his method is unique and that we can only offer him some guidance."

"What do you mean?" Bring?rr asked, confused why they would not be able to teach him.

"There is a reason he is a candidate," Tovack replied, all but Hrothgar not even knowing what this really meant. "You would not be able to sense it, but he has his own path as Amnur said. I get it now."

Tovack smiled and looked towards the Ganalin mountains, \'You were wrong, help will not change him. It will improve his chances.\'


"What was that?" Vivian asked as the dwarves became a dot in the distance.

"They clearly are not allowed to directly influence the outcome of this fight," Eldrian replied, the hesitation from the dwarves had made this clear. They had one task and that was their focus, similar to how Itireae could have done far more. Yet she only helped where she wanted.

"They were tasked with protecting me, and that is their only priority. I would not have managed to change their minds." Eldrian thought of Miracle and how he could not change their minds either. "However, I can force them to be more involved."

"Right, I want you to stay at the garrison."

"No way!"

"Vivian!" Eldrian stopped and grasped her shoulders, "I am already forcing their hands. They are tasked with protecting me, not both of us. Please..." Staring into her eyes Eldrian waited for her to give.

"Fine, but you better not mess this up."

"I won\'t." Eldrian smiled as he felt he finally had a way to accomplish this impossible quest. Curious, he looked at the quest to see if the difficulty had decreased.

\'So, does this mean the system already took their help into account, or is my plan not going to work?\' Eldrian wondered, curious how many other dwarves there were watching him.

His pondering was interrupted when Vivian asked the question burning in her mind. "Why are they protecting you? What is a candidate?"

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