
Chapter 1591 First In Hertfilia!

"Amazing! amazing!"

Truly amazing!

Whether it was Yusha, Gillian, or everyone else, they felt the Coastal Port and the Landport had nothing on this Airport.

It was just too huge and far more good-looking.

They stepped in and immediately saw Landon, Lucius, and ministers already waiting for them.

They saluted the group, and soon, Landon got the ball rolling.

" Everyone!... Today, we\'re gathered here not only to take one giant step for mankind but to also begin your training in one of the most important jobs of all!"

Everyone felt their heads swell.

What? How important?

"The lives of hundreds, thousands, and even millions will rely on your work... But this is not to put pressure on you all. I believe with the knowledge you\'ve absorbed over the last few years, you will be able to make Baymard, as well as yourselves, proud!"


They have been learning and improving in anticipation of this mysterious air locomotive.

A ripping effect took place in their hearts as they pushed out their chests and tilted their heads high.

They can do it!

~Click. Click!

The camera crew was already on the scene, taking videos and pictures.

It\'s evident that some of these images would be put in the museum and historical books.

They didn\'t know it now, but they would be the first group of aviation control officers to ever grace Hertfilia.

In the future, books will circle some of their heads in the then-considered \'old\' photos and write about them.

Everyone has their name tags already given to them before today and their respective attire too.

So before their energy drained, Landon had them take photos, with some standing, kneeling, or sitting in large groups.

The ministers in charge of transportation, safety, and so on all gathered to commend this day.

One small step for man, one giant step for mankind!


Now, it was time to begin the tour of where the magic would happen.

They could enjoy the scenery and explore the massive airport later on when the doors opened for the public.

For now, their main concerns were with 3 particular regions scattered about the airport.

Of course, to get to these places, they would need to pass through the airport, having a mini tour.

Today, there were 200 people from the academy invited.

The airport was already running, though it had been running to train the many staff members.

Airport matters were a little more different than Coastal port and Landport matters.

What\'s more, amongst those who have experience with the other ports, there were brand new graduates out here too.


The airport golf-go-kart vehicles drive by, with the workers practicing how to transport goods or carry those who need assistance. Of course, before they got to the stage when they could drive these carts, they still required a special license.

To drive these vehicles, they had to take driving lessons in the government buildings within District C.

The training was all paid for by the airport. So it was a must that they learn this and get their certifications.

The airport would only pay for it once. To renew their license each time, they had to pay it out of their pockets.

This was a one-time matter for the airport.

[Attention. Flight AB 001 is now boarding at... Erm... Erm... Terminal C4.]

[Attention. Last call for John Doe, John Smith, and John Ralph, for Flight SL 020 to Carona.]


The voices rang out from time to time, and many understood these people were practicing for the opening day.

They really considered all scenarios, with all gate stations filled with people doing work and learning how to maneuver around any possible difficulties.

Landon smiled, stopping one of them.

"Excuse me... 3 of my friends have an injury and can\'t walk around for fear of the pain. They have to make it fast before their flight takes off."

The smiling person immediately reacted.

"Not a problem, sir. We can get them to their terminal gate on time. But mind me asking, what time is your flight?"

The period would\'ve asked to see their tickets in order to aid them better. But since this was training, their response was also good and very professional.

"There was already a boarding call that rang out for their flight 4 minutes ago. They are to head to C57... So is it still possible for them to make it on time?"

"One second, sir... Let me contact those at the gates."

The lady quickly took out her walkie-talkie, and someone on the other side called those at gate C57.

It just so happens that they were still boarding those in zones 4 and 5... The last boarding zones.

The aircraft doors haven\'t closed yet.


Yusha, Gillian, and Lucius, now found themselves carefully treated and placed on the long karts, with the staff asking them if they had any discomforts.



Landon waved at the helpless people driving off. Lucius gave him a stink eye.

\'Boy... Wait for me to deal with you once we get home!\'

Why was it always him being used as a dummy in Landon\'s many \'vehicle test\' simulations?


He felt he had been too soft with this brat over the years.

Landon chuckled, not having an ounce of guilt when sending the trio off.

Well, they could wait for him at that gate because from there, they\'ll use the staff-only exit way and head down onto the runway.


Like so, several people had their mini-tour until they met with Lucius, Yusha, and Gillian.

"Everyone, remember to zip up."

An advice to the wise was enough.

They wore airport uniform jackets earlier since it was slightly colder than outside.

After all, it\'s summer... So of course it would be hot, while the airport was air-conditioned.

However, they didn\'t understand why Landon was being them to zip up.

Many had already unzipped themselves, preparing to head out. So why should they zip up again when it is summery warm outside?


The blast of wind that smacked them when they stepped out left many with widened eyes and dropped mouths.


Where are these terrible winds coming from?

Landon smiled, raising his voice higher amid the winds.

"It\'s the unlocked open runway!"

Do you know how big the runway was?

It stretched for miles and miles, being open, leveled lands with no trees, and nothing in sight to block or lessen the winds.

In this hot summer, it\'s not that the winds were cold, but that they were \'large,\' coming, and everyone in such a high volume when on the runway.

If one left their ears to such winds for long, it would start to feel cold. And their bodies would get goosebumps.

Again, one should know that the runway was designed to allow winds to flow in and aid planes in take-off and landing.

One could stay shirtless if they liked under such winds... But not long after, their brains were bound to trick them into feeling cold.

The winds were too much., sometimes being a mix of hot and cold, just slamming and smacking people the moment they stepped out onto the runway.


Say no more. They learned their lessons.


Many zipped their jackets back up, though they didn\'t understand why his amnesty would build such a place.

Till now, no one has examined to them what sort of air floating device his majesty was on about.

It couldn\'t be a hot air balloon since that already existed. So what was it?

For the life of them, they never imagined it to be metal.

Can metal fly? Is this a joke?

The project had been secret for the longest period.

Of course, they only knew brief facts, like how his majesty promised the inventions would be able to allow hundreds to guy in the air within the contraption.

Airports have been built in the other empires... Mysterious news and propaganda had already exploded, but no one knew what the bloody contraction would be.

Many thought it would be a giant hot air balloon that would take them all away.

Of course, Landon had plans for giant balloons, wanting to use them in sports events and whatnot.

But that was another matter for another day.



The winds howled on their faces.

"Everyone, get on!"

There were also staff members in many \'train-styled-karts that would drive them to their first stop.

These large karts were put together like a train\'s body and could carry up to 60 people in one go, 30 on one side and another 30 on the other.

It\'s good.

They drove out, not to the Main tall tower, but to another stationed site which confused them.

But Landon was quick to answer their thoughts.

"Everyone... Your main functions will rely on 3 different departments: The tower up ahead, the SMC or surface movement controller/ground controller to your right, and the Aerodrome controller department."


All these are essential in keeping the planes on the go!

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