
Chapter 925 - The Demonic Lights

Chapter 925 - The Demonic Lights


The group of assassins had never repeated so much in their lives.

Why did it seem different than what they imagined?

They had climbed several 3 and even 7 storey buildings in palaces, estates and other places before with just their bare hands, and sometimes with metal arrows.

So if they could succeed while gripping metal arrows, why was it so difficult when holding these tweezers?

They had invisible tears in their eyes as they struggled to make it to the top.

Of course, if they had taken a little thing called Physics before, they would understand that even though the tweezers were sturdy and couldn’t beak when compared to an arrow that gave them enough holding space for load distribution, the tiny tweezers didn’t even fit their entire palms.

So many had to excerpt more pressure on their fingers and grip them with enough force to support their heavy weights and loads.

Others almost slipped, while some quickly wiped their palms and fingers on their clothes, one hand at a time, thinking that their sweaty hands were the cause of their predicaments.

Of course, they also silently cursed Baymard for creating such a very annoying fence.

Couldn’t they be like ordinary people and bud stone walls around their dungeons/prisons?

Stone walls were simple to climb since the ageing stone walls had crevices and holes where their arrows could stick into.

And the best part was that no one would know what’s going on, on their side of the fence.

But with this Baymardian fence, both sides could see each other once someone brought a torch closer to the wall, illuminating the darkness.


They had no tears but felt like crying.

They even began doubting their raw strength.

But all that was the least of their worries.


Seeing the circular lights heading their way, their hearts sank with fear.

"It’s coming; it’s coming!"

At this point, they could either hurry up and get in formation as planned or drop to the bottom and start all over again.

The second option seemed like a nightmare to them.

So they gritted their teeth and moved their tweezers as fast as they could, hauling their bodies up.

Drip the ground and start again?

No way!

With tweezers on both hands, they speeded up indefinitely.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as they struggled to get in formation while looking at their lights dance from the bottom of the fence, ascending upwards.

And within this period, they felt like they aged by a hundred.

Their hearts pounded as loud as drums as they watched the demonic lights slowly taunt them for what seemed like a century.

The light started going straight up before branching right in a curved motion... and finally going back on track straight upwards.

In a split second, everyone’s face paled from anxiety as they watched the light spot dance its way around them.

The person right at the top of the gang held his breath while watching the light changed trajectory when it was just a few inches away from his hand.


Safe. Safe. Safe!

They were safe!

Their predictions were correct.


They had never felt so accomplished before.

Just one slight misstep or wrong predictions would’ve led to their doom.


Their mission leader was mighty!

One should know that when they arrived here tonight, the mission leader suggested that they waited an extra 15 minutes to observe the patterns on the fences.

And he was right! Every prediction was on point!

He could even estimate how many knee-steps it would take for them to each get to their position.

Of course, he also gave them a good starting point, which was in line with one of the flag poles on the other side of the fence inside the prison.

They had to admit, their mission leader was a f***ing genius.

Provided they followed the leader’s instructions, then everything would be fine.

Damn, they felt alive!


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Their tweezers clashed against the metal fence as they continuously ascended.

But this time, they all had smiles on their faces, and their energy had somewhat been boosted due to their overconfident mindset.

That’s right.

They were assassins from one of the most prestigious Assassin guilds.

So what was there to fear?

With so many of them, they were bound to end up victorious and best this annoying Baymardian Prison system.

Just like that, they reached the top.

Who could stop them now?

Slash Slash.


They looked at wounds on their hands and felt the pain on their bodies, causing them to get more and more irked.

What the hell?!!

It wasn’t enough that these bastards made a very irritating fence, but they also had another trap on top of the fence?

They looked at the thin barbed rows or metal mesh that sliced them in displeasure.

Did these people think that they were hiding esteemed guests as important as the monarchs of Morgany?

They were more so angry that they were going through all this for a simple rescue mission of an ex-prince, who wants even sure of taking the throne back later on.

It was like doing the most work and taking unnecessary injuries for a simple thing.

They secretly swore that after this, they would talk to their guild master back in Arcadina to charge Eliza more.

This was ridiculous.


Very quickly, they got to the other side of the fence, descended with their tweezers to a certain level and just jumped to the ground.


From there, they began signing the moving lights until they found themselves at the targeted waiting spot.

Of course, while they jumped through that angle on the fence, 3 other teams jumped through different areas.

Flowing that, the next batch of people moved.

And soon, the whole gang was in.

Everyone placed their tweezers away in a safe place, as they now felt that it was akin to a weapon.

No, more like a necessity.

They even felt like every assassin should have a pair of tweezers on them at all times.

It was portable, usable, and even disposable when trying to sneak it past guards on missions.

"As expected, the door used to escort us to visit our target is locked.

But during our visits, we did notice a corridor path used by the guards when they came in and out.

Everyone, follow me."


They nodded in unison and vigilantly moved through the dark outdoor corridor space.

But what they didn’t know was that a set of fierce eyes were silently staring at them from within the shadows.

But whether those eyes belonged to man or beast, it was still unknown.

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