
Chapter 81

“Did a child just kick me? Is it true?” Xu Yao was feeling a bit emotional and sensed that he was soon going to become incoherent. He wasn’t expecting such an outcome!

“You felt it?” Le Yao laughed. “Actually, I began to feel them kicking a few days ago, but it’s still too light. I didn’t think you would actually be able to feel it, so I didn’t tell you before. How is it? Isn’t it fun?”

“It’s great.” Xu Yao said, “I don’t know which baby kicked, but really, it’s a great feeling.” Xu Yao felt so happy that he wanted to let people all over the world know!

“All right, now let go. If you hug with a little more force, they’ll be flattened.” Le Yao gently pushed Xu Yao away from him. No matter how stimulating it was, too much pressure would still hurt him.

He had simply thought that it was fun and wanted to share this feeling with Xu Yao, but he had not expected such a level of excitement from Xu Yao.

It was truly invigorating. It felt like the first real interaction between a father and his babies, not simply a one-sided ’I know you exist, but you don’t know how to respond to me’ feeling.

Xu Yao slowly released him, but his hands were still placed on Le Yao’s stomach. Perhaps they felt the warmth of their father’s palm, so he didn’t know which one, but a little guy had kicked at him lightly again.

The strength used was little, but from the first time Xu Yao felt it, he could sense a warm love start to surge from his palm to the bottom of his heart.

My heart is going to melt.

As Le Yao laid down on his back to rest, Xu Yao suddenly pulled open his clothes, took a picture, and captioned it as: First duel with the babies, they won.

When Le Yao saw the words, he laughed, “Three versus one, Dad can’t resist. They’re so powerful.”

Xu Yao smiled and caressed Le Yao’s ear. After thinking about it, he finally asked, “Do you really want to go back to Huaxia so soon? The temperature over there is very high right now.”

“Un, let’s go back as soon as you’re done. At most, I’ll stay indoors and away from the heat. What’s more, I’ll be using the hover car whenever I go out, so it will be alright. The weather will only be like this for two more months right? Then it’ll get cold again after that?”

At present, Huaxia’s climate was still at extremes, with it being especially cold during the winter and scorching hot during the summer. This was related to the rotational and angular change in Earth’s axis which couldn’t be fixed by human beings. However, it was also true that the temperature tended to be stable for a particular season and was gradually normalizing. In any case, he still wanted to go back.

When the weather turned cold, the Flying Wolf Division would move to another relatively warmer location on Earth’s surface. If it became colder, they would go to a hotter place.

Besides, Xu Yao would also need to leave as soon as the conference ended if they wanted to be able to relocate the whole division before entering the month of November.

“These days, think about what you haven’t bought and order everything you want, so we can take it back with us when we leave.” Xu Yao continued, “In addition, I also have to ask my wife for some advice.”

“Cough! Yes? Say it.” Le Yao smiled meaningfully, “Teacher Le’s personal guidance is available.”

“Teach me on how to draw some defensive talismans. I’ll try and see if I can draw them. If I succeed, then I’ll leave some for the Emperor, just to be careful. Although nothing unusual has happened yet, and no one dares to brazenly grab the undead from Fu Ta Yuan, it’s still better to make more preparations.”

“No problem. Come on, my babies’ Dad, bring me the light brain!”

Xu Yao laughed and handed the light brain to Le Yao, who took it and drew the required runes on the tablet. With there being no need to invite the Gods nor input any spiritual power, he wouldn’t get tired even if he had to draw the design a hundred times.

He drew three kinds of rune, then pointed out each one and explained them to Xu Yao, “This one is a soul-fixing talisman, using it once will seal a soul. In terms of how long it’s effective for, that will depend on the ability of the person who draws it. The shortest amount of time I’ve seen it seal its target is one second and the longest one was up to 15 seconds. The second one is the soul-restraining talisman and is also a single-use talisman. It’s harder to draw, but its period of effectiveness is longer than the previous one. As for the last rune, it’s a soul-breaking talisman. Like its name, it’s very aggressive and can destroy the soul. If the user of the talisman is highly skilled, then it becomes a talisman which can scatter the soul. It’s a pretty ferocious talisman.”

“Alright, let me try.”

Due to becoming a little excited, Le Yao couldn’t sleep. Xu Yao had taken some of the empty talisman papers that Le Yao usually used o. He didn’t light any incense nor did he invite the Gods; he simply drew the runes, using a brush for the strokes.

Le Yao watched as Xu Yao worked next to him.

Although the man whose brain had been favored by the gods seemed to have a highly retentive memory, the current three kinds of talismans were more difficult to draw than the good fortune talisman and were by far harder than drawing the Tianyan talisman. The difficulty wasn’t only due to the need for more powerful spiritual energy, but also due to the complexity of the rune itself.

Xu Yao drew the soul-fixing talisman first. As soon as the brush strokes fell, Le Yao sensed that Xu Yao’s entire aura changed. He couldn’t help but hold his breath as he keenly followed the direction of the brush’s tip with his eyes. Even though he was just watching him, Le Yao couldn’t help but inch away a little from Xu Yao. He really couldn’t tell whether the pressure that Xu Yao faintly emanated was bloodlust from the battlefield, or...

