
Chapter 1051: i'm not crazy

No way, Umbridge felt a little shaky as soon as he left the hospital, because all the students in the corridor were wearing the silver badges of their respective colleges. According to the valuable information provided by the Slytherin students, whoever wore their The students of the Academy badge are members of the Anti-Toad League, and there is more evidence that the badge can be touched into the shape of a toad.

The self-proclaimed Anti-Toad Coalition ran rampant at the school while she was in hospital, and Muggle-born Dennis Creevey was a target for Umbridge to kill.

Because it is impossible for her to expel all the students, she must suppress their arrogance. Picking a soft persimmon is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Ah, you mean this badge? It\'s the most popular college badge in the school these days." Dennis Creevey was a little nervous, but still introduced the badge on his chest to Umbridge. "The graphic on the badge A symbol of their respective academies."

"I was told that this is a symbol of an organization." Umbridge smirked with a hypocritical smirk on his face, which made Dennis Creevey shrink his head in fear, as if he had become a fat man being stared at by a toad. fly.

"I know." Dennis Creevey nodded earnestly.

"You know?" The smile on Umbridge\'s face widened.

"Yeah Professor, this is the symbol of the respective houses of Hogwarts." As soon as Creevey finished speaking, the smile on Umbridge\'s face froze, but the young wizard didn\'t seem to notice the change on the other side\'s face. , continued: "In fact, more than 80% of the students in the entire school wear such badges, and even Slytherin students have many people wearing similar badges."

"Take it off." Although Umbridge was still smiling, his tone of voice was extremely strong, and he reached out to find the academy badge that Creevey wanted to wear on his chest.

"What?" Dennis Creevey was a little surprised.

"I said take it off." Umbridge smiled coldly. "I doubt..."

"Professor, this is private property." Creevey took off the badge reluctantly, put it in Umbridge\'s hand, and reminded in a low voice, "It\'s expensive and needs a Galleon."

"Who did you buy it from?" The smile on Umbridge\'s face froze completely, because she heard the students around her looking at this side, whispering about what happened here, and many people put their chests on their chests. \'s badge flashed towards her, making her vaguely see that the other side was wearing a silver toad badge on her chest.

"93 Diagon Alley, Professor," Creevey whispered.

"You, Mr. McMillan, and Miss Abbott." Umbridge stared at the two in front of him, motioning for them to come over.

"Professor, what\'s the matter?"

The two Hufflepuff prefects stopped, turned to look at Umbridge, and asked in confusion.

"Give me your badges?" Umbridge said unquestioningly.

"Professor, is there any problem with the badge?" Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbott looked at each other and took off the badge on their chests and handed it to Umbridge, pretending to be puzzled.

"Some people say it\'s a symbol of a member of an illegal organization." Umbridge took the badge and tapped on it, but there was still no response. It didn\'t look like a toad like the Slytherin students said. .

"Oh, that\'s what happened." Ernie McMillan said suddenly.

"You know what\'s going on?" Umbridge asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, everyone knows." McMillan turned to Aibo and said, "Right?"

"Yes, it\'s spread all over the school."

"It is said that Shop No. 93 did not make Slytherin badges, which led to some Slytherin students wearing homemade badges and being ridiculed by students from other colleges. Some Slytherin students began to spread randomly, saying that these badges are..."

"What?" Umbridge demanded.

"The symbol of the Anti-Toad Alliance, but you have also seen it, this is just an ordinary badge, it looks more delicate, it is said to be made of sterling silver, so the price is relatively expensive, worth a Galleon." Ernie McMillan explained helplessly, "Is there something wrong with the academy badge, Professor?"

"These badges are banned from Hogwarts now," Umbridge said nonchalantly, and he had no intention of returning the badges, ready to be inspected by Ministry employees to see if there were any secrets hidden in them.

"Professor, this is private property." Ernie McMillan reminded with a frown, "Also, Hogwarts doesn\'t have such a school rule yet, if you want to ban it through an education order, at least hang the education order on On the notice wall, I think everyone will take off the badge consciously."

"Mr. Ernie McMillan..."

Before Umbridge uttered the threatening words, a pain came from the back of her head. When she turned her head angrily, she found that the students around her were looking at her with contempt, and everyone wore toads on their chests. \'s badge, which made Umbridge\'s anger suddenly rise.

"Who attacked me?"

"Professor, what are you talking about, no one attacked you." Keliweiqiang smirked, pretending to be confused.

It was an accident that they appeared here. No, it should be said that the students in this corridor did not appear by accident. Everyone was acting with Umbridge.

As for why Creevey, because Creevey is the only Muggle wizard here.

Before Umbridge walked towards the nearest student, he received another blow on the head, and a large group of birds were attacking the back of Umbridge\'s head with their beaks.


Umbridge almost went mad, pulling out his wand to try to disperse the **** birds. However, the funny way she waved her wand almost made the surrounding students laugh out loud.

"Who is laughing!"

Umbridge, who was trying to drive away the birds, glared angrily at the students who mocked her. When she hit a bird with a stun spell, the bird split into two and continued to attack her. .

"Professor, nobody\'s laughing," McMillan whispered.


"A toad is a toad!"

"Sure enough, an idiot!"

"She looks so funny."

Voices continued in the hallway, but except for Umbridge, everyone else still had the look of what you\'re saying, as if they\'d never heard those words.

"Professor, are you okay, do you want us to take you to the school hospital?" Ernie McMillan asked worriedly.

"Quick, help drive those **** birds away." Umbridge reached out and covered his face to keep the birds from pecking at her.

