
Chapter 1003: Anti-Toad Coalition

Umbridge\'s reaction to the incident was not surprising at all, as Filch had nailed a new education order to the Hogwarts notice wall.

"The Senior Investigator has the highest authority over all punishments involving Hogwarts students." Lee Jordan in the crowd read out the contents of the new education order. One student was complaining loudly, "Is Dumbledore crazy? To allow Toad to do this."

There is no doubt that after the introduction of the new education order, Umbridge has mastered the "power of life and death" at Hogwarts, as long as she is willing, she can even find an excuse to punish those students who do not want to listen to her.

"It\'s really crazy, let\'s go." Albert turned and left.

"I think Umbridge is trying to drive everyone crazy!" Lee Jordan said in a low voice as the four turned into an unsecreted lane, "Wouldn\'t it be too fast to do so."

Many of Umbridge\'s education orders were forced by them. Several people actually know very well what the consequences of Umbridge\'s mass education orders will be.

It was a joy to watch Umbridge play dead and unlucky.

It\'s just that they always feel that if the other party continues to die, this source of happiness will soon be tossed away.

"Don\'t worry, as long as Dumbledore continues to let it go, Umbridge can last a long time at Hogwarts." Albert was not worried about this at all, he was very clear about Dumbledore\'s attitude towards this matter, Don\'t worry about tossing Umbridge to the point of running away.

Watching Umbridge get tricked and unlucky was one of the few pleasures of Albert\'s busy seventh-grade career.

He naturally didn\'t intend to let Umbridge go like this, or that Umbridge wouldn\'t easily give up the task Fudge gave her and was promoted to deputy minister. She had to come up with some results to explain to Fudge.

"I really don\'t know why Headmaster Dumbledore would do this."

The three were very puzzled and did not believe that Professor Dumbledore really had nothing to do with the pink toad. It was undoubtedly irresponsible for the students to allow Umbridge to mess around in the school.

"Don\'t ask me why, I don\'t know either." Albert could guess the reason, but he didn\'t mean to explain to the three of them, so he changed the topic: "How are the preparations for the wizard card game? Mlić ends the game before he strikes at the club, otherwise there will be no time to hold this competition."

"Umbridge will attack the club?"

The three looked at each other in dismay, obviously some did not understand why Umbridge wanted to attack the club.

"Hermione seems to be interested in reorganizing the Defense Association," Albert explained. "She doesn\'t think Umbridge can teach anyone useful Defence Against the Dark Arts knowledge, so she plans to teach herself."

"It\'s like something Hermione would do," muttered Fred. "But, it\'s like..."

"Umbridge always pays special attention to Potter\'s affairs." Albert glanced at Fred and continued, "Besides, since the last Defence Against the Dark Arts class was boycotted by everyone, she probably wouldn\'t. Rest assured that a large number of students gather together, for fear that everyone will boycott her again."

This time, the three of them understood.

They all knew the latter was the point, and if Potter united everyone against Umbridge, Hogwarts would definitely be interesting.

"Umbridge doesn\'t know everything about school, she has a lot of eyeliners in Slytherin," Lee Jordan murmured, "Once I hear some bad news, maybe there will be a new one. Education order to dissolve all clubs at Hogwarts."

"It should say clubs other than Quidditch teams."

"As soon as possible, let Miss Granger slow down first, and I will try to end the wizarding card game next month." Lee Jordan was also quite helpless after knowing why Albert urged him to hurry up.

"It\'s best to get it done this month," Abbott said.

"Okay, this month," Lee Jordan suddenly suggested. "Or, let\'s let Umbridge disband the Quidditch team!"

"If Angelina found out, she would probably kill you." Fred said angrily.

"I guess Umbridge will deliberately target Harry, and even try to get Harry suspended." Lee Jordan looked at Albert and said, "I remember you said this to Angelina at the beginning of school, Um Rich will definitely find a way to make the Slytherin team win. Since the game can\'t even do the most basic fairness, why participate in it and let everyone go up and humiliate others?"

