
Chapter 347: Disney Routine (2)

   Either justice defeats evil, or the villain is finally cleansed. There is no third outcome.

  Take "Maleficent" as an example.

The young Maleficent was an innocent little fairy, who grew up freely in the forest until one day she met a human boy Stefan, became friends with her, and fell in love at last; One night, Maleficent\'s wings were cut off and presented to the king, and while his succession soared to the first place, Maleficent also became black.

But these things are not important to Stefan. He became the king, married his queen, and had a daughter. When the princess was born and the whole country was celebrating, Marlene, who had been hurt by Svant, But Fessen came uninvited and cursed the little princess, saying that on her sixteenth birthday, she would fall into an eternal sleep because she touched the spinning wheel.

  When the king asked her why she did this, the reason Maleficent gave was \'I like to watch you beg me\'.

  So for the sake of his child, the king knelt down and begged his lover who had been hurt by him to let his daughter go, and Maleficent also kept his promise and gave a glimmer of life, saying that as long as the princess could get the kiss of true love, she would be able to wake up.

  According to the routine in "Grimm\'s Fairy Tales", that is, the prince falls in love with the princess.

  But Disney had to make a show of it to clean Maleficent.

At the same time when he ordered the burning of spinning wheels all over the country, the king also asked three fairies to take Princess Aurora to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and come back after the curse passed, but the three fairies were "smoking, drinking, and perming their heads" all day long. Take care of the little ones.

  Thus, Princess Aurora was brought up by Maleficent who had been following her all along.

  In the process of getting along, the aloof Maleficent was softened by the soft and cute child, told her her own story, and wanted to lift the curse she had cast, but unfortunately, things backfired.

Aurora grew up as expected, and the curses followed one after another. The most surprising thing is that the prince\'s kiss was of no use to her. In the end, it was Maleficent\'s true love kiss that awakened Princess Aurora. With the help of Aurora, Maleficent regained her wings, broke out of the ambush set by the king, brought Aurora back to the forest, and lived a happy life without shame.


  Looking at it this way, isn’t it a reasonable and logical plot that Emperor Gong blocked the sword for Tianxian in the end?

   For the audience, the Elf Queen\'s loli development plan is an unexpected reversal!

   But for film critics, this is the most normal Disney routine!

  That\'s why on Rotten Tomatoes, the film critics of "Mulan" scored higher than "Creed".

  Because the former can be understood at any rate, while the latter, the North American box office in the first weekend was only 9.4 million.

  Even with the intervention of the epidemic, the theater can only open half, so when multiplied by two, the box office will still be low.

  After all, in this day and age, it is normal for the first weekend to exceed 100 million. No matter how strong the external influence is, when there is only one blockbuster movie in the same period, the 10% box office discount is the root cause of Warner\'s unwillingness to disclose it.


   It\'s too embarrassing.

It is precisely because of Disney’s narrative style that leaves people with a deep-rooted concept of watching movies, so when Anna played by the Olsen sisters and the mother played by Jodie Foster had a big fight, all the guests on the scene, Waiting for a reversal.

  When Anna’s future stepfather proposed that everyone can put aside their disputes and go to a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown to relax and relax, the plot of mother and daughter swapping identities was also arranged.

The owner of the Chinese restaurant found out that when the mother and daughter who often dined were arguing about some trivial matters, she thoughtfully sent cookies that could be transported. On the note inside, there is a paragraph of text-\'A new journey is about to begin, and the prize is hidden deep in the eyes of the other party. When you see your own shortcomings, selfless love can let you find yourself\', wait for them After reading this passage, a brief earthquake belonging to the two occurred.

   After that, it was the next morning. Because they used cookies with oriental mysterious power, the roles of the two were reversed. The mother became the daughter, and the daughter became the mother.

  That\'s right, this is the East in Disney\'s eyes, or in other words, this is the East that Disney is willing to show the public.

  Just like all orientals know Chinese Kung-fu, in their view, the fact that all orientals have mastered the terrifying skill of soul exchange, which should be attributed to witches, is also the truth that must be disclosed to the people of the world.

  So, don\'t think Li Lianjie\'s Fu Manchu makeup is just an accident.

  Because Disney has done this countless times.

  Relying on other people\'s public opinion positions to promote one\'s own culture, that is the real act of cerebral palsy.

  For the guests at the scene, this change is already a very obvious turning point—

   "By exchanging identities, let the daughter understand the hard work of the mother, and let the mother understand the helplessness of the daughter?"

   "This kind of routine has been filmed badly! Disney still can\'t jump out of this kind of box!"

  “Although the routine is a bit old, the audience will change! The audience in the past may have seen it, but how can the children now know it? As long as young people who watch this movie find it trendy, that’s enough!”

   Yes, that\'s why Hollywood loves remakes of classics!

  All classics are existences that can pass the test of time, and their success is traceable.

  Under such circumstances, refurbishing classic old movies and incorporating modern elements into the screen every ten or twenty years is actually the safest way to make money. As for old audiences, don’t think so?

   So what?

  Because the new audience is the target customer group of the film studio!

  This is why the other five Hollywood companies envy Disney.

