
Chapter 362: Hypnosis

Chapter 362: Hypnosis

When Chen Chen returned to the industrial park where the metal Faraday cage was erected, he could not help but laugh at himself.

He originally thought that he had gotten free of the crisis, but he had never expected that in less than two months, he would have to revisit the place and re-enter this cramped room.

At this time, the metal Faraday cage isolation room was like a Russian doll, one layer after another, with a total of five layers in its structure. At this moment, the five layers were set out separately. The innermost isolation room was only about five meters in diameter, but the second layer next to it reached up to six meters. It was essentially a metal wall with a thickness of one meter that could enclose the innermost layer fully.

The subsequent walls had increasing diameters, with the fifth layer having a diameter of 15 meters.

“The computer, bed, toilet, and daily necessities are all prepared for you.”

Little X said, “Do you need me to help you get the USB flash drive in? If we can’t resolve this, you can try to use the USB flash drive again to shuttle across the different dimensions to avoid the infection of the memetic effect.”

“I don’t need it for the time being, just leave it charging.”

Chen Chen waved his hand. After the second inertial fusion reactor was built at the Spire Experimental Base, the USB drive was transferred from the Blacklight Nuclear Power Plant to the Spire Experimental Base.

The size of this second nuclear fusion reactor was only a little larger than the first but its power generation was more than ten times that of the first, reaching a staggering 2 million kWh. This was almost the same as the Blacklight Nuclear Power Plant.

The reason for this was that Little X had gained the experience of making it for the first time. After all, as the world’s smartest intelligent life, the learning speed of Little X was terrifying. Considering that the second reactor was comparable to the first in terms of size and fuel consumption, the stability of pressure and heat resistance was greatly improved and its Q value could reach more than 200.

At this point, Chen Chen finally got rid of the problem of having insufficient power. Half of the Blacklight Nuclear Power Plant was used to power the Eco Science City and the other half was directly allocated to the USB drive.

The same was true for the Spire Experimental Base. Of the two nuclear fusion reactors, nuclear reactor No. 1, with a power of only 200,000 kilowatts, was responsible for powering the Spire Experimental Base. The newly constructed one was fully used to charge the USB drive.

Therefore, the speed at which the USB drive was absorbing power had tripled, which was already extremely impressive.

“X, prepare a set of questionnaires and send them to all Blacklight Biotechnology employees. Tell them it’s just a psychological diagnosis and treatment, and find out if they have any unusual dreams recently.”

Before entering the isolation room, Chen Chen gave a final order. He was still not at ease. After all, if it was something antimemetic, the damage to human society would be on par with a memetic effect.

“Got it.”

Little X promised. “Please be rest assured. Not only that, but after you enter, I’ll also bring over the Gantz server I’m stationed in. If you’re infected with an antimeme, maybe I can suppress it within the Death Radius.”


Chen Chen exhaled and walked into the all-metal isolation room.

The room was still powered on as before. Under the dim light, there were only two small metal beds, a table, a laptop on the table, and a toilet in the corner. It was the same layout as when he came back from Gantz’s dimension.

The reason there were two beds was that someone must help Chen Chen with his hypnosis task. Chen Chen could not possibly hypnotize himself.

However, after hypnosis, it was very likely that the antimeme would be triggered, resulting in various unknown effects, so the hypnotist must not leave.

Of course, under the control of Little X, they could use a Black Knight as the hypnotist, so there would be no problem.

At this time, Chen Chen closed the door of the isolation room and locked himself inside. Then, he sat directly on a bed to the right and lay down comfortably with his arm as a pillow.

The temperature and humidity in the isolation room had been kept at optimal conditio, and there were special ventilation facilities. Living in it was like staying in a hotel.

More than ten minutes later, Little X’s voice came from the computer on the desk, “Your Godfather, my body has been shipped over, and the Death Radius has enveloped the isolation room.”

“Then, let’s get ready to start.”

Chen Chen nodded and said calmly.


After Little X agreed, the door of the isolation room was opened again and then a slight fragrance wafted in. Chen Chen instinctively turned his head and suddenly saw a girl, about 1.6 meters tall and wearing clothes for men that were several sizes larger than her, walked in from outside the door.

Chen Chen: ???

“Sir Godfather, it’s me...”

What surprised Chen Chen even more was that Little X’s voice came out directly from the mouth of the little girl in front of him. As this was a real person, there was a touch of softness in her voice. “Let me be the one to hypnotize you next!”

