
Chapter 297: We Celtics Don’t Use Brains

Chapter 297: We Celtics Don’t Use Brains

The conference room of Buckingham palace once again descended into chaos. The elites of Great Britain once again argued intensely, but after a day of discussion, it was found that they had nothing to argue about.

“Sigh… What a headache. How great would it be if that man was King Arthur instead? Won’t he say that England needs him and return once more? If it was King Arthur, we wouldn’t have this kind of problem, right?”

Someone said casually.

A scholar at the side raised his glasses and said, “No, it would be more troublesome if it was King Arthur. Everyone present, except for people from Wales would be treated as invaders by King Arthur. I’m also afraid that the first thing he would do once he returns is to take back Ireland and Wales, then he could counterattack on London.”

The crowd was dumbfounded because even without King Arthur, Ireland and other regions had been in conflict of interest with the British government and wanted to back out from the United Kingdom due to the Brexit. If King Arthur truly appeared, then the other countries would have greater confidence. At that time, Britain would be a mess and would soon fall into civil war.

“Let’s wait and see what happens. This time, Christ descended on Africa and a Celtic god appeared in Wales. I don’t believe that these two matters aren’t related. If only we had more information! We cannot draw any conclusions now. It’s better if we treat the Tuatha De Dannan as a god of Connacht for now.”

The British Prime Minister finally ended the meeting with helpless words. If they did not witness the event in Tokyo, they would have taken the initiative a bit more and might even use force to coerce the other side.

However, the events that transpired in Tokyo showed them the power of the mysterious. With the missile that the United States launched at these supernatural beings, every country was clear that these supernatural beings were not soft. Now, Great Britain was not as powerful as it was before WWII.

In the end, they could only passively wait and even secretly pray that Christ would come to Britain to deal with these Celtic gods.


“Director, we have found that the Celtic God is in the city of London!”

In the underground base of MI13, Mr. A had just returned after the meeting in Buckingham Palace. Although many elites were in discussion, their final decision was to wait and see what happens, but it did not mean that they would not make any preparations.

Military Intelligence 13 would perform long-distance surveillance of this Celtic God to estimate his power, while Britain also carried out military mobilization to prepare for war. If things truly turn for the worse, then these troops would be the first on the battlefield.

“Continue monitoring.”


Having modern technology was truly a fortunate thing. Monitoring a ‘god’ or an ‘angel’ was extremely dangerous for normal people, thus they used the latest in monitoring technology. They could even eavesdrop on the words of the Celtic God from a hundred meters away. The Celtic god was the one who determines what they would do next.

In the underground base, experts were ready. The Celtic god’s behavior and words were projected at any time for these mythological and historical experts to interpret at any time. There were even Celtic language experts just in case so that they could translate and communicate at critical moments.

“Director, the other side has entered a restaurant and ordered a large amount of pork.”

An intelligence officer made a report.

A scholar heard this and immediately said, “In Celtic records, the Celtic people are extremely fond of pork. It seems that this record is correct.”

“Director, in the vicinity of the Celtic god, we found a large number of intelligence officers from other countries, what should we do?”

Mr.A cursed as he heard this report, “Those damned bastards. This is our Great Britain. Takedown all of the other party’s intelligence officers. Do not let them move. If the other side wants to touch and provoke the Celtic god, you are permitted to use force to resolve this matter. This is of utmost importance to Britain’s territorial security. I do not care even if other countries protest. That’s something for the Foreign Affairs Department to deal with!”


Mr.A’s heartbeat accelerated. Although Britain had also sent intelligence officers to various countries in order to gather information about supernatural beings, when it happens to Britain, he would still be biased towards his country.

Fortunately, foreign intelligence officers weren’t stupid. They did not go into contact with the Celtic god and only remotely eavesdropped.


In a restaurant in London, Louie who played as an unrecorded god of the ancient country of Connacht ordered a large amount of pork. He knew that there were countless people following and spying on him. Everything he did was for those people to see.

He tried to emulate the way of life of the Celtic gods. Of course, he might miss some small detail, but there wasn’t any need to pay too much attention to it, because human imagination was on his side. If his acts did not match the records, then the human scholars would treat the canonical records as wrong, and not that he was wrong.

That said, small details could be wrong, but the general behavior must still be in line with Celtic culture. That was to make a performance of being a bloodthirsty warrior.

This body was a puppet he created with divine power. It wasn’t even an incarnation, so it was not as powerful as his natural body. If it truly fought with the country’s army, they would have to pay a certain price to get rid f this puppet. However, Louie was not worried, because he had already displayed a demigod level of power in Tokyo. He was certain that Britain would be careful not to step on the tiger’s tail. With the fact that this place was London, the government should not want to fight here.

As for the fairy that was floating on the puppet’s shoulder, it was just a flower spirit from the Silver Moon Kingdom. There were numerous flower spirits and tree spirits in the Silver Moon Kingdom. They had no combat power at all, so Louie was able to catch two of them and brainwashed them to pretend to be fairies from Avalon.

So, whether it was Christ, the Celtic God, or this fairy, everything was played by Louie alone. If he weren’t close to becoming a true God, he would have sooner or later become schizophrenic.

In the middle of the restaurant, the Celtic god ate a big mouthful of pork and shouted at the fairy beside him, “I have already asked these invaders where their leader is living. It should be in Buckingham Palace. We don’t have to think too much and just go into Buckingham Palace and take their king’s head. If anyone disobeys, we should just kill them all. This is the glory of Celtic warriors.”

The Englishmen who were watching were horrified by this statement.

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