  The fairy tale IP in your hand is refurbished every once in a while, and you can earn a lot of money!

  More than twenty years ago, you were watching "The Lion King" by yourself, and more than twenty years later, you took your children to watch "The Lion King".

   Maybe you think the remake is rubbish, but it doesn\'t matter, because you have contributed money three times.

   And if you still want to wash your children’s eyes, let them watch the classics of 1994...

   That\'s over.

   Maybe in another twenty years, it will be your child\'s turn to give your grandchildren Amway "The Lion King."

  When Anna and her mother switch identities, the direction of the plot is also very clear.

After going through the adaptation period of the role exchange with an exaggerated performance, the mother began to try to play the daughter, while the daughter tried hard to play the mother. In the process, both parties subconsciously transformed each other with their original thoughts , but when my mother finds out that the reason why her daughter often takes the F test is that the teacher who taught her daughter turned out to be the male classmate who had a crush on her in high school. The incident of the child became the pain suffered by the younger generation, which made the mother understand that she lacked concern for her daughter.

   And when the mother found out that the guy her daughter often took the initiative to bully her was really a vicious villain, the unreasonable and unwilling to listen to the preaching made her feel ashamed.

  At the same time, the daughter also discovered that her mother\'s life is not easy.

The full schedule of treatment made her breathless, and the tense life of being interviewed at any time made her give up thinking for a while. The degeneration of body organs and dim eyesight also made her life inconvenient. What surprised her daughter the most was that, When she held a parent-teacher meeting for her younger brother as a mother, she learned that her younger brother confided in his composition, saying that the person she admired most was her older sister, and the reason why she kept provoking her was entirely because she wanted to arouse the other party\'s attention. Pay attention, after hoping that she can play with me, the girl who chose to be rebellious because of lack of love also softens.

  When the mother parasitic in her daughter\'s body discovered that the little boy who liked her daughter would be attracted by her daughter\'s every move through his body, she realized that her daughter had indeed found her own love.

   The **** boy loves not his daughter\'s face at all, but her funny soul.

Similarly, when the daughter parasitic in her mother\'s body learned that her future stepfather was willing to give up the wedding rehearsal time and allow herself to participate in a more important band competition, she thought that this damned man took away her mother, and she also Moved.

  For the first time, she felt that this man who might become her stepfather was not bad.

Under such circumstances, they took out the note full of oriental mysterious power again, and the two of them understood the meaning of the phrase "selfless love can let you find yourself", and when the daughter plays the role of mother, stepfather is welcome to join After owning this family, the earthquake that belonged to the two reappeared, and the mother and daughter became themselves again.

  At the wedding, mother and daughter hug each other.

   "Thank you for everything you have done for me." Mom had tears in her eyes.

  The daughter put her arms around her mother\'s neck, lowered her gaze, and responded shyly, "I love you."

  A response that is not a response is the best confession. The mother stared at her daughter and opened her heart, "I love you too."

  The plots of Disney movies are not complicated, after all, they are for children...

  The ending full of warmth is the finishing touch, just like defeating the Lord of Worshiping the Moon with "Infinite Love". Even without censorship, Disney still has to convey the company\'s brand image to children-truth, goodness and beauty.

As the lights came on, there was familiar applause in the venue. Although the movie is very old-fashioned, the jokes are very common, and the meaning of preaching is very strong, but even so, it cannot be denied that it is a qualified commercial film. .

   Not to mention, Boss, who is bigger than the Disney production team, is listening with them below.

Amid the applause of the celebration, the main creative team also came to the stage to pay their respects. When it was over, the staff even moved onto the sofa and told everyone about the production process of the film directly on the spot. The first person to speak was Dick Cheney, the chairman of Disney Pictures .

"It was Roland Allen\'s proposal to remake the 1977 movie. When he told us that we could try to make a movie that showed the generation gap between teenagers and their parents, we were very hesitant because it was about growing up. There are too many movies, even the "Home Alone" series that he made his own debut is of this type."

   "After Roland speaks out about the mother and daughter\'s idea of ​​swapping identities, we are very interested in letting the mother and daughter experience each other\'s difficult thoughts, because this is something that many people dream of when they are young."

"When we were teenagers, when we had all kinds of conflicts with our parents but were not understood by them, how much we longed to drag our parents to witness our experiences, but when we became parents, we wanted to Let your children know how hard our daily life and work are, and hope they can be quieter."

   “The real conflict that happened to us drove us to make this movie.”

  "We don\'t expect this movie to be accepted by everyone, but as long as a mother, daughter, and father and son can empathize and make changes after watching the movie, that is the most meaningful thing."

  ‘Ouch! \'

  Hearing this, Roland wanted to laugh.

   Obviously making movies is to make money, but when promoting them, they pull the banner of humanism to seek tiger skins.

  What is the difference between this and shutting down WeChat while emphasizing the free market?

   After Dick Cheney finished speaking, the director of the film, Mark Waters, also spoke.

   “This is my second film and I’m so excited to be working with Ashley and Mary.”

