
Chapter 47

Volume 2 Chapter 47 part1

“Uu~…” [Ryouma]

I went back to the inn and started racking my heads on what to write for the advertisement, but I just couldn’t seem to come to a conclusion on one thing: The name of the store.

I can’t think of anything but simple stuff.

While I was racking my brains like that, Sebasu-san came.

“Ryouma-sama, you’ve returned?” [Sebasu]

“Yes. I’m here.” [Ryouma]

As I said that, I opened the door.

“Ryouma-sama, how about joining the ojousama and the others for tea?” [Sebasu]

“Sure. I’ve hit a roadblock, so I might as well. Thank you.” [Ryouma]

Like that I went to the duke’s family’s room.

“We’ve been waiting, Ryouma-san.” [Elialia]

“Come, take a seat.” [Elize]

“Thank you very much.” [Ryouma]

After being given tea, I took a sip. It was then that Reinhart-san spoke.

“You’ve been working hard lately. You’re not pushing yourself, are you?” [Reinhart]

“Not at all. I’m quite alright.” [Ryouma]

“How’s your store’s construction doing?” [Reinhart]

“The store’s done. All that’s left is to plant the flowers and the lawn seeds, and grow them with wood magic. And then there’s the sign board and the opening. If I could just take care of that, I should be good to start.” [Ryouma]

“Ehh!? You’ve progressed that much already!?” [Elialia]

“So, you are pushing yourself, Ryouma-kun.” [Reinhart]

“I’m not, really.” [Ryouma]

“Ryouma-sama, I’ve heard that you could construct buildings with wood magic, but just how much mana do you use every day, I wonder.” [Sebasu]

“I stop just a little before the symptoms for mana overconsumption start showing, at which point, I then start manual labor.” [Ryouma]

When everyone heard that, they all sighed.

“That is working too much…” [Reinhart]

“Ryouma-sama, with how much mana you have, stopping just before you run out of mana is enough to make a normal magician collapse. You’re definitely doing too much work for one person.” [Sebasu]

Oh, yeah… I have an abnormally big mana pool.

Volume 2 Chapter 47 part2

“You look like you just realized it.” [Reinbach]

“For some reason, I’m suddenly worried. I wonder if it’s really a good idea to leave you alone.” [Elize]

“Please rest assured. This is nothing compared to my previous workplace.” [Ryouma]

“What did they make you do?” [Elialia]

“…Huh?” [Ryouma]

Oops, let that slip. Well, even if I tell them I was a programmer, they probably won’t understand. Hmm… I guess I can talk to them about my part time instead.

“Various stuff… There were times when I just carried stuff normally, but there were also times when I made dolls.” [Ryouma]

“I see… Ryouma-san, you don’t think work is difficult?” [Elialia]

“Well, of course, there are times when I think it’s difficult. But if I don’t work, I can’t live… And besides, it’s not like everything is difficult. That job I told you where I carried stuff, well, it’s actually a job where I carried the materials to be used for construction. I thought it was pretty interesting seeing the building gradually being built. And when it was completed, I felt a sense of satisfaction.

As for the doll-making job, I had to paint the doll where designated, but whenever I saw my client elated at my work, I felt glad.” [Ryouma]

“I see. I hope in the future I too can find something I think is worth doing.” [Elialia]

Huh? Is she going to work? Even though she’s the ojousama of the duke’s family?

While I was thinking that to myself, the ojousama showed interest in my doll-making job.

Yep, she’s a girl, alright.

“If you’d like, I can make a doll for you next time.” [Ryouma]

After saying that excitedly without thinking, it suddenly hit me that the dolls I made were mainly geared toward little boys.

“Really!? If you have time, then by all means, please!” [Elialia]

This is bad!! This is very bad! I made various dolls as a hobby and as a sideline, but this people definitely won’t get it. Besides, the ojousama is still young. She shouldn’t be seeing those things meant for big children.

