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Chapter 125 – Forestia Foundation Anniversary

Chapter 125 – Forestia Foundation Anniversary

Translator: Kell | Editor: Weasalopes

Forestia Foundation Anniversary

While Hikaru made his way to G. Quinbland, the Foundation Anniversary commenced in Forestia. Though it wasn’t open to the general public, the capital of Forestzard was still in a festive mood as the nation released its old reserves. Regulations were a bit lax this time, so people put out food carts. That and the ceremony was held just after harvest season.

Delegates from the six regions arrived in luxurious coaches, adding a nice touch to the merry atmosphere. Whenever a convoy arrived, the people argued as they watched with joy.

「It’s Jarazack!」

「No, that’s Rumania.」

「Look closely. It’s Kotobi.」

Since the citizens watched, the delegates had to be flashy with their convoy. Their dignity was on the line. Incidentally, there was no convoy from Kirihal as the current head of the nation was the Queen herself and she lived in Forestzard.

「The whole town looks more colorful.」League gave his honest impression.

「It’s more like high jinks by a bunch of bumpkins.」his father scoffed.「Nothing like Rumania.」

They had just arrived as the delegates of Rumania. League’s father was just salty. Forestzard, located on the old border between Euroba and Kotobi, didn’t have a rich history as it was founded only after the alliance was formed. Compared to Rumania, it was small, but above all it was a beautiful place. No doubt that Forestzard would become even more lively in the future.

League felt the nations weren’t really united, but he had a hunch that as Forestzard grew livelier, the alliance would gradually band together. Perhaps time will fix the problem, and he didn’t have to actually do anything at all.

But the world won’t allow that to happen.

Ponsonia advanced its troops to Quinbland. While there was a temporary lull at the moment, there was no guarantee that Forestia won’t be targeted next.

「Let’s go, League.」

「Yes, Father.」

The opening was packed with activities, including the evening party. The six delegates arrived in the audience chamber, its high ceiling depicting the creation of heaven and earth. Attendants followed each of the delegates. This was League’s first time standing here with his father.

「Thank you all for coming. I am pleased that we’re all gathered here this year as well—」

The current leader of the allied nations, Marquedo Miralka Kirihal, addressed the crowd. Everyone kneeled and placed their right hand on their chest before listening to her speech. This was League’s first time to see the Queen up close—although still over ten meters away.

She looks lovely.

League had heard about how she had outstanding mana capacity among her family. Her crown looked too big for her petite body, but the disparity looked pleasant in his eyes. His father standing just in front of him just stifled a yawn, however.

While the Queen grabbed League’s attention, the large woman behind her caught his eye as well. Around ten people stood behind her, to be precise. He could tell they were cabinet ministers—all of them men—yet the woman stood just as tall as the rest.

So that’s the Prime Minister, Zofira van Houtens.

Although she had a huge build, she boasted a well-proportioned body. As League stared at her, she gave a faint smile in return, seemingly noticing his gaze.

League pulled his eyes away, embarrassed by his rudeness.

They say she’s extremely competent. Together with the Queen, they gave the government power one—no, half a step at a time.

Zofira hailed from Jarazack, while the queen was from Kirihal. He didn’t know how they joined together, but their relationship was exactly what League wanted for Forestia. It felt such a shame, though, that a new ruler would have to be appointed after Marquedo’s term ended.

If I recall correctly, Hikaru made it sound like he talked to Her Majesty personally... I wonder if that was true? No, he wouldn’t lie. Claude’s from a prestigious family in Kirihal too.

To League, Hikaru was a person shrouded in mystery. Rumanian nobles said the Queen was just a figurehead ruler, but up close, he could feel her majestic aura. A person so out of reach. Yet Hikaru was associated with her.

As soon as the party started, ladies flocked League, striking conversations and inviting him to dance. Not only ladies from Rumania, but from other regions as well. News of League being in the audience chamber had already spread. In other words, a declaration that he would be Rumania’s next head.