Xu Yao picked up the completed talisman and blew on it, “Let’s go, try this one first.”

“Who do you want to try it on?”

Xu Yao replied, “Let’s ask Dad.”

Le Yao suggested, “...or let Fengyu try it?”

It wasn’t impossible to try it on his father-in-law, but he felt a little... Although his father-in-law seemed quite young, at the end of the day, his soul was already over 50 years old!

It was a rare occasion tonight, for the group of ghost brothers had not gone anywhere on this night. They had currently gathered together to play poker. Rong Gui didn’t like to play this much, and instead preferred to hold two walnuts in one hand, a plate in the other, and watch from the side. Since everyone was present, Father and Mother Xu had also joined, and the match had started right away. There were seven ghosts in total, big and small. Father Xu, Ji Fengyu, Bei Hongli and his wife were playing Red Ten.

Xu Yao went over with the talisman in hand. His father was holding a good hand of cards and was playing against his opponent excitedly. When his mother saw Le Yao enter, she smiled and said, “Why did you come out? It’s already so late. “

Le Yao replied, “I’m not sleepy, Mom. Just felt a few small kicks from the little guys, so I’m a little excited now.”

Xu Yao asked, “Mom, can you play for Dad for a while? I need Dad to help me try something.”

“What do you want to try?” asked Father Xu.

“A soul-fixing talisman.”

Everyone was stunned and looked confusedly at Xu Yao. Father Xu continued, “A soul-fixing talisman? What is that used for?”

Le Yao explained, “The soul-fixing talisman is a talisman that can grasp one’s spirit body. Don’t worry, Dad, it won’t hurt the spirit body. If it works, you just won’t be able to move.”

Father Xu inquired further, “How long does it last?”

“It’s hard to say,” said Le Yao. “In the past, the shortest I’ve seen it last is one second and the longest was about 15 seconds. It depends on how powerful the user’s ability is. This talisman was drawn by Xu Yao tonight. I don’t think it’s duration will be too short.”

Although Xu Yao had only drawn the Tianyan talisman before, he could guarantee the success of each one, and their effect lasted for the entire night as well. This showed that the power of his talismans was very strong. Naturally, the other runes he drew wouldn’t be any worse.

“Okay, wait for me to finish this round,” replied Father Xu.

It would take fifteen seconds at most. His son being so powerful meant that the effect could last for 30 seconds or even a minute. It was nothing much to worry about.

Neither Xu Yao nor Le Yao were in a hurry, so they didn’t rush him. Soon, Father Xu won two small ingots and put them into the drawer in front of him— the set of cards being used currently was different from that which Le Yao had first made when he was on Huaxia. The cards now were not only of a good quality, there was also a proper poker table to play on. The table had four drawers, which could hold a substantial number of small ingots.

“How do we try it? Should I just stand here?”

“Yes, please,” said Le Yao.

“Just sit down, Dad.” Xu Yao walked over and sat on the additional sofa. They were in the living room in Ji Fengyu’s mansion. The room was very big, and the sofa was also big enough. His father would be able to sit there comfortably.

Xu Yao looked at Le Yao and asked, “I just need to stick it on?”

“Yes,” replied Le Yao.

Xu Yao wasn’t polite about it either. He slammed the talisman onto his father’s chest. There was obviously no glue, but the talisman was firmly pasted to the front of his body. His father’s eyes had frozen! He was staring straight ahead, as motionless as a wax figure!

Xu Yao then asked, “Dad, how do you feel?”

Father Xu continued to stare forward, not saying a single word. He clearly wasn’t pretending, and they could now determine that the talisman was working and effective.

“Can Dad hear us right now?” asked Xu Yao.

“He can, he just can’t move his body,” answered Le Yao.

“Then, Dad, please hold on for a while, I want to see how long my soul-fixing talisman can last for.”

Everyone else was also curious, especially Le Yao. He could draw the same talisman with an effect of 15 seconds at the most, so he wondered how long the one Xu Yao drew could last for.

A minute passed, and his father was still frozen.

Two minutes later, Father Xu was still dead like a chicken.

Xiang Xing: “...” Suddenly, I feel sorry for my husband.

Five minutes later, there had been no change in Father Xu’s position. Xu Yao simply didn’t wait and removed the talisman. Father Xu continued to stay motionless for about three seconds before moving his neck slowly and then opening his mouth to ask, “Wasn’t this too long?”

Le Yao was also a little confused. In his early years, he had heard that a high-level Xuanshu Master could draw a soul-fixing talisman with a very long period of effectiveness, but he had never witnessed it for himself! Even he could only create a talisman with a 15 seconds effect and, at such a level, his Master had thought he was very excellent. Unexpectedly, it could also be like this!

More and more, he felt that there was something Xu Yao’s body was hiding unbeknownst to him. Otherwise, how could he be so powerful? This wasn’t an ability ordinary people could have.

Xu Yao glanced at the rune, before asking Le Yao, “Can it be reused?”

Le Yao said, “I haven’t used this talisman before, so I’m not sure. Do you want to try and see if you can reuse it?”

Wordlessly, Xu Yao pasted the used talisman back onto his father, who became a wax figure again!

Le Yao’s mouth opened and closed for a long time before he said, “... Husband, you are abnormal!”


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