“Is something the matter?” [Elialia]

“Oh, it’s just… I don’t exactly have the models… My job was mainly to paint them, so without a foundation to work with…” [Ryouma]

“Oh? But aren’t you skilled in earth magic?” [Elialia]

…Damn it. The convenience of earth magic is biting me back, now?

Forget it. I did offer it, so I might as well try my hand at making something inoffensive.

“Alright, I’ll make one if I have time.” [Ryouma]

“Thank you.” [Elialia]

“Sebasu-san, would you happen to know where I could purchase some references and tools?” [Ryouma]

“I could prepare some tomorrow if you’d like.” [Sebasu]

“Thank you. I want to use them for the store’s signboard too, so please prepare plenty of drawing tools. I’ll pay you later.” [Ryouma]

“Very well.” [Sebasu]

After that I talked idly with the duke’s family, then I went back to my room. When I went back, the duke’s family strongly reminded me not to push myself.

…I should take care.

Oh, come to think of it, what of the store’s name? ……………Something simple should do. Yes, something easy to remember.

It was then that my store’s name and tag line was decided.

Even a goblin’s filth can be washed for cheap! Laundry Service, Bamboo Forest!?[1]

8th day of construction.

After receiving references and drawing tools from Sebasu-san, I thanked him, and then headed for the guild.

When I entered the guild, the receptionist, Maelyn-san, called out to me.

“Oh! Ryouma-kun! We were quite worried since you never showed up again after the guild quest at the abandoned mine.” [Maelyn]

“Sorry about that. I was a little busy.” [Ryouma]

“I know. You were building a store, right? I heard from the guild master. That’s pretty amazing considering how young you are.” [Maelyn]

“Thank you. By the way, there was something I wanted to ask you.” [Ryouma]

“What is it?” [Maelyn]

“I heard it was possible to advertise somewhere on the guild’s bulletin board. Is that true?” [Ryouma]

“Advertise? Hmm… The guild doesn’t have that sort of service, though. Oh, I know. You probably heard that service.” [Maelyn]

As Maelyn-san said that, she pointed toward the small bulletin board in one corner of the guild.

“That’s the bulletin board for recruiting parties. People write their when they’re looking for allies. We don’t have a bulletin board for advertisements.” [Maelyn]

“I see. Thank you very much.” [Ryouma]

I guess I’ll just have to announce the store’s opening myself and rely on word of mouth then. Leaflets and posters are another option, but paper is really expensive here…

The one exception is toilet paper because apparently there was a man – most probably an otherworlder – who invented a magic tool that created toothbrushes and toilet paper, but… I couldn’t possibly use toilet paper as leaflets, could I?

Those things are too fragile. They’ll probably just get thrown away. Anyway, let’s put the announcement of the store aside and get back to work.

“Maelyn-san, are there any jobs for cleaning trash today?” [Ryouma]

“You should drop by the guild master first. He said to bring you to his room the next time you showed up. He probably has work for you.” [Maelyn]

“Alright. I’ll go then.” [Ryouma]

When I went to the guild master’s room, he greeted me with a smile.

[1] – From the name, Ryouma Takebayashi; Take = bamboo, bayashi = forest.

Volume 2 Chapter 47 part3

“Ryouma! You finally showed up!” [Wogan]“Good day. It’s been a week, hasn’t it? I’ve been quite busy with my store.” [Ryouma]

“I’ll get straight to the point. I’m hoping you can take the latrine pit job again.” [Wogan]

Huh? Didn’t those six adventurers from the slum take that job?

“About that… There were indeed a bunch of people who showed up interested, including those 6 adventurers, but we still don’t have enough people. I had the less guilty of Sacchi’s henchmen do this job too, but even with that we still don’t have enough. On top of that, they can’t clean them as well as you do.