"When I got the script, I wondered how this classic family comedy would end up in my hands, and when I learned that it was because Roland Allen, who provided the idea, was also a \'newbie\', I Only then did I realize what kind of opportunity I had, after all, his achievements are obvious to all, and what he likes must be liked by the audience..."

\'oops! \'

  ‘Don’t blow it, don’t blow it! \'

   Roland who stayed at the bottom smiled and shook his head, because he knew that he climbed up by hugging his thighs.

  But when the director turned the fire on Roland, the guys at the scene could no longer \'ignore\' him. While laughing and applauding, countless eyes kept gathering from all directions.

no way!

  Because this is the real capitalist!

He instigated a series of explosive hammer operations by Microsoft to drive away wolves and tigers. Compared with entertainment projects with an investment of tens of millions and billions, this man is now playing in a market worth hundreds of billions, and the media present have How many of them attended for his sake?

   Otherwise, just relying on a Disney family carnival movie to attract hundreds of journalists in the industry?

   Isn\'t this a fool\'s dream!

  In the past, those who emphasized beeping the most would not even look at this kind of movie with a straight eye, but now...

  The core of \'"Hot Mom and Hot Girl" is the most connotative youth movie in recent years" has been established by them!


  The fruit of face given by the banknote ability is really easy to use!

  Because both parties have a tacit understanding, the introduction of the producer did not last too long. After briefly explaining the birth process of the film, the remaining time was given to the reporters by the producer for them to ask questions.

  The intention of doing this is actually very simple, let the media make their own headlines to avoid crashes.

Under such circumstances, magazines such as "Variety" and "Empire" started with the generation gap between teenagers and their parents, and asked a few questions emphasizing family harmony, while various newspapers floated on the surface and asked about comedy. Interesting episodes of filming.

But when they asked around and the entire media exchange meeting was over, the media raised their hands one after another, expressing their doubts very intimately, "Well... Based on what we just learned, we can indeed write It’s a good manuscript, but if it’s sent out like this, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory at best.”

"Because all the contents are movie introductions, and there is no breaking news related to the leading actors. After reading our manuscript, the public will at most have the concept of \'ah, the Olsen sisters have a new movie\' in their minds. That is, \'Ah, the Olsen sisters\' new movie this time has been well received by many professionals,\' and other than that, there is no other eye-catching content."

   "So, can you provide some other information?"

   "The news that can make the public remember your new movie."

   "After all, we can\'t make this up, can we?"

  Such words made everyone on the scene laugh.

   This is paradise for the rich.

  Switched to other actors, these media have already used their brains to make up their own, but the Olsen sisters...

   No one has trouble with their work.

But breaking news, sometimes you really can’t write indiscriminately, even if you are bragging, you have to brag about the facts that have already happened, otherwise, when the mobile Internet era comes, those idlers will let celebrities know What is cruelty.

  As for the Olsen sisters in this life, there is really nothing to expect.

  Family harmony, happy life, busy with work, not in love.

At this time, even if they are paired with the male protagonist in the play, it will not achieve any publicity effect, so when this serious problem arises, the two little guys sitting in the center of the stage immediately cast their eyes on own brother.

   "Then... how about you just write, Ashley and Mary tried to play the role of mother in this movie, and their acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds?" Roland, who wanted to come to the microphone, provided an idea for the surrounding reporters.

   However, denials came one after another.

   "This topic is so common!"

   "Yes! The topic of emphasizing acting skills is actually not suitable for them!"

   "That\'s right! Ashley and Mary both follow the idol route, blindly emphasizing acting skills, and may even be criticized by the audience."

   Upon hearing this explanation, Roland curled his lips and gave another idea.

   "Then...how about you just write that Ashley and Mary broke the news at the premiere, and they are planning not to make a movie?"

  Unfortunately, this breaking point is still not recognized by the media.

   "The thing is, this isn\'t their last movie!"

   "Yes! We can\'t promote it with the penultimate part, right? This is too deliberate!"

   "Yes, yes, yes! Ashley and Mary\'s fan base is large, but they are far less loyal than your fans! If they are really hyped with this title, they will probably be ridiculed by countless audiences!"

  The second wave of opposition made Roland frowned.

   This is not to express dissatisfaction with the media, but that he can\'t think of a good publicity stunt.

   After all, the films of the Olsen sisters are different from his films. They were not shot on the cusp of technological development. Without an absolute advantage, no matter which point they play, they will attract criticism.

   And when Roland was thinking about whether it was publicity or not, he suddenly remembered the end of the movie.

  So, full of inspiration, he snapped his fingers and directed the scene.

   "Ashley, Mary, Dick, you all get down and sit down again."

   "Draw the movie to the end for me, that is, the part when Anna\'s mother marries the man she loves."

   "You guys raise your cameras and shoot! Just shoot in your seats!"

   "Don\'t turn off all the lights later, leave two aisle lights to provide them with light."

   "As for reporting, just write—"

   "The main title is: [Roland Allen and Kate Winslet kiss passionately at the premiere of \'Hot Mom and Spice Girls\'."

   "The subtitle is: [Ask about the reason, they blew up that their wedding is coming]."

   "As for the pictures, it depends on your own level!"

  (end of this chapter)

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