The Weasley twins fell silent, because what Lee Jordan said was likely to happen.

"What is a good way?"

"No. The best thing to do is to stop the Quidditch match." Albert said, glancing at the Weasley twins. "Of course, if you\'re willing to fight for possible failure, treat me as if I didn\'t say anything."

"If we... cheat," Fred suggested, "I mean let Harry use the little golden pill, we just need to beat the Slytherins as soon as possible."

"Anyway, I don\'t have any extra elixirs here." Albert simply refused. He really didn\'t have any extra elixirs.

"I remember where Lee Jordan still has one." Fred and George looked at their good roommates together, "For the victory of Gryffindor."

"Where\'s your Flux?" Lee Jordan asked twitchingly.

"It was used during Harry\'s trial." The two looked at each other and shrugged.

"Are you really going to use Flux to cheat?" Lee Jordan asked again, "I don\'t think Harry would agree."

"Just don\'t let Harry know."

"Since the Slytherin team didn\'t intend to play fair with us." George\'s eyes flashed with malicious light, "Why do we still follow the rules foolishly and let others think of us as fools?"

In the few days since the new education order was issued, Umbridge was in full swing, picking up a few talkative Hufflepuff students, and even prefect Ernie McMillan was locked up.

It can be said that it directly shocked all the students at Hogwarts, and incidentally stabilized the hatred for himself.

After the implementation of the new education order, Umbridge\'s deterrence gradually increased. She was surprised to find that the original noise of Hogwarts had disappeared, and Umbridge almost shed tears of excitement.

No way, since Umbridge came to Hogwarts as a professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, it can be said that he has suffered a lot, been played as a fool, and he still doesn\'t know who did it. It has never been like this. As relaxed and happy.

Especially after giving some lessons to those talkative students, no one dared to talk indiscriminately. This series of changes made Umbridge more determined to suppress the chaos of Hogwarts with a tough attitude and high-pressure policy. , and let the whole school run according to her wishes.

Umbridge\'s tough tactics are indeed intimidating, but many students are actually waiting silently, waiting for the day when Umbridge does something big.

Surprisingly, however, Umbridge did not bother Professor Sprout when he was checking out the herbal medicine class.

Many Hufflepuff students have already done their job, and Umbridge will fire their dean. When the time comes, everyone will stand up and use the toughest means to drive Umbridge away.

It\'s just that they were destined to be disappointed. Umbridge was not a brainless toad, and he didn\'t bother Professor Sprout because of the last incident.

"I knew that the plan was unreliable." Lee Jordan commented with certainty after receiving the news, "Umbridge is not a fool, I even doubt that she knows about it."

"In fact, Umbridge really knew about it. The Hufflepuffs who were in charge of the organization were locked up." Fred shrugged and said, "We met them on the way back. "

Gu Man, "Copy sentences like Harry, and you have to contact him for a week of confinement."

"That\'s really miserable!" said Lee Jordan suddenly, "you didn\'t take the opportunity to sell some ointment for the tentacles of Mortra rat."

"Of course it\'s sold."

"Umbridge really hurts a lot."

"How about we form an anti-Umbridge coalition?"

"It\'s a good idea. It\'s called the Anti-Toad Alliance." Fred\'s eyes lit up, he thought it was a good idea.

"At that time, we can also sell joke props in the league. As long as we use it on Umbridge, we will give a 5% discount." George feels that this league is full of business opportunities, and everyone can benefit from each other.

"Albert, what do you think of paying attention?"

"It\'s very unreliable. I dare say that Umbridge will get the news soon, and by the way, you will be locked up." Albert was a little speechless about Fred and George\'s murderous behavior.

Umbridge is not an idiot, isn\'t it a death sentence to blatantly become the so-called anti-toad alliance?

"Then what should we do?"

"You must have a way, right!"

Fred and George looked at Albert, waiting for the other party to give them an idea.

"How?" Albert thought for a while and said, "You can form an alliance, but it must not exist."

"What\'s the meaning."

The three of them didn\'t understand Albert\'s tricks.