I’d love to give jobs to those who need them, but it’s really not good for the guild to just wait for people to come. Besides, you had a hard time 5 months ago too, right? I’m sure you can agree when I say just once of that stinky nightmare is enough! So, since you’ve already cleaned it so nicely once, won’t you clean it again? …Or at least that’s what some hasty guys are saying.

But really, I’m begging you, help us out. We really don’t have enough people.” [Wogan]

Did I clean the pits a little too well? So much so that now they find it difficult to go back to the way they were before?

Well, it is true that the situation five months ago was pretty bad.

“It’s not like I can’t understand. I mean it was really bad before……… Fine. I’ll do it.” [Ryouma]

“Thanks. That’s a load off my back.” [Wogan]

I immediately accepted the job and went to the latrine pits.

When I used the scavenger slimes to their utmost, I was able to clean the place in the blink of an eye.

After that I went back to report the mission’s success and receive my reward, then I went back to my store, where I ordered the scavenger slimes to use their Produce Fertilizer skill to turn the nutrients they got into fertilizer.

I used that fertilizer to nurture the soil, so I could plant my flower and lawn grass seeds. After planting the seeds, I watered them.

“It’s dark already…” [Ryouma]

Cleaning the pits took a lot of time, so the sun was already starting to set.

I did get scolded yesterday about working too hard, so I should probably end the day here.

9th day of the store’s construction.

Right from the morning, I watered the ground that had been planted with flower and lawn grass seeds, then I used the earth magic, Grow, to accelerate their growth. After three hours of casting my spells, a carpet of verdant grass accompanied by beautiful flowers could be seen around the store.

‘Grow’ is a convenient spell, but without enough nutrients and water in the soil, the mana cost will increase and there’s a high chance that the soil will be left dry of nutrients.

But it worked this time around, so that’s that… Next, I should trim the grass that grew a bit too much.

I let the scavenger slimes eat the excess part of the grass, and with that, the surroundings of the store was finally complete.

With the place finally looking like a store, I went ahead and made the signboard.

I painted the wooden board in white, then I wrote the words, Laundry Service Bamboo Forest, on it. Then on its two sides, I drew the image of some forests, while at the bottom, I drew a slime sticking close to the name of the store.

Next, I have to dry this, then give it the waterproof treatment and some garnishing.

While it’s drying, I should work on the miscellaneous stuff, such as the price list of the laundry and some other finishing checks.

After that… I guess all that’s really left is the service and to check on the flow of operations.

Maybe I should invite Jeff-san and the others for the preopening, so we can give the store a test run. Hmm…

Oh, I know! We should do the preopening with the opening party too!

After deciding that, I gathered the bare necessities for opening the store, then I dropped by Serge-san’s before going home.

“Welcome, Ryouma-sama.” [Serge]

“Good evening, Serge-san. The store was finally completed today.” [Ryouma]

“Really!? That’s quite fast…” [Serge]

“Some people I knew at the adventurers guild told me that they were looking forward to it, so I put a lot of effort in making the store.

The store’s looking like a proper store now, so I was thinking of gathering my acquaintances for its debut opening. It’s also going to be a test run of sort to make sure that the store can function properly.” [Ryouma]

“The last check, in other words.” [Serge]

“Yes. The real opening will be the day after, so I was thinking of having a party too after the test run. If it’s no trouble, I’d like to extend an invitation to you, Serge-san. Are you available?” [Ryouma]

“Thank you for the invitation, Ryouma-sama. I have some errands to run tomorrow, but I should be free for the next two weeks the day after tomorrow. I’ll be available whenever you’re free then.” [Serge]

“Thank you. I’ll check with the others first.” [Ryouma]

“Ryouma-sama, do you mind if I take two friends with me.” [Serge]

“Please go ahead. Are you referring to Pioro-san and the guild master?” [Ryouma]

“No, they’re from my company. I did promise to introduce you to some people who can make your job easier. I believe it would be best for you to meet them sooner than later, so they can get used to the job as soon as possible.” [Serge]

“Thank you for your help.” [Ryouma]

Oh, right. We did discuss that. I went and built lodging for the workers, but I actually forgot about them. I can’t tend to the store while working as an adventurer at the same time, so it’s actually really important. I’m really grateful.

