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Chapter 252 – Meeting Adjourned

Chapter 252 – Meeting Adjourned

Meeting Adjourned

「That was surprisingly fast.」Hikaru said matter-of-factly.

Behind the mask, however, he was frowning. So far the enemy had acted according to Hikaru’s expectations, but they moved too early.

「I want details, now!」Patricia exclaimed, and the messenger started explaining.

Warships had entered into Ville Zentra seas, about thirty kilometers away, and closing in. These vessels were no doubt the ones that surrounded the island of Dew Roke. Equipped with cannons, the fleet one-sidedly destroyed Vireocean’s navy.

As Patricia gave orders, Kaglai turned his attention to Hikaru.

「What do you think, Silver Face?」

「And by that, you mean?」

「You knew they were coming, right?」


Hikaru mulled over how much he should divulge. Not wanting a war to break out between them and the invaders from the Ruined Continent either, he decided to explain as much as he could.

「A spy would employ some kind of means to send information to his commanding officer. In other words, they’re communicating using a method we don’t know about.」

「Something like a Linga’s Quill Pen perhaps?」

Kaglai was referring to the magic item used by the Adventurers Guild capable of sending messages over long distances. But that thing used the mana flowing underground to work; it could only be used on land.

Since the enemy had optical camouflage and pencils, Hikaru thought they might be using some sort of a long-range radio communication, although most likely not satellite phones.

There’s a high chance that an actual engineer was transported to this world from Earth, and they’re recreating the technology there in this world. Maybe it’s what enabled them to repel the gigantic sea monsters.

He had no way of knowing if this person was still alive or not, however.

「So when the spy failed to make contact with them, they realized he got captured.」Kaglai said.

「Yeah. That’s probably why they made a move quickly.」

「Wait a minute.」Patricia cut in..「So you’re saying they’re coming to save their friend? Mobilizing their troops just for that is absolute nonsense.」

「Not at all. They’re in a tight spot too.」

「How? Please explain.」

Hikaru pointed out that there might be a division between the enemy’s forces. If one faction sent a spy without orders from their commander, the spy’s capture—although a consequence of their own actions—would surely put them in trouble. The opposing faction could use it as the perfect excuse to criticize them.

Gigy’s superiors would take some sort of action which the commander would oppose. He’d rather not have chaos in his troops. So in the end, they decided to make their move under the pretext of saving Gigy from the enemy. That was Hikaru’s guess.

He just didn’t expect them to make their move so soon. That was the reason for the scowl on his face. The commander took immediate action to unify his forces, going as far as using the fact that Gigy was captured, and he made the decision in just a day.

「Bastard! You made contact with the spy without permission?!」

Hikaru told them everything, including the fact that he talked to Gigy. Patricia’s close aides were fuming. Even the officials and guards from the other nations watched him with hateful eyes.

I expected this reaction anyway. But shouldn’t they be focusing on something else?

They criticized Hikaru for talking to the spy without permission, even blaming him for the lack of progress on the questioning. They probably just felt disgraced that he caught the spy first; all the more so when he acquired information that the interrogators couldn’t.

However, some remained calm—the leaders, Selyse, and the people from the Church. Patricia maintained an air of nonchalance, perhaps to let the others vent out their frustration, which was of course unfair to Hikaru.

「All right. Let’s get back on track.」Kudyastoria said calmly.

Some of them still wanted to voice their displeasure, but Patricia raised her hand, silencing them.「This is not the time for that. I’ll talk to Silver Face later. You’re fine with that, yes?」

Uh, no? We don’t have anything to talk about, Hikaru thought. The people around him nodded reluctantly, a few of them still scowling at him.

「So now the question is: Will they attack or not?」Patricia asked.

「I don’t think they will.」Hikaru said.

「Why do you think so?」

「They should ask for the spy to be released first. That will be a chance to negotiate.」

「So we’ll have the opportunity to find out what they want.」Kudyastoria said, reading Hikaru’s mind.

