
Chapter 79

After following the man with the beastmask out of the arena, Yong-Ho headed straight towards Catalina. She wassitting in the front row while the spirits that were watching were sittingseveral rows behind. They were looking at Yong-Ho and talking amongstthemselves, but it didn’t seem like they were going to approach him.Yong-Ho looked at them for a briefmoment. Amongst them sat Kaiwan, where just by looking at her face and bodylanguage, it was obvious that she wanted to rush straight towards him, but wasinstead suppressing it. The spirits, however, weren’t acting that way. Theylooked relaxed when looking at him, but also kind of cold.‘The Arena’s spirits.’It couldn’t apply to all of them, but apart of them were most likely previous owners of the House of Mammon, just likeKaiwan.

They entered as competitors, but lostand now remained here at the Arena.Yong-Ho turned his attention away. Itwas difficult to avoid Kaiwan’s gaze because she was desperately trying to gethim to see her.“Are you okay?”“I’m fine.”

Catalina barely managed to answer whenYong-Ho asked. However, her body answered differently because her ears and tailweren’t moving in the slightest.But her expression was bright. Yong-Howon and further grew in power. Catalina gained another horn, so it was obviousthat she was happy about that.Yong-Ho softly patted her head when shetried to stand on her own and then displayed a warm smile. After transformingAamon back into a bracelet, he turned around and spoke.

“Get on.”“I’m sorry?”“Get on. I’ll carry you. You can hardlystand, let alone walk.”Yong-Ho turned his back to her, kneeledand signaled her with his finger to get on.Catalina blinked her eyes a few timesand then turned around. The Arena’s spirits were having fun watching as theylooked down on Yong-Ho and Catalina. Catalina had better hearing than Yong-Ho,so she was able to hear their conversations.“Catalina?”“Oh, uh, yes.”When Yong-Ho called her, her earsturned red and she carefully stood up from her seat. She ignored their staresand comments and got on to Yong-Ho’s back. The only time she had ever got onsomeone’s back was when the previous guard had carried her when she wasyounger. It was really awkward, but she managed to wrap her arms aroundYong-Ho’s neck.

“Good.”After grabbing Catalina’s thighs,Yong-Ho stood up. It was a good thing that she couldn’t see his face because hehad turned slightly red. This was his first time carrying a girl and the thingshe felt through his back seemed extremely soft.

“What the heck are they doing?”Gusion asked as he watched them fromafar. Since Catalina’s senses had been heightened, she had clearly heard him.She tightened her lips and buried her face into Yong-Ho’s back.Yong-Ho looked straight at Gusion. Hedidn’t look that intimidating since Catalina was on his back, but it didn’treally matter. He spoke loudly.“I’ll be going now. I’ll see you nexttime.”“Anytime.”A satisfied smile appeared on Gusion’sface after he answered out loud. He was extremely satisfied when Yong-Ho saidthe words “next time.”Gusion probably wasn’t as bad as manythought. He only acted that way because he was being loyal to his owner,Mammon. Even though he told Yong-Ho that he couldn’t acknowledge him yet, onceYong-Ho completed the levels, Gusion would acknowledge him as his owner.When comparing that smile to the one hehad first displayed, Gusion was definitely being friendly.

‘Is he like Zhang Fei from the Recordsof the Three Kingdoms?’

It just popped into his head, but hethought it was a decent comparison.On top of that, he had a large frame.He was known to have superhuman strength, so his muscular strength was probablyunlike the others. He was a Red Demon after all.

‘I still dislike him though.’Kaiwan’s was one of the greatest ownersto have existed. Gusion didn’t physically abuse her, but Yong-Ho still didn’tlike the way he was treating her.Yong-Ho turned around and afterignoring Gusion, he briefly looked at the spirits and Kaiwan before leaving theArena.Even though it was just their eyes thatmet, it felt like he was able to hear her voice.Anything is fine.Anything is fine so please tell me!‘I’m sorry.’He couldn’t say it. Kaiwan desperatelywanted to hear some news about her brother, but the only news he could give herwas of his death. He couldn’t do that to Kaiwan in her current state.‘Someday, someday.’Yong-Ho didn’t really have any interestin her brother. The only thing Yong-Ho knew about him was that he had diedwhile filled with despair and remorse.Yong-Ho turned around as if he wasignoring her and then started walking away. The man with the beast mask walkednext to Yong-Ho and guided him to the passageway that led them outside of theArena.The man then stopped walking when theyapproached the passageway. He then pointed to the passageway as if he wassaying that his job was done and then disappeared.Yong-Ho pushed Catalina up and walkedinto the passageway. It was different from when Gusion was leading because whenYong-Ho was leaving, the lights that appeared on the ceiling started todisappear one by one until complete darkness filled the space.How long had he been walking?Yong-Ho stopped. Now there was only onelight that was shining down upon him.Before leaving the Arena, Yong-Ho hadto ask a question.“Aamon.”“Speak, my young master.”