After thanking Serge-san again, I left the store.

?Volume 2 Chapter 47 part4

Next up was the guild master and Maelyn-san. I told them the same thing and invited them. Apparently, they would be free three days later. I called out to Jeff-san’s group and the others who participated in the disease prevention mission, and it seems they’ll be able to make it. I’ll drop by the guild again tomorrow.

I went to the merchants guild next. When I requested to send a message to the guild master, I was brought to the guest room.

“You came. It’s been a week, hasn’t it? How are things?” [Grisiera]

“Thanks to your help, the store has finally taken shape.” [Ryouma]

“You’ve built it already? Although I’ve yet to check the quality of the construction, wouldn’t this mean you’re capable of carpentry too?” [Grisiera]

“I can only build simple stuff, though.” [Ryouma]

“That’s more than enough since only nobles would go out of their way to design elaborate houses.” [Grisiera]

Oh, right.

“Did you come here to report your store’s completion?” [Grisiera]

“I’m planning to gather my acquaintances to give my store a test run, and then hold a party to celebrate the completion of the store afterwards. Guildmaster, I’ve already been in your care, so if it’s not too much trouble…” [Ryouma]

“You’re inviting me?” [Grisiera]

“It’ll just be a small party, though there will be some people you know attending. If you’re alright with that, then by all means, please come.” [Ryouma]

“Hee hee hee, a lighthearted party is good. In fact, it’s best for parties to be that way. I rarely get asked to such gatherings because of my standings, and even when they pretend to be lighthearted, they’re all stiff, it’s boring. Since your adventurer friends will be coming too, it should be a really lighthearted party, right?” [Grisiera]

“Yes. I’m not good with formal stuff. Even my polite language is shallow.” [Ryouma]

“Alright. So, when is the party?” [Grisiera]

“I’m currently planning on holding it 3 days later, but it might still change depending on others’ schedule, so I need to confirm with everyone first. I’ll pass a message tomorrow.

By the way, could you tell me Pioro-san’s contact information. I’d like to invite him too if possible.” [Ryouma]

“That guy already left 3 days ago. His store’s main branch is in another city, but he should be dropping by here tomorrow under the pretense of attending the meeting, though his real purpose is actually to play hooky. I’ll invite him for you.” [Grisiera]

I tanked the guild master and left the merchant guild.

After that I dropped by the tamer guild, and then went home. I told the ojousama and the others about the preopening of my store and invited them. When I did, they were elated, and it was decided that the four members of the duke’s family, Sebasu-san, Arone-san, Lilian-san, and the four guards, Jill-san and the others, would be coming.

With this we have 11 people from the ojousama’s side + 11 from the adventurers guild + 5 from the merchants guild, totaling to 27 people all in all. If you include me, that’s 28.

I don’t have any achievements to speak of, so I couldn’t meet with the head of Gimuru’s tamer guild, Taylor. I left a message, but I’ve yet to receive his reply. If e comes, that’ll bring our numbers up to 29.

…I’ll hold the party at the servants’ break room. That way we’ll have enough room.

I should also drop by the adventurers guild tomorrow to confirm the schedule of the adventurers and contact some other people.

10th day.

The adventurers all agreed to come. I also got a response from the tamer guild through the receptionist, saying that the tamer guild branch head would be making an appearance.

With that, I left a message at Serge-san’s store and at the guild that the test run of the store will be on the morning the day after tomorrow, while the party will be held in the afternoon of the same day.

After that I went back to the abandoned mine that I hadn’t visited in a week and did some rounds, then I went back home. After informing the ojousama and the others of the plans the day after tomorrow, the day ended.

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