
Chapter 1120 - 1120 Chapter 105- Trinity – First Check In (VOLUME 6)


It had been a long week. I knew that the others had been told that they weren’t to contact me too often, because they needed to keep from getting found out. Not only that, but they likely wouldn’t find anything right away, so contacting me before the first week was up probably wouldn’t be helpful at all.

Still, I had just about worried myself crazy as I waited for them to call on that first scheduled check in. I had made sure that I was keeping an eye on Juniper and Paul’s four children, and Landon’s two children. I called Emmalee a couple of times as well, doing my best to make sure that my niece and nephews were doing OK without Carter. And to make sure that Emmalee wasn’t having a hard time of things.

I learned from Emmalee that Carter had indeed thrown me under the bus. He had told her that I had assigned him to this mission rather than admitting that he had volunteered for it. I didn’t correct the situation either. I didn’t want Emmalee to be angry at Carter for doing what he felt was necessary. Besides, he was doing it as a favor to me, so there was no reason to rat him out.

She was a little upset with me in the beginning, but not enough to voice it to me. She just didn’t like being away from her husband, and I didn’t blame her. I could imagine how it would be if Reece had volunteered to leave me. I wouldn’t be too happy about it either.

I got Emmalee calmed down though, and she was happy about the calls to check in on her. It just added more to our weekly conversations that we kept up on as the years waned onward. She was able to relate to me in a lot of ways, and she asked for advice when she needed things from me. I was more than happy to help with what I could.

Finally, it was time for the others to contact me, and I was waiting in my office for the check-ins to begin. Prompt as always, Carter was the first to ‘call me’ through the mental link.


“Trinity?” He called out to me.

“Hello, Carter.” I replied quickly. “How have you been?”

“I am fine. I assimilate easily enough, as I usually do.” He sounded a little cocky, but he had a reason to. He truly was good at this part of his job. “I have been put on the planning team. I haven’t been given permission to make plans on my own, but I do have access to all the information that they have at the moment.”

“That is good. Are they planning anything at the moment?”

“Yes, they a-.” There was an interruption to Carter’s words then.

“Trinity?” Landon called out to me.

“Hello, Landon.” I spoke to him and Carter at the same time. “You joined Carter and I just now. He was in the middle of saying something.”

“I am sorry. I do not have long to speak. I just wanted to check in and tell you that they are ramping up their production of explosives. And they are making them bigger. Rather than the small bombs that were at the university, these are larger and deadlier bombs that will take the space of an entire backpack. They are planning something major here.”

“That is not good.”

“What isn’t good?” Carter said, able to hear me but not Landon.

“I need to get back now, Trinity. I am sorry. Paul and I are in the same department, he won’t be calling in today. He is alright though, so do not worry.”

“Do what you need to do, Landon. I will work things out with Carter.”

“Work what out with me?” Carter sounded confused as he spoke. I heard the popping noise of the connection between Landon and I being cut off. “Trinity?” Carter called for me.

“I am sorry Carter, Landon came in while you were speaking. I didn’t hear the last of what you were saying.”

“That is fine, I can repeat it. However, can you first tell me what it was that he was talking about? I didn’t hear his side of the conversation, just yours. I take it that something is going wrong? You said that something is not good.”

“Nothing is wrong at the moment. It is just that Landon and Paul, who both seem to be working in the bomb making department, are making larger bombs than the ones that were at the university. These bombs will be more destructive, and deadly.”

“Oh.” There was a note of panic in his voice that didn’t settle well with me.

“What is it, Carter?” I asked him, hoping that he would repeat what he had said earlier and explain why that news had been so hard for him to hear.

“Well, as I was saying before, Trinity, they are planning another attack. One that I thought would just be a message, like the ones before. I thought that the bombs would be the same ones that Ramie used at the university. However, now I am thinking that this will be more than just a message.”

“What do you know, Carter? What is happening?”

“There is a convention that is planned for the beginning of March. The DOE is targeting that convention.”

“What sort of convention is it?” I asked him, not sure if I wanted to know. Actually, I had a feeling that I already knew.

“A Super Natural Appreciation Convention. It’s a giant fan party where people show their love for our people.” Just what I thought.

“So, they want to kill the people that support us and want to see us thrive.”

