
Chapter 474 Almost There

Chapter 474 Almost There


As planned, we need to get this man out of here first."


With that, everyone moved quickly and soon uncuffed the captive from the table.

The captive who thought that he had been freed, was extremely shocked when his hands were placed behind him and still cuffed.

They also placed a long coat over his shoulder, so as to block the fact that he was handcuffed from any prying eyes.

He was confused by the fast-past events that were going on.

"Its best for you to stay completely quiet, unless you want to taste our weapons for yourself."

That was the only thing that these men had said to him ever since he had brought him out of the white room.

In truth, he was extremely glad to be out.

For a moment, he truly felt like he was losing his mind slowly.

Why would anyone make a room that was almost completely white?

It was like mental torture, and he never wanted any part of it any longer.

In a flash, Landon, Lucius, the Chief of security and the other 2 Captains, quickly used the security doors within the building.... until they were finally back in the worker/security parking lot.


"Your majesty... I will keep a lookout for those men on the list.

So worry not."

"Hmhm..... be sure to send word to the Palace or Barracks when you find anything new.

At the same time, look through the records for when these friends of his actually came into Baymard.

I want to know what their nationalities are, why they came here, if they were really tourists as the suspect claimed, and how long were they granted stay in Baymard."

"Understood your majesty.

I will get it done immediately."

After talking with the chief of police, Landon and the rest drove away from the port and headed towards the palace.

Everyone sat in their original positions, with both soldiers still sitting in front..... while Landon and Lucius were again seated at the back.

As for where the captive was, for sure he was currently sandwiched between Landon and Lucius.

There was no need to tranquilize the guy because after warning him... They didn’t hear any single sound from his mouth anymore.

They drove at a steady pace towards the palace.

And soon, they had arrived, successfully gotten the captive into Landon’s residential building without anyone’s prying eyes.

Of course this entire time, the suspect had been blindfolded... so he had no clue where they had taken him to, ever since he left that white room back in the Coastal port.


In Landon’s wing, there were several secret rooms, dungeons and tunnels there.

So because there was a possibility that the man could be innocent, Landon and the rest didn’t throw him into Landon’s secret dungeon.

Instead, they kept him in one of Landon’s secret rooms in his wing instead.

With everything in order, Landon and the rest quickly removed the suspect’s blindfolds.

"Mr. Hemrew, if you answer our questions honestly..... then everything will work out well for you.

But if you even so much as lie or make any false statements..... then I’ll make you wish that you were never born in the first place." Lucius said, with a very cold and intimidating tone.

Hemrew shook a little, after hearing the threat and couldn’t help but sweat a little.

The suspect jerked upright, panicked and tried to pull his hands away.

The more he pulled, the more he felt the sharp edges of the handcuffs dig deep into his skin.

He looked at the people who towered over him in fear and felt coldness envelop him slowly.

Were they going to kill him?


"I..... I didn’t do it!

I’m innocent..... I’m innocent I tell yah.

I... I’m really innocent." The suspect said, while wailing, shivering and looking at Landon and the rest with fear.

"Sir... calm down.... were just asking you questions... and nothing else.

Alright.... let’s begin!"


The interrogation went on for 41 minutes, with the suspect answering all their questions nervously.

He cried, cursed and shrieked every now and then, but overall.... they had gotten all that they could out of him.

With that done, they gave him his lunch.... which he thought was poisoned.

But after hunger had gotten the best of him, the suspect ate the meal and was surprised that nothing had happened to him.

After taking care of the suspect, Landon and the rest immediately walked out of the room to make their analysis and draw up their plans before finally splitting up.

Lucius decided to stay in the vicinity so as to provide for the captive later on.

But as for Landon and the other soldiers, they left to find these visitors.

According to the suspect, these visitors stayed in the same hotel as he did.

So they immediately started from there and the rest was history.


3 Whole days went by, with the news reporters already putting their fake story on the news.

Everyone knew about the incident in the coastal reaction.

But of course, their version of the story was utterly wrong.

Within the barracks, 2 people who had been previously nervous about the incident.... seemed to be fully relaxed when they heard that it was as they had suspected.

"Bro.... do you think that they’re on to us?"


From the report, it said that the person they had caught was from Arcadina.... and even wanted to flee from the place as fast as he could for fear that if he rode on horseback, Baymard might use its cars outside to catch up to him.

In addition to that, the person is about 5.7’’ and has deep blue hair and brown eyes.

So he definitely can be our man.

Also, I had gone to the hospital to see the victim from the man’s previous attack.

And I can tell you that the man was all bandaged and looked like he was in pain while laying on the hospital bed."

"But how did you visit the man when you don’t even know him?"

"Bro... Didn’t you hear?

The man was open to being visited by anyone.

The reporters and other curious citizens also came out to see him as well.

Anyway.... for the time being, I think that we’re still safe."

"You’re right!

And even if they eventually find out, it would probably be too late for them to do anything about it anyway."

Both men grinned and continued their military pursuit without a care in the world.

Who would suspect them?


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