
Chapter 60

Long Qingxie withdrew his wicked grin and put on his usual languid look, "There\'s no hurry . We can wait a little while longer . Tell me -- how long has it been since the last time that you drank beast blood?"

Hearing Long Qingxie\'s words, Yun Wu was stunned .

That was right . If he hadn\'t mentioned this, she wouldn\'t have recalled that she hadn\'t drunk any beast blood for seven or eight days .

Although she hadn\'t had any abnormal feelings, Elder White had once said that she needed beast blood to prevent her body from rotting . So no abnormal feelings didn\'t mean that everything was okay .

Yun Wu didn\'t know whether it was some kind of psychological effect, but she suddenly felt that her whole body wasn\'t right, as if her blood and flesh were not fresh enough .

"Then let me go and get some beast blood first," upon these words, Yun Wu intended to rush away .

In this area, except for those magic beasts that they had seen during that scrimmage, there didn\'t seem to be any other magic beasts around, so they would have to go to some other areas to search, or go to the periphery .

However, a big hand grabbed Yun Wu before she could leave, "What\'s the rush? I haven\'t finished my word yet . "

"What else?"

"The blood of high-level magic beasts is more nourishing to your body . Now that we are already so deep in the forest, let\'s get us a high-level one . "

Hearing Long Qingxie\'s words, Yun Wu frowned, thinking about which level she could handle with her current power .

She had seven elemental sources in her, but she had also discovered that it was more strength-consuming to use those seven elemental power than it was to use fighting spirit, which meant that she should avoid long fights . Considering all these factors, she’d better choose a magic beast that was approximately in peak-stage of Tier IV as her target .

"Let\'s go and find some magic beasts first . "

After saying this, Yun Wu flashed towards the depths of the forest .

Blood of high-level magic beasts was indeed highly beneficial to her health . After the last time that she drunk the blood of a Red Fire Dragon, she had felt exceptionally comfortably for days without drinking any extra beast blood .

Maybe, if she managed to get some blood of a high-level magic beast, she wouldn\'t need to go hunting at all during the few days that she was going to spend in the imperial city .

Long Qingxie followed her in a leisurely manner . With his current power, he could easily handle all magic beasts the levels of which were below Tier VI .

Magic beasts at levels higher than Tier VI were intelligent, and when magic beasts possessed intelligence just like humans did, they were difficult to deal with .


On their way deeper into the mountain, Yun Wu noticed something weird .

Finally, she couldn\'t help but stop moving .

"What\'s wrong?" Long Qingxie stopped beside her .

"All medicinal herbs withered in this area," Yun Wu looked around and said with a frown .

Other people might not have noticed this, but she was a very knowledgeable about medicine and in her eyes, medicinal herbs were exceptionally special existence . Among dense gra.s.s, there was a wide variety of medicinal herbs of different medicinal properties, but they had all withered .

If there was only a small number of herbs that had withered, she wouldn\'t have found it weird, but along their way, she had discovered that all medicinal herbs without exception seemed to have been sucked dry by something .

Wasn\'t this similar to what they had seen on their way to find a Vigor Gra.s.s?

Was there any chance that the two were related?

Hearing her words, Long Qingxie also looked around . After checking carefully, he lifted his eyebrows, "Under normal circ.u.mstances, there is always something eccentric around when this special phenomenon happens . "

After saying this, Long Qingxie curved his lips in a smile and looked at Yun Wu, "Do you want to go and find out what it is? If there are any high-level magic beasts, we can conveniently get you some beast blood . "

Yun Wu\'s lips curved up, "Okay, then . Let\'s go and take a look . "

She really wanted to find out what kind of eccentric thing could suck all the medicinal herbs in such a wide area dry .

Walking through areas with withered medicinal herbs, they detoured around that mountain .

Eventually, they arrived at a place among some hidden peaks .

There were many sharp-edged and steep rocks among those peaks . If people didn\'t look carefully, they would think those were just rocks fallen off from the peaks . There was nothing unusual about those rocks, and they wouldn\'t attract anybody\'s attention .

However . . .

"Tsk,tsk . This is just majestic . "

Lying prostrate on the top of one of those rocks, Yun Wu and Long Qingxie watched the scene down below . Both of them involuntarily lift their eyebrows .

There was a valley surrounded by those peaks, and in the middle of the valley, there was a lake about the size of a pool around which there were exuberant green gra.s.s . And at the feet of those peaks, there were all kinds of precious spiritual herbs .

There were Blood Lotus, White Ganoderma, Holy Gragon Gra.s.s . . .

The whole valley was full of these herbs, both the variety and the number of which were incredible .

Different medicinal herbs grew in different fields . Judging by the orderliness and the pattern, these herbs weren\'t natural . Someone had planted them here .

But what kind of people would come to the middle of the Magic Beasts Forest to grow these spiritual herbs?

What kind of relation was there between those withered medicinal herbs outside and this valley full of spiritual herbs?

"Tiny, look at that," suddenly, the man\'s magnetic, deep voice came to her hears .

Looking in the direction that Long Qingxie was looking, Yun Wu saw what he was seeing . In the middle of the lake, there was a small weedy platform . Among those weeds, there was a two-leaved plant with a flame-like fruit .

