
Chapter 566 - Stalling The Vodi

Chapter 566 - Stalling The Vodi

This ox-like creature was as large as a carriage and had a strange helmet of an unknown metal on its head.

[Vodi (Balor), Demon - Beta]

[Tier 6, Level 36]

[HP: 13.2k]

[Damage: 648 (6850)]

[A strong demon, bred and magically designed to be tough and strong, but not much else.]

Strangely, Eldrian could feel that he could learn even more. Concentrating on the charging demonic ox creature, he gained greater insight.

[Strong versus physical attacks, but weak against magical and especially mental assaults.]

[Strenght: 1.1k, Agility: 255]

[AR: 30, MR 15, Physical Resistance: 10%]

Ramming headfirst into the portcullis, the entire wall shook as the mithril deformed. Stumbling a few steps back the Vodi shook its head. The damage from ramming mithril was significant, but compared to its thirteen thousand HP it was nothing.

\'We need to take it out before it breaks through.\' Eldrian realized that just one or two more rams would have the first portcullis broken. While there were two more, he would much rather not have the undead gain any footing.


Back on the walls things were not going well either. The undead simply had too many numbers. And with the gate still standing, all undead capable of scaling the walls- or simply flying over, did just that.

Many even rushed around to try and scale where there weren\'t any defenders.

The damage from the cannons and magic towers was massive but hardly enough. Slowly, the undead managed to get a foothold on the walls. Naturally, the cannons and magic towers weren\'t much use in the melee. The friendly fire would simply be too much.

Pelaros had also been forced to go to the front. When an enemy of Tier 7 or higher appeared, few would be able to stand against them. He had to stall them till another commander could come, or better yet kill them; if he was capable.

\'Luckily this assault seems to lack truly strong individuals.\' Pelaros thought as he dodged the bright red blade of a vampire. Returning the favor by striking with his poleaxe, sending the vampire stumbling a few feet back. Just one step away from the edge.

Pelaros\'s following simply shockwave spell sent it tumbling down.


Eldrian had a similar thought as Pelaros, it truly did seem that this time there was a lack of truly strong individuals on both sides.

This was naturally strange, however, the reason felt quite simple. The previous battle, back when they were still fighting for Pyknos forest and Eldrian was a target of the devils. That fight had done a great deal of damage to both sides.

Still, Eldrian was surprised that the other demon was only Tier 8. He was also curious why this demon did not assault the portcullises, after confirming that the Vodi would be able to break through it flew up to assault the top of the wall.

\'Hope Pelaros will be able to deal with him.\' Eldrian mumbled, not at all wanting to face that demon.

"Anyone have any idea how we can stop that thing?" Eldrian asked as the walls and ground shook again as the Vodi rammed the portcullis for a second time, it was now so deformed that it would be impossible to retract. Smaller undead could also crawl through in certain places already.

"What about that spell of yours?" Ceph asked, simple spells would do next to nothing to this demon. Tickle it at most.

"No," Eldrian shook his head in denial, "It will simply explode against the other portcullises and kill everyone nearby."

"I have the same problem," Vivian commented, her sword had a few amazing abilities. However, they would do more damage to allies than the enemies. She also doubted it would do enough.

Unfortunately, most of the stronger individuals of the city were atop the wall. Fighting to make sure the undead would have a hard time securing a foothold there. There were simply too many enemies capable of flying or scaling the walls.

The gate was actually considered the least important, however, if it was to fall then the weaker undead would be able to flood into the city.? These undead wouldn\'t be able to change the outcome between stronger individuals, however, they would be able to devastate the city and its citizens.

The ground shook again and the first portcullis gave way. The Vodi slammed into the second one, and as it wanted to retreat the spike of the first pierced into its back. Roaring in anger, it move forward again and kicked with its hindlegs. The spiked ends slammed into its back, but bent as it did.

"I guess we won\'t be able to stop it," Eldrian mumbled, the power behind this demon was just too much for them to do anything.

Looking around, Eldrian saw everyone shivering in fear. Those at the gate were mostly below Tier 5, sent here to actually keep them out of the worst of the fighting.

"Everyone!" Eldrian shouted, "Move back and form a barricade at the streets. We will try to stall the demon, you need to stop the undead from getting past!"

His speech wasn\'t worth much in terms of word choice or anything, however, everyone had great faith in his abilities as the elven hero. As such they rushed to get it done. Even going so far as to pull down the houses to block the streets and form barricades.

"Elizabeth!" Eldrian shouted, "Get a few players to bring some cannons here. There are a few normal cannons at Solvi\'s!"

Nodding she quickly relayed the message to Therdul. He was in charge of the players who had not been given the task of being a communication tool. It was now their time to join the fight.

"I\'ll try to keep its attention, you guys focus on doing as much damage as possible. With how reckless it is ramming it should finish while being quite wounded. We just need to whittle it down from there." Eldrian replied.

The demon was now at 10k health as it broke through the second portcullis.

\'My spells won\'t do much, and Incinerate isn\'t going to work. I will have to rely on Ceph and Vivian to deliver most of the damage. But... How will I keep its attention?\'

When the demon rammed against the last portcullis, Eldrian froze. If he failed to keep its attention and it decided to run towards one of the barricades. the barricade would fall as if it was nothing but some rubble that it could crush underfoot. Which to this demon that was indeed what it would be.

Gripping his spear, Eldrian looked at the demon and countless undead beyond. Swallowing hard, all he could do was hope.

\'Please, let it be enough.\'

When the demon broke through, Eldrian rushed forward. Striking out with Crystoi, he aimed for the disoriented demon\'s left eye. Thanks to its confusion after ramming its head against solid mithril a number of times, it was slow to react and Eldrian managed to deliver a good blow.

\'Hopefully, that is enough,\' Eldrian whispered as he jumped backed back and threatened with his spear the other eye. Glaring at him with hate, the demon charged straight for him.

Eldrian just barely jumped out of the way while Ceph and Vivian both landed good strikes. Each took a few hundred of the demon\'s HP but it didn\'t amount to much in the grand scheme of things.

The demon crushed a house as if it was nothing. Luckily, instead of rushing further in it turned back and glared at Eldrian with hate. Stomping its feat it charged him again.

AN: A big thank you to everyone who continues to read and support the story on WN.

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