
Chapter 85 (I Don’t Have to Worry about It) Lin Wenxi Was Going to Teach at a Remote and Poor Area

Chapter 85 (I Don’t Have to Worry about It) Lin Wenxi Was Going to Teach at a Remote and Poor Area

Lin Ziwei told Lin Wenxi a few days ago that he had to leave Jifu University. Lin Wenxi was punished by stopping his study at Jifu University and going to a remote mountain village in Yangzi County to teach for half a year. Later, he would arrange for him to study in a normal university in the next-door province as an exchange student.

Both Lin Wenxi and Huang Xiya was puzzled, because Li Wenxi’s future might be ruined if he left Jifu University.

“He’s so eye-catching at Jifu University. I was against it!” Lin Ziwei said with a serious look.

“Wasn’t that caused by your investigation on the cheating of Chen Tianjiao’s daughter? Otherwise, they would not contact the media?” Huang Xiya was very unwilling.

“It’s because of me that his name didn’t appear in the newspaper. Otherwise, now my precious son would have been known by everyone! What’s more, we naturally have to investigate the wrong thing. If we make the mistakes sound less serious, how can we ensure the fairness and transparency of the cross-country competition?” Lin Ziwei asked.

“Chen Wanxin didn’t win the competition, and she gave up in the end. Why did you insist on investigating these trivial things? Since he disgraced you by finding fault with Wenxi, don’t you know find fault with his daughter?”

“His daughter is much smarter than Wenxi and never did anything wrong! From high school to college, she was praised by everybody. Shall I fake an accusation against her? He didn’t say anything wrong about Wenxi. Wenxi is to blame for this matter! He spared no efforts to win the first prize in the contest of freshmen. Then others suspected that I help him. This time he organized a false fund-raising in the name of me! If I don’t teach him a lesson, do you think that he can continue to stay at Jifu University? You can lose face, but I can’t!” Lin Ziwei frowned with anger.

“I don’t want to say more. I suspect that there are some things related to his wily daughter. Later, I will let Hong Xuan check it for me from time to time,” said Lin Ziwei.

“Wenxi said that he was locked during the Spring Festival and bullied by the girl at school. He was unhappy. So he did something in the name of you to release his anger. But he didn’t do any bad things. He organized donation to help his classmate. Can’t you guide him more? Every time he makes a mistake, you either beat him or scold him. He’s a child, you....” Huang Xiya said, and her eyes were red.

“Xiya, he had many bad ideas when he was only a child. If not because of me, he would have been a naughty boy. You say I should guide him. Yeah, the beat is guidance. Punishment is guidance too! After the experience in the countryside of this time, he will understand me.” Lin Ziwei stroked his wife’s beautiful hair and said with pity.

“But that village is so far and poor. Ziwei, sometimes I wonder you’re so cruel to him whether because...” Huang Xiya suddenly burst into tears.

“I didn’t mind it before, and won’t mind it in the future. I didn’t heat him, and didn’t dislike you either.” Lin Ziwei said gently.

Huang Xiya nodded, tears keeping rolling down her face. She owed too much to her husband. Since the birth of Lin Wenxi, Huang Xiya had been diagnosed as infertile. But her husband, who attached great importance to carrying on the family line, still insisted on marrying her and loved her like before. Huang Xiya thought she couldn’t change her husband’s mind anymore, so she could only ask people to send some clothes and food to Lin Wenxi secretly from time to time.

The Village Head of Village Zhao and the president of the school had been waiting for and welcoming the new teachers at the entrance to the village.

To Lin Wenxi’s surprise, the president was only a girl about twenty-four. The group arrived at the foot of a hill by a jolty tractor. On the way, the village cadre repeatedly consulted Lin Wenxi’s recommendation letters, the photo on which made him worry that whether such a weak student could get used to the poor village. However, Lin Wenxi sat very steadily on the jolty tractor all the way. And he could also walk fast on the long mountain road to the village after the tractor. These native villagers didn’t need to slow down and wait for him.

