
Chapter 1375 - The Solution

As for the rest of the issues, they were all more or less linked to the first concern... Such as petitions for more bank branches to be made.

In the end, all customers wanted was just for the bank to solve the issue of time.

They didn\'t want to spend so much time on the Mine\'s whenever they arrived... Especially if one was just making a simple withdrawal or putting more money into their accounts.

Everyone nodded in understanding, as they too were customers of the bank as well.

Dionne finished his brief segment, allowing Landon to continue.

In his mind, he was still thinking of these issues.

It sure would be good if this issue could be nipped in the bud once and for all.

Because at the end of the day, it was they, the bank, who worked twice as hard behind closed doors to ensure everything was in place.

Well, he had to admit that today\'s situation was far better than in the past when they had to count gold, silver and copper coins one by one over and over.

Yes. Even though there were still a few Baymardian coins like 1 or 25 cents being used, it was still better with counting machines on their sides.

Sigh... They had indeed come a long way. But the journey was far from over.


Landon smirked, gearing up for the big reveal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you\'ve heard it all, both customer and employee concerns.

And that\'s why, this year, Baymard will begin its launch of banking cards!"

You look at me; I look at you.

Banking cards?

Everyone was bewildered.

Was this the surprise project that his majesty personally funded?

It\'s said that he worked daily over the winter to create 50 samples.

Landon chuckled, seeing their faces filled with curiosity.

He had been diligently training a particular team to create these babies.

The team he worked with came from the Currency Manufacturing industry.

That\'s right.

This was initially a small department within the Printing Industry that focused on printing and manufacturing money.

But a year and a half ago, Lanson separated the department from the painting industry, having them become an independent Industry involved with every \'money\' in Baymard.

The printing industry is now solely focused on making IDs, badges, books, etc... While they did their own thing.

Anyway, he had planned for this day ever since looking forward to the internet.

With the newly created Industry, Landon got to work, training a specific department to develop samples of today\'s big reveals.

And once the meeting and conclusions were finalized, his team would get mass-produced for everyday banking.

This was just the beginning!



Hearts trembled with expectations as many subconsciously leaned towards the edge of their seats.

What is it? What surprise has his majesty prepared for them this time?

Landon glanced at the already excited group with a broad smile on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on your right, you\'ll see a brown envelope. Please, open them."

~Track! Track!

Like children receiving Christmas gifts, they ripped the envelopes, revealing its contents.

Dionne held the thinly cut card in his hand, squinting his eyes as much as though wanting to bore a hole into it with his \'laser-vision.\'

This... This...


Your majesty, what is this?

Blink. Blink. Blink.


The blue card was sleek with beautiful 8 bold numbers printed on its front.

And above that was the National Baymardian Bank\'s logo or mascot symbol... As well as its Initials - NBB.

Of course, there were several other strange symbols on the card that he didn\'t recognize.

But just below, he saw the words: \'Expo. Date: 00/00\' and \'CardHolder Name\' too.

But that wasn\'t all.

At the back, there was a long black bar, followed by another white bar below it with 3 digits to the side.

In short, there was a lot to take in with this strange card.

The most concerning thing was that he just couldn\'t make heads or tails of what he should do with it.

Erm... How was this supposed to solve their problems?



Landon grinned, seeing many scratched their heads in confusion.

"These cards in your hands will soon replace physical money."


An explosion went off in everyone\'s mind.


How can it do such a thing?

Why... this was defying everything they knew!

Everyone\'s hands trembled, tightening their grip on their cards.

Could it be that this card could spit out money like magic if they flicked it hard enough?

His majesty had made man fly and had even created swift trains.

So this time, could it be that he had successfully created a magical card?


The expressions on their faces were rich!

And for their imaginations, if Landon knew, he wouldn\'t know either to laugh or to cry.

\'Aren\'t you all being a little too ridiculous now? Do you think this is a Wuxia mythical storage space where one could just pull things out from a card at will?\'


Bank Manager Dionne smacked his lips together in disbelief.

"Your majesty... Are... Are you serious?... Can this card truly replace money?"

"Yes." Landon nodded. "Customers can take this to the stores or other establishments when paying for items. But to further understand its use and importance, it\'s time to introduce you all to another major banking breakthrough."


With the snap of his finger, Brian calmly walked towards the massive 6 feet box just behind Landon, fully cloaked with a thick grayish sheet.

Dionne and everyone looked at the item with curious gazes.

One should know that over the last couple of days, these massive items had been brought and placed in various corners of the bank without them knowing what it was.

So how can they not be excited about this grand reveal?

Landon slowly stood, gesturing to the cloaked item behind him.

"Ladies and gentlemen... I give you, the A.T.M.... The Automated Teller Machine!"

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