It took a Flame Fruit plant five hundred years to blossom and another five hundred years to fruit . Flame Fruits were sacred fruits of Fire Attribute and were highly toxic, but they also had the best medicinal properties as well as special power of Primal Fire . If someone managed to absorb the power, his or her Fire Attribute would become several times stronger . And the root of a Flame Fruit plant possessed the efficacy of dissolving decayed bone tissue and revitalizing flesh .

A piece of information pa.s.sed across her mind . Yun Wu lifted her eyebrows .

"No wonder all those medicinal herbs were sucked dry . It turns out that this thousand-year-old Flame Fruit is reaching maturity . "

"thousand-year-old Flame Fruit?"

Hearing her words, Long Qingxie raised his eyebrows, his black eyes staring at her, "Tiny, I didn\'t expect that you know about so many things . "

He knew that was a Flame Fruit only because he had once read about it in an ancient book .

As regards the age of this Flame Fruit, even he couldn\'t tell, but she knew that Flame Fruit was a thousand years old just by glancing at it .

The little woman just never ceased to surprise him .

Sometimes he even had a sudden urge to crack open her little head to see what was inside .

"You know a lot of things as well, don\'t you?" Yun Wu turned her head aside and glimpsed at him .

She knew about it because she had the Soaring Dragon Scroll, but this man was different . It seemed as if he knew everything, and there was always an air of mystery about him .

Long Qingxie curved his lips in a wicked smile and ogled her, "As a man who is worthy of you, I have to . "

Yun Wu rolled her eyes at him .

All of a sudden .

Yun Wu felt a sting in her wrist . Her bracelet gave off a colorful light, and then before Yun Wu and Long Qingxie could react, a small wooden box automatically came out of her Storage s.p.a.ce .

And with that the small wooden box opened . A shriveled small red bean whooshed towards the Flame Fruit down below on the lake .

"What\'s happening?"

Yun Wu looked at the empty small wooden box and then glanced at that small red bean shooting towards the Flame Fruit, feeling confused .

Wasn\'t that shriveled small red bean the very one that she had stolen from the royal treasure house?

Long San said that it was a flower seed .

And she had placed it at the bottom of her Storage s.p.a.ce . But now this scene was so strange . What happened exactly? It ran out of the Storage s.p.a.ce?

Did that so-called flower seed have its own consciousness?

Seeing this, Long Qingxie also frowned tightly, an amazed look on his handsome face .

Clearly, he also didn\'t know what was happening .

"Let me get it back first . You stay here," Long Qingxie didn\'t know the reason why this weird thing had happened, but he must get that seed back .

Yun Wu wanted to say something, but Long Qingxie had already leaped down and flashed towards that lake in the middle of the valley .

But the moment Long Qingxie leaped down, it seemed as if some kind of tranquility was broken by something . A weird sense of crisis rose in Yun Wu .

"Click . . . "

\'What was that sound?\'

Yun Wu\'s eyes swept around vigilantly, but except for spiritual herbs and gra.s.s, she didn\'t see any magic beasts .

And then Elder White\'s voice was heard in her mind . . .

Yun Wu\'s purple pupils abruptly contracted and she immediately leaped off the rock .

"Long Qingxie! Don\'t touch those gra.s.s!" while flying downwards rapidly, Yun Wu yelled urgently .

But it was too late . The tips of Long Qingxie\'s shoes had touched the green gra.s.s .

In the blink of an eye, the green gra.s.s abruptly wrapped themselves around Long Qingxie\'s feet and started climbing upwards, as if they had just been activated by something .

Meanwhile, they revealed their hideous hook-like fangs beneath the leaves and snapped at Long Qingxie\'s feet .

Long Qingxie was stunned and soon reacted . Warrior defensive power shielded him in, fire elemental power surging in him . . .

Yun Wu also started throwing flames towards those gra.s.s around him .

"Give me your hand!"

Long Qingxie didn\'t hesitate . He ripped off those gra.s.s twining around him and raised his hand .

Yun Wu immediately stretched out her hand and pulled Long Qingxie off the ground .

The flame could only force those Vampire Gra.s.ses but couldn\'t hurt them .

"Click, click . . . "

Horrifying sounds of fangs grinding rippled across the whole valley .

"These are Vampire Gra.s.ses . If you got entangled in them, they\'ll soon suck you dry," looking at the rippling Vampire Gra.s.ses down below, Yun Wu said with a frown .

"Vampire Gra.s.ses?"

Long Qingxie frowned with a grave look flashing across the bottom of his eyes, "It ranked the eleventh in the Ferocious Plants Cla.s.s . Rumor says this kind of plant has become extinct several hundred years ago . It turns out that they not only didn\'t become extinct but also were planted by someone to protect these spiritual herbs . "

"No wonder there are no magic beasts around . With this spooky thing here, no creatures dare to come close," Yun Wu said in a deep voice .

Then she cast her eyes in the direction of that platform in the middle of the lake .

She saw that the small red bean was on the top of the 1,000-year-old Flame Fruit surrounded by Vampire Gra.s.ses .

All Vampire Gra.s.ses had been woken up . Their wicked-looking fangs gleamed under the sunlight with grinding sounds .

Long Qingxie had never been a reckless man . The reason why he so eagerly wanted to help her get back that small red bean must be that he knew what it was . And it must be something unusual .

Originally, Yun Wu didn\'t care much about that small red bean, but now she had suddenly become interested in it .

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