Some of the civil officials present seemed to assume that war is what the invaders were after. It showed just how wise Kudyastoria was. She already realized that the enemy were trying to obtain something that would benefit them.

「Very well. We’ll just confirm things during the negotiation.」Patricia said.

Assuming that a messenger would come, the Supreme Leader then started giving orders—strengthening surveillance and how to deal with the messenger if one arrived.

「So what are you going to do?」Marquedo asked Hikaru, who was just thinking of disappearing.

「I don’t follow.」

「Don’t play dumb. What are you planning? Surely you’re not just going to sit around and do nothing.」

「You’re right. I actually need a small and fast boat.」

「Approved.」Kaglai immediately vouched.

He must’ve quickly realized that Hikaru was planning to board the enemy’s ship. It was this type of work that the Man Gnome hired him to do in the first place.

「Before that, I need you to come to my office.」Patricia said.「Kaglai, I’m borrowing him for a bit, okay?」

She didn’t want to let Hikaru go.

Eh, whatever. I do have some questions anyway.

The meeting was adjourned.

Patricia’s office was a lot bigger than Hikaru expected. It had a huge table, good enough for ten people. Around it were two sets of tables. Does she get like two parties of guests or something? Hikaru wondered. When he saw the piles of documents, however, he realized the tables weren’t for guests, but for Patricia’s close aides.

「You may all leave.」

「You can’t be serious, Supreme Leader! We can’t leave you alone with this shady fellow—」

「I said leave us. Now.」

Patricia’s severe tone prevented the aides and officials from speaking any more. They left the office with disgruntled looks. With the guards also leaving, Patricia and Hikaru were now alone in the room.

「Are you sure about this?」Hikaru asked.

「It’s fine. With your skill, hurting me would be easy. Am I right?」

「Yeah, but we have an emergency. Should you even be talking to me right now?」

「The fleet was spotted just moments ago. I still have a few hours before a messenger arrives requesting for the spy to be released. Right now, obtaining information about you is much more important.」

「You seem to have taken quite a liking to me. But for the record, them demanding the spy’s release is just my own guess.」

「Only idiots would think about attacking with only ten ships. We may have lost once, but we still have more than 200 ships to spare.」


Vireocean’s military was much bigger than Hikaru expected. That’s why Ville Zentra appeared to be calm. It made sense now. That’s why Patricia didn’t order an evacuation. If push comes to shove, the navy can act as shields. They were prepared to overwhelm the enemy with numbers even if it meant getting battered and bruised.

She didn’t make such a move yet, as there would be no benefit on both sides. The enemy would be completely annihilated, while her forces would suffer a devastating blow. Patricia wanted to discuss things peacefully if possible.

She has the presence of mind, in spite of her language. Maybe her crude way of speaking is just a camouflage. I have to keep an eye out for her.

「So who are you?」she asked.

「I’m Silver Face.」

「I know that. I’m asking where you’re from and where have you been until now. I doubt you’re Kaglai’s protégé or something. You’re acquainted with Queen Marquedo and Miss Kudyastoria, someone who hasn’t been at the center stage of politics before. We can’t let a strange and suspicious guy like you get too close.」

「I see. So you’ll have peace of mind if you knew my identity.」


Hikaru scoffed.「If I don’t answer your question, or if my answer won’t clear your suspicions, you’re going to arrest me. Is that it? How many men do you have on standby in the next room?」

「Good, you already know that much. That’ll save us some time.」

「So who’s your friend hiding behind the curtain?」

Patricia arranged for plenty of men to be on standby in the next room just in case something happened. She must’ve expected Silver Face to sense the bloodthirst oozing from them.

「I didn’t think you’d noticed...」

「You thought you could use your men’s bloodlust for cover?」

「You’re one really eerie guy. How can you even guess right so easily?」

It was all thanks to his Detection skills, of course. All he had to do was put together the information he gathered with it and he would have his answer easily.

「No point in hiding, then. You can come out, Dennis.」

Dennis? That name sounds familiar...

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