「My, where’d you get that dress? Your tastes seem to be different from the current trend.」

「Ahaha. Rumanians sure are terrifying. Lord League, would you like to talk about literature?」

「I heard you like the white vis flower, Lord League, so I had one made into a hair accessory as you see.」

「Oh, white vis are still blooming in the Kotobi boonies?」

「Ludancian girls don’t seem to know when to keep their mouths shut.」

The ladies exchanged civil yet harsh words. League couldn’t relax, his mind strained. I wish I was in Scholarzard, talking to Ivan and Roy in the usual tavern, drinking Hikaru’s cocktail, training in the practice grounds...

「May I dance with you?」

League’s eyes widened as he watched the lady who stepped in front of him.

「Of course.」he answered.



「Who is that girl?!」

Ignoring the other girls, League offered his hand which the pale-skinned lady accepted. Her bluish hair—usually in a braid—was unraveled and sprinkled with silver powder. Her emerald green dress looked perfect on her.

「I hardly recognized you, Catherine.」

「Is that why I had to resort to extreme measures? You didn’t notice me at all even though I passed by you.」

Catherine, a girl from Euroba. A member of the student alliance, she was one of his few comrades in the venue. When they reached the dance floor, she inched closer and they pretended to dance.

「Where are the others?」League asked.

「Silvester and Luka are here. Ivan is present as well, but he went out to the garden since he can’t stand parties. Claude is not here since he’s not from the Queen’s family. Though he is in town. Professor Katy is in the academy.」

「What about Hikaru and Lavia?」

「I received a letter from Lavia saying she’s back. As for Hikaru, apparently he still had something to do.」

「What would that be?」

「You don’t have to worry about anything for now since they managed to address the monster problem in Un el Portan. Forget about him. He’ll be back one of these days.」

League gave a wry smile. As always, Catherine was harsh towards Hikaru.

「Now to the important part.」

「More important than our dance?」

Catherine heaved a deep sigh.「We can stop now if you want to return to that pack of wolves.」

「I’m sorry. I was just joking.」

「Good grief. I asked you to a dance fully aware that those ladies will curse me.」

「I’m terribly sorry.」

「I want you to dump me harshly after this. They’ll just resent me even more if I did the dumping. If you do it, they’ll be happy and forget about me.」


Women sure are terrifying, League thought.

「About the bylaws you wrote. There’s not much to change. We need to go over a few points, but it’s enough for a proposal. We can just revise it later after we get the approval.」

She was referring to the bylaws for the student alliance that League entrusted to Hikaru. He wanted both of their opinions, but since Hikaru couldn’t come, Catherine reviewed it instead.

「That’s all from me.」

「That’s it? You incurred the wrath of the ladies just to tell me there wasn’t any problem?」

「Well, there’s someone out here who’d start taking all the responsibility to himself unless they were told that there wasn’t any problem.」

Catherine was referring to League himself. She hit the mark, and League blinked in surprise.

「Lavia and Hikaru did their part. My role may be small, but I have to fulfill it. The song’s ending. Let’s go back.」


League realized she did all the talking. When he spoke to anyone within his age group, rarely did he not have control of the conversation.

「Once we make it to that spot, let go of my hand and dump me harshly.」


Although they were only pretending, treating her coldly was hard for him. All the more so since she just helped him. But Catherine said she had to fulfill her duty. She took the role of the villain. If he didn’t grant her wish, he wouldn’t be able to call himself a man.

Breathing in softly, League erased any expression from his face.

「I don’t want to dance with you anymore, you klutz.」

「I’m sorry to have taken your time.」

Catherine bowed deeply, and the ladies were suddenly delighted. Some even clapped their hands. League grit his teeth as he watched them.

I’ll make sure our proposal is accepted. I swear.

League wanted to make it up to Catherine once they returned to Scholarzard.

What would please this hard-to-please girl?

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