The Village Head smiled reassuringly. Although Lin Wenxi was a college student, he was hardworking and didn’t need special treatment. But his personal safety had to be ensured. But to the Village Head’s puzzlement, the Township Head coughed slightly and said on the phone, “In addition, report his life to me every few days... and his physical health and mood. Er... And relationship state.”

“Don’t worry. He’s just a student of Jifu University. He’s excellent at university, so he can come here to teach even though he’s a freshman. But he’s too young and underage, so I have to pay more attention to him.” The Township Head smiled helplessly. In the morning, he received a personal call from Lin Ziwei who clearly demanded equal treatment to Lin Wenxi. But soon after, Mrs. Lin called him and hoped that he could take care of Lin Wenxi. How dare he not pay attention to Lin Wenxi?

Lin Wenxi quickly forgot the direction because of the winding mountain road. They arrived at a relatively flat place and saw steps made of earth and stone. The bamboo forests on both sides were green and vigorous, and the end of the steps was the school which was situated on the top of a hill that was much higher than others. Because the soil here was very soft, landslide always happened in a small area on rainy days. But there had never been a significant event. For the sake of students’ safety, the school was located in this place especially.

The school was surrounded by endless bamboo forests, outside which were sprawling shrubs. There almost was no dense jungles here, which somewhat dispelled Lin Wenxi’s fear of the presence of ferocious wild animals such as tigers and wild boars. He carried all his luggage and looked around the dormitory that the president had arranged for him personally. It was the only bungalow in the school. There was only one wardrobe, a wooden bed with a mat, a small coal stove and some daily necessities. It was very simple but tidy and clean. Even the cement floor under his feet was cleaned up. Only later did he know that the bungalow was the president’s residence. She couldn’t refuse the villagers’ enthusiasm and reluctantly agreed to live in the most comfortable place in the school. Because of the arrival of Lin Wenxi, the president packed her things and lived in the tile house on the other side.

In addition that the water supply was insufficient and all domestic water needed to be transported from the submontane village, Lin Wenxi was satisfied with everything. The most satisfying thing was that there was no signal at all on the mountain. There was only one telephone wire connected with a public telephone. In this way, his mother couldn’t monitor him from time to time. In Lin Wenxi’s mind, he wondered what expression Zhao Yuan would have and what he would say when they reunited after a long time separation. Thinking of this, Lin Wenxi felt very sad.

The students had been idle for a long time because one of the teachers went home to get married. The president’s application for teachers had been approved many times, but no teacher had come. These days they knew that there would be a new teacher, but they didn’t expect the new teacher to be so extraordinary.

Lin Wenxi also knew that the school only provide accommodation and there was no salary.

There was only one class of every grade, so there were three classes from grade one to grade three. Every class had four lessons a day. Whether they could rest depended on the situation, for the students of grade three, as long as their learning progress kept up with that of the students in township primary school, they could take the exam at the end of the school year. After passing the exam, they were eligible to go to town primary school. It meant that from the fourth grade, the students who graduated from here had to take care of themselves in the new school, which was almost unimaginable to Lin Wenxi.

Therefore, Lin Wenxi pitied these children when facing them.

After six lessons a day, many students liked to play together with Lin Wenxi because of their love of the new teacher.

In students’ heart, Lin Wenxi was a magician.

He could teach many beautiful Chinese and English nursery songs in class, although he always forgot the lines. He taught them to make paper airplanes, paper cranes, and paper frogs and so on after school, and made garlands with leaves for girls. He also taught them many self-created poems at any time, though he never explained for them.

However, some students secretly found the poems that Mr. Lin wrote in his bedroom, but Mr. Lin couldn’t explain them.


It’s a beautiful night.

Everything is

Tranquil and lovely.

I don’t have to worry about it.

I needn’t avoid it either.

Even though you’re not here,

I still can feel you by my heart.

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