“Exactly. I thought that they were just going to scare them at first, but now I am not so certain. Now, I am sure that they want to eliminate them all. They are sending in a lot of DOE members that day. Most of them are just grunts that will be placing bombs, and they don’t care if they die in the attack. That was what I didn’t understand at first. I didn’t think that there would be casualties.”

“This is definitely not good. Let me know where this convention is going to be, and we will send in guards to take care of the incident before it even gets started.”

“You know the location already, Trinity. It’s being held at the same stadium we did the reveal at.” That was another reason for the DOE to target the convention. The location itself was deemed to be a supporter of us as well.

While I was talking with Carter, I heard the crackle of another connection just a moment before Juniper spoke into the back of my mind.

“Trinity?” She called out to me.

“Hello, Juniper.” I nodded even though she couldn’t see me.

“I will take my leave, Trinity. I will send you more details tomorrow. I want you to be fully prepared.”

“Goodbye, Carter. I will talk to you soon.”

“Did I interrupt?” Juniper asked, but she didn’t sound like she was overly worried about it.

“No, he was just wrapping up. How have you been? Not being mistreated are you?”

“I have all those women under my spell, no need to worry. And the men don’t see me unless I want them to. We are good.”

“I am glad to hear that.” I felt a wave of relief wash over me at that. “I was worried that they were being cruel to you.”

“No, I am fine, Trinity, you don’t need to worry about me.”

“Alright. Well, in that case, what have you learned?”

I started to listen to everything that Juniper had to tell me. She told me about the inner workings of the DOE, and how they functioned. She told me about the law enforcement connection that the Colonel had, and what his first name was. She and I both laughed when she told me that the asshole was limp when not excited by the violence. It wasn’t funny really, but knowing that even his own dick was turning its back on him was hilarious in my mind.

I think that the most disturbing thing that Juniper had to tell me was the whole ‘religion’ that the Colonel was turning this all into. And how he was planning on using his disciples and devotees to take over the world. He was planning on turning himself into the leader of all mankind, no matter what it took. He would literally kill anyone that he had to just to be able to take over the collective people of the world. And he felt like he would be able to amass enough firepower to accomplish this task for him.

The second most disturbing thing was how he was planning on attacking me directly and, apparently, that was going to be sooner rather than later. He was collecting weapons and recruits at an alarming rate, or so the other women in the DOE had told Juniper.

She truly had found out a lot of information for me. Some of it we already knew, but others were new to us. So far though, she didn’t know anything about the attack on the convention, so the ladies didn’t have all the information. It was interesting though, to see what it was that the other side was missing out on.

Juniper had been right to suggest going undercover as well. We were learning more about the group as a whole because we had someone on each side of the spectrum. I never would have gotten half of the information that I had now if it wasn’t for Juniper. I was in her debt, once again.

In true motherly fashion, Juniper asked how the kids were doing. They had all been so busy, and under near constant surveillance, that she hadn’t had the chance to contact them. In fact, she was needing to hurry up before someone suspected her of being something that she wasn’t.

I told her that the kids were fine, which was true, and that Reagan and Rika were making sure that Ilana and Rowan were doing OK. She didn’t need to worry about them with the twins watching after them at the university. I could sense the relief in her mind when she relaxed just a little.

“Protect them for me, Trinity. I don’t know what I would do if they got hurt.”

“Don’t worry, Juniper. I will protect them. They will be just fine.”

“Thank you.” And with that, the connection was cut. She had run out of time.

I did my best to relay the information to the others after the update had been given to me. I needed them to know about the planned attack on the convention at the stadium. We needed to work out a plan of action that would keep the humans safe without knowing that they had been in danger.

We settled on sending in at least a dozen guards that were going to patrol the convention undercover. They would monitor things and step in only if they needed to. They would go in with the intent of finding the bombers and their devices. We needed to make sure that there were no casualties whatsoever.

“We got this.” Reece told me confidently as he put a consoling arm around my shoulders. “No one will be hurt at all.” I sure hoped that he was right about that.

I truly hoped that he was right about that. There was a lot that could happen, that could go wrong. As the queen and the goddess, I needed to do all that I could to protect my people. I looked up into Reece’s eyes and saw that he was also feeling the same things that I was. That connection helped to settle a little of what was going on inside of me.

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