"What birds, Professor, there are no birds here." Hannah Abbott said worriedly, taking a step back as he spoke, for fear that Umbridge would suddenly go crazy and attack her.

"It\'s those **** birds." Umbridge hit one of them with a Shatter Charm, and the bird exploded immediately. However, the others still looked at Umbridge with bewildered faces, as if to say are you ill?

"Professor, are you under too much pressure." A Ravenclaw girl who was watching said nervously, "There are no birds here. If you don\'t believe me, you can ask others."

"We\'d better take the professor to the school hospital, I think she might have it..."

"Did you really not see it? And the badge on your chest." Umbridge\'s gaze made the girl shrink back in fright.

"Professor, this is just an ordinary college badge." The student took off the badge nervously and threw it to Umbridge.

However, whether it was intentional or not strong enough, the badge fell directly to the ground.

Ernie McMillan, who was next to him, finally couldn\'t stand it anymore. He bent down to help pick up the badge and handed it to Umbridge, "This is just an ordinary badge, and professor, you sure don\'t need to go to the school hospital. ?"

"Toad is crazy!"

"She was crazy!"

"It\'s so good, she\'s finally crazy!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Several voices echoed near and far in Umbridge\'s ears.

"Shut up, shut up for me."

"Professor, are you okay, no one is talking here, are you sure you really don\'t need to go to the school hospital?" Ernie McMillan stepped back uneasily, not only him, but the others slowly moving away from Umbridge , as if the toad was carrying some kind of terrifying infectious disease.

The next moment, a large number of birds flew from behind Umbridge, constantly harassing and attacking around her, causing Umbridge to curse in a low voice, and waving her wand vigorously, trying to disperse the surrounding birds.

"Don\'t worry Professor, I think Madam Pomfrey will be able to cure your hallucinations," Ernie McMillan said blankly.

In fact, he\'s trying to hold back his laughter right now.


Of course not, everything here is not hallucinations, but here are actors, except Umbridge is not, they didn\'t reveal their secrets because they all took tranquilizers just now.

"It\'s not an illusion!" Umbridge abandoned his smirk, and his face became extremely hideous: "If you let me know who is..."

"Hahaha, I almost died of laughter."

"What an idiot."

"Go to die."

"Then let\'s go first." Ernie McMillan gave a few people around him a look, and then everyone left the corridor as quickly as the plague, and before leaving, they were still whispering about whether Umbridge was Not crazy or something like that.

"Look, everyone knows you\'re crazy, why don\'t you just admit it?"

"A lunatic never admits he is a lunatic."

"Shut up, shut up, if you let me know who\'s doing this shit, I\'ll rip him off." Umbridge cursed angrily. She looked around and tried to find the source of the sound, but the corridor was already empty. .

"Look, what I found, a mad toad." Peeves appeared out of nowhere and looked at Umbridge with interest.

"It\'s you, it\'s you, right?" Umbridge pointed his wand at Peeves and fired a spell at Peeves.

However, the spell passed through Peeves without causing any substantial damage to Peeves.

"Me?" Peeves pointed to himself, as if surprised, but he accepted the result quickly, made a face at Umbridge, and began to laugh recklessly, "No. Wrong, it\'s me, it\'s Peeves."

As he said that, Peeves also took out a big dung and put it on Toad\'s face.

"Look, it\'s completely crazy."

"Sure enough."

"But it\'s normal, she\'s not normal at all."

"It\'s her pain now."

Umbridge seemed stunned by Peeves\' actions, and the next moment, sharp screams resounded throughout the corridor.

An angry Umbridge cast a random spell on Peeves, but the effect was not good. Instead, Peeves slapped his face with shit.

The battle ended with Umbridge losing and fleeing.

However, Peeves didn\'t seem to want to let Umbridge go, and kept chasing behind Umbridge, humming "Song of the Toad", while taking out a paper stick made of newspaper and hitting Umbridge on the head .

"Do you think this really works?"

Not long after Umbridge left, several figures suddenly appeared out of thin air in the deadly corridor.

"It\'s useful." Fred said with a smile. "Umbridge will definitely have the illusion that he\'s crazy if he comes back a few more times."

"If Umbridge goes to St. Mungo\'s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries to check if he has any mental problems, this matter will definitely be revealed." Cedrit is still not very optimistic about this method, however, it is not very good at present. Method.

The way Fred and George came up with was so stinky, he was a little worried that doing something like that would make the situation spiral out of control.

After all, if something like that happened, Umbridge would probably go completely insane!

Confronting the lunatic is not an option.

"She\'s going to be suspicious, she\'s going to be suspicious, and I think that\'s enough, we can spread the word around the school and make people think Umbridge is crazy, and a crazy person can\'t be a professor," George explained. .

"The method of the diarrhea angel is more reliable. I dare to say that anyone who has experienced that kind of thing will not have the face to stay at Hogwarts."


Hermione looked helplessly at her friend.

"Do you think we should go to her office to watch?" Ron asked suddenly.

"Better not, and don\'t let her find out. The next time I\'m doing it, according to Albert, after two or three experiences, Umbridge will definitely doubt whether there is a problem with his own spirit." George looked towards Harry, continued, "Find a chance to let the toad drink that thing, I don\'t think she will have to worry about her messing with us again."

"If that\'s not reliable, use yours..." Harry regretted that no one had made Umbridge a Hogwarts legend, "or tell her that there are Dumbledore\'s Army men in the Forbidden Forest. The secret base, let her communicate with the group of big spiders in a friendly way."

"Cough, although the toad is stupid, we\'d better be on guard." George reminded kindly, "If it is really pushed to the limit, that guy may do anything."

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