Aamon replied right away. The Red LotusDemon’s flame appeared in front of Yong-Ho.Catalina gulped while staying onYong-Ho’s back. Yong-Ho then asked while looking at the flame.“Mammon...how the King of Greed die?”

The strongest demon king in the historyof the demon world.He was placed in the top three out ofthe Seven Deadly Sins and also had four superhuman skills.He was one that called strong spirits,like Aamon and Gusion, as his own.

No one knew how he had really died.The only available information was thatMammon had suddenly passed away and because of that, the House of Mammon hadcrumbled.How did Mammon die?He wasn’t curious at first. Mammonexisted over a 1,000 years ago, so Yong-Ho simply left it at that.But not now.He wanted to know. It felt like therewas some sort of secret to this death.

Aamon didn’t reply right away. Becausehe spent time with Mammon until his last moment, he remained quiet. It seemedlike the flame that was moving with the wind was displaying Aamon’s feelings.

Yong-Ho waited. Catalina was afraidthat she would make a sound, so she kept her mouth shut.“I’m afraid I cannot tell you yet, myyoung master.”He said “yet.” Yong-Ho decided to leaveit at that.He asked another question. It was moreof a confirmation than a question.

“You said I can’t rescue Kaiwan justyet, right?”“Yes, not yet. But someday, in the nearfuture, I believe that it will be possible. I believe that.”Even though he was just a flame,Yong-Ho felt like he saw Aamon smile. Catalina had the same feeling too.Aamon must’ve felt satisfied with hisanswers, because the Red Demon’s flame disappeared. Yong-Ho watched the flamedisappear with the wind and then breathed in deeply. Instead of looking back,he took a step forward and exited Mammon’s Arena.***He wasn’t sure how many additionalsteps he took in the total darkness. It was so dark that Catalina, who was ableto see through the darkness, couldn’t make out anything that was ahead of them.Yong-Ho calmed himself down and walkedforward. Moments later, he felt his disconnected senses connecting to thedungeon again.“Master! Where did you go?!”Lucia’s voice rang loudly in his head.This finally meant that Yong-Ho was completely out of the Arena and was now inthe first floor of the House of Mammon, the area that was under Lucia’scontrol.Yong-Ho also felt relieved when heheard her worried and relieved voice. He felt like he had finally returnedhome.“I’ll tell you later. First, gatherEligor, Skull and Ophelia to the Library.”“Got it.”“Eligor and Skull experienced ahuge...oh my! You gained another horn! And your mana has increased a lot aswell!”“Catalina’s mana has become extremelystrong as well. What exactly happened in there?!”

Instead of answering, he displayed aslightly awkward smile and even though Lucia was mentally connected to him, shedidn’t push him anymore.“I understand. I’ll relay your messageto the three spirits.”After he finished talking to Lucia, hewalked out of the darkness and headed towards Kaiwan’s Break Room. He feltCatalina quietly release a sigh of relief.

‘I think I know why Kaiwan kept thelocation of the Arena a secret from the spirits.’One was able to earn big rewards in theArena. The rewards, which included Mammon’s mana, were extremely appealing.

As someone that cleared the firstlevel, Yong-Ho was curious about the second level’s reward. His opponent on thefirst floor was tough, so the Floor Master of the second level was probablystronger, but Yong-Ho was far more interested in the reward compared to theFloor Master or the fear of losing.Once one jumps in, they can’t stop.If Ophelia’s father participated, heprobably would’ve kept on going until his last breath.According to Gusion, the punishment wasa lot weaker for the owners.And Kaiwan experienced the punishmentthat was already set in the Arena. In that case, what kind of punishments didthe spirits experience? Losing one’s life probably wasn’t the worst punishment.

“Catalina, never participate in theArena without my permission. Got it?”Catalina gulped when she heardYong-Ho’s request. From the way she reacted, she must’ve had a slight interest.“I understand. I’ll follow your orders,sir.”

That was like Catalina. Yong-Ho feltrelieved when she answered honestly. After fixing Catalina’s posture, he headedtowards Kaiwan’s Break Room. ***“You went to the Arena?!”The Library was supposed to be a quietplace, but it was filled with shock.The voice belonged to Ophelia. Yong-Hofelt a bit flustered by Ophelia’s unexpected reaction, but he quickly noddedhis head.“I did. I cleared the first floor. Andthanks to that, me, Catalina...and Eligor and Skull, all changed.”Yong-Ho looked at Eligor and Skullwhile replying. Eligor and Skull had become stronger, just like Catalina.Eligor still had the same number of horns, but his mana became stronger, so hisbody now released a beast-like energy. Skull, who had become the Iron SkeletonKnight, had no way of releasing his mana, so Yong-Ho instead felt an immenseamount of mana within Skull’s body.Ophelia couldn’t control herexcitement. It was refreshing to see this side of her because she was usuallyalways calm and cold.‘Did she hear something from herfather?’That wasn’t the only thing. Catalina,who had obtained a third horn, was sitting in front of Ophelia.Based on the amount of mana and thepurity, Ophelia was still stronger however. Excluding Aamon, Ophelia was thestrongest out of all the living spirits in the House of Mammon.But if this continued, then someoneelse would likely end up taking that spot.Yong-Ho was expecting such a thing tohappen and would be overjoyed if it did.. Since it would mean that the House ofMammon’s spirits had become that much stronger.But, it didn’t mean that he wantedOphelia to fall behind. She might not be as strong as her father, but she stillwanted to become stronger. She was extremely competitive, however it was betterthan not being competitive at all.“Please, please make me your personalspirit, sir!”Her request was straightforward.Yong-Ho smiled awkwardly.Of course Yong-Ho wanted to make herhis personal spirit. But the reason why he didn’t bring it up was because shewould be “bound” to him.Spirits that belonged to the dungeonalso belonged to the owner. If the dungeon died, then they would die as well.They were different from ordinaryspirits since ordinary spirits were able to terminate their contract at anytime. Bound spirits would end up sharing the same fate as their owner.