Chen Chen looked on with amazement and saw that the girl was about fourteen or fifteen years old. Her appearance could be described as stunning as her skin was astonishingly smooth as if even the lightest touch would shatter it. At the same time, she had long black silken hair, which even in the dim light continued to exude a fine luster.

In terms of dressing, the girl wore clothes that Chen Chen once wore. She wore a white T-shirt as her top. As the size was too large, the shirt fell directly on her knees and the sleeves completely covered the little girl’s hands.

Her lower body was clad in a pair of navy blue jeans. As this was oversized too, the pant legs had buried the little girl’s feet, revealing only a few pale and lovely toes.

“This is a Black Knight?”

Chen Chen constantly stared at her in surprise. No matter how he looked at it, the little girl in front of him was not as rigid as the group of Black Knights. Instead, she was alive, spirited, and full of health.

“This body is A6-853 from the sixth batch of Black Knights that just came out of the incubators.”

The little girl nodded and pointed to her head. “But unlike other Black Knights, I slightly improved the God chip implanted in this body so that it can receive more information from me and this body can also transmit more feedback, just as if my mind was completely attached to this body. Thus, it seems more real.”

Only then did Chen Chen understand.

To put it bluntly, with normal Black Knights, Little X did not directly control them. Instead, it was akin to having separated itself into non-thinking clones and then controlling them indirectly, so they looked extremely stiff, like a robot.

As for the little girl in front of Chen Chen, Little X had enlarged the channel of information flow and was commanding it with full attention, so she was more like a human being.

However, if one looked closely, one could still see traces of a Black Knight. After all, the little girl had been optimized to be too perfect. Whether it was her skin or hair or body, even the pheromones she emitted, it was beyond the extent of ordinary human health.

Just like Chen Chen today — when someone’s genes had been optimized by the T-virus, no matter where they went, even in a sea of people, they would have the most prominent presence.

However, this little girl, the Black Knight, was not made without Chen Chen’s knowledge because when the Black Knights were cultivated, they must be cultivated at all ages. Not only the combat Black Knights, but even the spying Black Knights would also require this.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen could not help feeling a little speechless. After all, the original plan was to lock himself and the hypnotist together, but Little X had specially selected a girl’s body. Did it have something impure in mind?

Nonetheless, on second thought, the gender and age of Little X were indeed those of a young girl. This was set when Little X was created. At this time, Little X chose this little girl as an avatar and even changed her voice to her original voice. Therefore, this could be justified.

Maybe he was just thinking too much...

Chen Chen shook his head and could not be bothered to think about this topic anymore. Instead, he lay down and accepted his fate.

“Don’t worry. Just leave everything to me.”

Little X asked in a light clear voice, “Sir Godfather, are you ready?”

“Okay, we can start.”

Chen Chen nodded.

Following Chen Chen’s answer, he immediately felt a sense of being suspended. He knew that the isolation room was being lifted by a crane. After being lifted, the entire isolation room was placed into the second-level isolation room.

Then the third layer, then the fourth...

It was like a Russian doll. In the end, Chen Chen was enclosed tightly by a five-layer alloy wall. It was more than ten meters thick. Unless a nuclear weapon was detonated at close range, there was really nothing in the world that could break open this wall by force.

This was what Chen Chen did to combat the “Thuds” memetic effect. This Faraday cage could not help trapping Chen Chen and also provide protection to Chen Chen.

After all the outer walls were completely locked, Little X began to move.

It seemed that all this was rather novel to her. At this time, Little X squatted and put a silver medicine box on the ground. Somewhat awkwardly, she took out the syringe and ampoule from the medicine box and drew the liquid into the syringe.

“First of all, we’ll give you an injection to put you in a completely relaxed state!”

Little X gave a reminder, then took out a rubber band and tied it around Chen Chen’s left arm. After finding the vein, she plunged the needle in.

These needles were all reinforced to ensure that they could penetrate the skin of a T-virus host.

Chen Chen was injected with diazepam, a commonly used tranquilizer with fewer side effects. However, due to his physical attributes, Little X finally injected Chen Chen with five times the normal dose.

At this time, the efficacy of NZT-48 had completely passed. After the injection, Chen Chen only felt a soothing sensation slowly spreading from his arm to his whole body.

Suddenly, Chen Chen only felt that his body became limp as if he was lying on a yacht while the yacht was floating in an endless sea. The sound of ethereal waves soothed his ears and the blue sky and ocean were in front of him...

At this time, Chen Chen’s eyes gradually changed from lively to vacant.

“Chen Chen...”

At this moment, the girl’s pure face suddenly appeared in Chen Chen’s field of vision but Chen Chen did not seem to notice anything at this time. He still looked forward blankly, his eyes staring past the girl’s cheek toward a certain point in the blank space.