"As long as you are willing to carry items marked with toads, you are someone from the Anti-Toad Alliance." Albert said slowly, "but the reality is that the Anti-Toad Alliance is just a rumor. A league that doesn\'t exist."

"Since it doesn\'t exist, even if Umbridge knows that there is an anti-toad alliance, there is nowhere to start." Albert continued, "because this alliance didn\'t exist from the beginning."

"So, it\'s spreading rumors about the Anti-Toad Alliance?" George still didn\'t understand.

"No, as long as everyone is willing to believe that the Anti-Toad Alliance exists, it exists." Albert explained, "You can identify each other by markings."


"The toad\'s mark."

"What if Umbridge found out and searched around?" George asked again.

"You can draw it temporarily, and it\'s not illegal to draw graffiti." Albert said meaningfully.

A few days later, rumors abounded at Hogwarts, most notably the mysterious Anti-Toad League that caused Umbridge a string of troubles and turned her into a pink toad.

In an instant, this alliance that never existed received everyone\'s attention. Everyone was in the halls about the anti-toad alliance, and even Umbridge heard some rumors.

After learning these things, Umbridge suddenly became not so wonderful. She gritted her teeth to track down this matter, trying to find out the **** who turned her into a toad, but the result was: no one at all Knowing the Anti-Toad Alliance, it was just a rumor from beginning to end.

But Umbridge believes that the Anti-Toad Coalition is real.

Does the Anti-Toad League really exist?

Yes, it does exist, and there are students who claim to have joined the Anti-Toad League.

And the purpose of the anti-toad alliance has also been leaked out, which is to drive pink toads out of the school.

The most surprising thing is that there are guidelines.

The guidelines are: as long as enough students participate, even if the pink toad is chased away, the Ministry of Magic will not be able to do anything about them.

There was even a voice in the school: "No, you can still pull out your wand and fight Umbridge recklessly. As long as the whole school opposes Umbridge, the old witch can be driven out of Hogwarts."

It is said that in order to prevent Umbridge from finding out that something is wrong, members of the Anti-Toad Alliance will carry toad-marked items to identify both parties.

It even claimed that because most of the Slytherin students were attracted by Umbridge, the Anti-Toad Alliance would not recruit any Slytherin members for the time being to prevent spies from mixing into the alliance.

These rumors are getting more and more outrageous.

Some say that Harry Potter also joined the Anti-Toad League.

Some say that Fred and George were willing to give discounts to members of the Anti-Toad Alliance in order to pay their respects.

Some say that the Anti-Toad Alliance already has nearly 100 members.

Some also say...

In a word, everyone is talking about the anti-toad alliance, and no one knows that those rumors are credible.

Umbridge had spent a great deal of effort trying to find any clues about the Anti-Toad League, and his eyeliner told him,

This **** alliance does exist, but there\'s just no clue. She even intercepted the students in the corridor and randomly checked their bags and belongings, but still couldn\'t find any clues about the Alliance Against Toads, and became the laughing stock of Hogwarts for a while.

"Professor, the Anti-Toad Alliance is really just a rumor that I don\'t know who is spreading it. Later, everyone made a fool of it and spread it in private, so... it was really just a rumor." George Man was invited to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office for tea. Face said helplessly, "The anti-toad alliance didn\'t exist from beginning to end."

He almost said to Umbridge directly: The so-called anti-toad alliance is actually a joint teasing of you.

Does the Anti-Toad League really exist?

No, it exists.

The so-called toad mark, just use a quill to draw it, and when you don\'t need it, just use a spell to clean it up, and it won\'t leave any traces at all. Naturally, Umbridge couldn\'t find any signs related to the Anti-Toad Alliance no matter how much he searched.

Is this a crush on intelligence?

Everyone happens to like watching Umbridge have fun, so they spread the news around as rumors.

As for whether it\'s news or rumors, I\'m afraid many people can\'t tell the difference, but it doesn\'t matter if they can\'t tell the difference, anyway, everyone is just watching toad\'s jokes.

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