They devote their entire body and soulto their owner.That was the difference. That’s why hecouldn’t make such an offer so easily.

On the other hand, there was a reasonwhy Ophelia didn’t make the request before.It wasn’t because of the constraintsthat Yong-Ho had thought of and it wasn’t about having anxiety about having togive her life to him.The places were limited.The owners in the empty regions tendedto have a minimum of three and a maximum of five personal spirits. Even the sixstrong kings that were controlling the demon world probably only had about 10.When thinking about the Power ofEvolution and the House of Mammon’s dungeon characteristics, the spirits werebound to grow at a fast rate. During these two months, Catalina and Eligor hadbecome so much stronger.For Skull, Yong-Ho purchased him fromthe dungeon shop and he was nothing more than an ordinary Skeleton Worker, butSkull had grew a lot since then.That’s why she didn’t say it. But, nowshe couldn’t wait any longer. The moment she was suppressed by Greed and Aamon,she had figured out that Yong-Ho was the new King of Greed and that was whenshe had made her decision.

That she would be the King of Greed’sspirit.

“Ophelia, please calm down. You’re infront of the Master, so please be respectful.”When Eligor spoke calmly, Opheliarealized that she had been acting too excitedly. But instead she moaned andcouldn’t sit back down in her seat.

Eligor looked back at Yong-Ho for her.He spoke while showing his respect.“Master, I would like to make the samerequest. Ophelia will definitely be a great help to the House of Mammon.”Ophelia was touched by Eligor’sunexpected support, she looked at him with a grateful expression. It felt likesomeone was cheering her on.Before answering, Yong-Ho looked backat Skull and Catalina. Skull had a satisfied smile and Catalina lightly noddedand agreed with Eligor’s comment.Which meant that everyone had agreed.“Okay, if it’s okay with you Ophelia,I’ll make you my personal spirit. But, there’s something else I need to tellyou.”Ophelia, who had lost her cool, quicklysat down and listened to Yong-Ho. Eligor also paid attention to him.Yong-Ho took a deep breath andorganized his thoughts. The first topic was obvious.“The owner from three generations ago.Kaiwan, the Queen of Distortion, is alive.”As soon as he finished talking, bothEligor and Ophelia stood up from their seats.


1. Future of Dungeon Maker

As many of you have already noticed Jen is no longer able to translate due to work commitments, so I have decided to publish all the remaining chapters that she has already translated on this website (11 after this chapter).

However, I’m also capable of translating and I am currently translating another novel which would hopefully be ready by the start of next month. Thus, the future of Dungeon Maker, on this website, highly depends on if I’m able to translate both novels at the same time.

I’ve recently obtained the full raw source of Dungeon Maker and started translating the novel today, so hopefully by the time the chapters already translated by Jen come to an end, I’ll have a large enough backlog to maintain a consistent release schedule of at least 3 chapters per week.

However, if I’m incapable of keeping up with a decent release schedule, I’m going to pass this novel to another translator who has kindly offered to pick it up. Hopefully everything should work out fine either way, so there’s no need to worry :D.

2. Missing Chapter

Does anybody remember a weird time skip when Yong-Ho was travelling to the free-city, after killing the land worm? Well after checking the raws on Munpia, I realised that there’s a missing chapter that hasn’t been translated yet between chapters 53 and 54.

Well not to worry, I am currently translating it as of this moment and will hopefully have it published alongside the next chapter (chapter 80) later on this week. Be sure to look out for a link (called: Chapter 53-2 - Free City #3) in the next chapter, as well as on: the home page, Dungeon Maker novel page and Novelupdates website.

3. Donations

I’ve decided that I’m only going to start accepting donations until I have a large enough backlog of chapters to ensure a consistent release schedule and Dungeon Maker’s future on this website. Until then if you wish to help in anyway, please just spread the word of this great novel to all those who will hear it :D.

4. Comment Section

To the eagle-eyed among you, you may have noticed that I’ve updated the comment section. I disliked the old one, as it felt too clunky and difficult to use, so I decided to change it to a more user-friendly style that’s both easier to use and most importantly allows the posting of great memes.

If you’ve managed to make it this far, thank-you very much for reading and hopefully you’ll stick around as we continue this great journey together :D

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