“Chen Chen, look at me...”

The girl looked down at Chen Chen and said in a voice as faint as a mosquito, “Look into my eyes.”

At this point, Chen Chen’s eyes flickered slightly. His eyes focused a little and he stared closely at the girl’s deep pupils.

“Now you’ve returned to the original darkness. You’re slowly wandering in the ocean of memory, and in front of you, there’s an iceberg of memory...”

The girl whispered sweetly in Chen Chen’s ear, using a huskier tone of voice, “Listen to my voice... Don’t be afraid of being lost, don’t be afraid of the darkness because my voice will show you the way and my eyes will light up everything. You’ll go to that iceberg of memory under my guidance...

“When I count from one to ten, you’ll walk into the iceberg and return to the night when you merged with the T-virus...”

Little X took a deep breath and was just about to start counting when she suddenly thought of something.

In the next second, Little X took a deep breath and slowly lowered her head as if she was plucking up courage. In the next second, she gave Chen Chen a gentle peck on the lips.

Suddenly, her cheeks flamed red, almost to her ears.

At the same time, she whispered, “Chen Chen, please remember what you felt just now. If ‘it’ wants to hurt you, come back immediately through the anchor!”

After she finished speaking, Little X sighed in relief. “Okay, let’s get started! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four...





Chen Chen’s hand loosened and he sat up, startled.

What happened? He was paying attention to class, why did he suddenly drift off?

Chen Chen frowned. He lowered his head and looked, but saw that his gel pen had fallen under the table because of his dazed state earlier.

With no alternative, Chen Chen had to bend down from his seat and pick up the gel pen.

At the moment Chen Chen bent over, he subconsciously glanced at the bottom of the table, only to see a dark glint flashing past.

It was a black USB flash drive.

After picking up his pen, Chen Chen picked at the USB drive. With a click, the USB drive embedded in the groove at the bottom of the table was easily plucked out.

He must get up quickly, otherwise, the professor would call his name...

Suddenly, this thought occurred to him. Chen Chen quickly straightened up, exhaled, and sat obediently on the seat.

“That student... Uh.”

On the podium, old professor Wang Xi opened his mouth and then changed his words, “The student in the last row, please answer...”

“Its name is the Hayflick limit!””It, it should be Hayflick limit...”

Two voices, one male and one female, rang out simultaneously behind Chen Chen.

After hearing this, Chen Chen subconsciously glanced back, only to see Wang Wei, the leader of his dormitory, standing there awkwardly. Behind him, a cute-looking girl had also stood up. Both seemed to have thought that the professor was calling them, so they stood up and answered at the same time.

Chen Chen instantly snickered to himself at their embarrassment.

What happened next had nothing to do with Chen Chen. Seeing that the professor had looked away from him, Chen Chen looked down at the prize in his hand.

Sure enough, it was a USB flash drive.

It was just different from an ordinary USB flash drive. The length of this USB flash drive was much longer. It measured twelve or thirteen centimeters and looked like a carbon rod.

In addition, the entire USB drive was completely integrated. It was black all over without even any logos or storage size.

Still, seeing how cool it appeared, Chen Chen ultimately put the USB flash drive into his trouser pocket, planning to look at it closer back in his dorm.

Time flew by.

Soon, it was time for the class to end. As Professor Wang Xi on the podium verbally dismissed the class, the entire classroom suddenly became “alive” and everyone crowded together noisily. Chen Chen even saw that many people were rushing toward the back row.

In the last row of the classroom, a sweet-looking young girl was surrounded by a group of perverts, including Chen Chen’s three dorm mates.

Chen Chen paid no mind to those sex fiends. He went straight back to Dorm 404, turned on the computer, and inserted the USB drive at the same time.

After waiting for a while, Chen Chen clicked on [My Computer], but found that there was nothing displayed in the column of removable storage devices except for the DVD drive.

The drive letter of the USB drive that should have been automatically recognized was missing.

The USB drive was broken?

Chen Chen could not believe this, so he inserted it again, but there was still no response.

Therefore, Chen Chen simply relied on a familiar computer operation. He merely pulled up the USB installation program on the computer, so that the drive letter of the USB drive appeared.

At this time, Chen Chen opened the USB flash drive, full of expectation. After all, perhaps hidden there was some secret code in the USB flash drive, who could say...

However, when the USB drive was opened, Chen Chen was stunned. Following that, he immediately felt disappointed.

There was nothing in the USB flash drive.

This USB flash drive was empty...

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