
Chapter 37: Domineering Jack’O!

Chapter 37: Domineering Jack’O!

In the forest, two groups were glaring at each other, the air incredibly heavy!

Jack observed the enemy leader. In the man’s eyes, he could detect the desire to hurt them, pure malice stemming from a deeply rooted rivalry. The asshole wanted to kill him too, if only for his association with the Mighty Wolves!

Jack was painfully aware that the odds were against them. The enemies were too numerous. They had decent equipment and were experienced in VR PVP. His party would be slightly stronger thanks to fighting monsters, but not by much.

If only he had better gear or a player with ranged attacks, like an archer or a mage. This would have allowed plenty of outplaying maneuvers! Sadly, winning against them wasn’t possible, and the prick wasn’t open to dialogue.

But would Jack accept defeat so easily? Hell fucking no! He suddenly acted, yet remained unmoving, and soon became the focus of everyone nearby! He was now revealing his strength layer after layer to the players’ stupefaction!

— Epic Cluckinator! ?? —

First, a weapon appeared in his hand. It was obviously magical as the feather engravings on it seemed to pulsate slowly. Jack was bringing a sword to a stick fight! Oh, and he was ready to murder people with it!

— Infinite Cloak! —

Then, it was a cloak with softly glowing glyphs that seemed alive on the fabric. There was the ? of pioneer and the ?? of chicken annihilator. While it was only a cosmetic, the players didn’t know it! This even vaguely resembled the cloak the training instructor had! Holy fuck!

— ゴゴゴゴ Menacing! —

As the title came out, the bystanders instinctively trembled. They didn’t know what it meant at all, but they turned serious as their gaze landed on it. But, this display of dominance wasn’t over just yet!

— The Herald of Light’s aura! —

Jack seemed to transform once more. This time nothing visible happened at all. No, it was far more subtle and far more terrifying. His entire aura changed as he stopped being the seemingly innocent Jack’O who was peacefully enjoying his new life.

The Herald of Light was back!

He suddenly showed all the confidence, dominance, and power he had cultivated through years of living in Infinite. He let out the aura of a man who had been at the top for so many years! It had them all gulp in amazement.

Jack gave them a disdainful glance, one that spoke more than a thousand words. He was looking down on all 50 of them! So what if they had the numbers? He was Motherfucking Jack’O!

He had an assured and almost mocking smile as he disregarded them entirely. He was utterly silent, but his expression sent a clear message: do you dare? Do you really dare to attack me? Do you have a death wish?

The dragon guild would have been trembling in their boots— if they could afford some. Jack gave them a conqueror’s smile. As he saw how astonished they were, he knew that he had truly made an impression on them!

From this point onward, there would only be one logical outcome to this quarrel. Anyone with half a brain would realize that the man known as Jack’O shouldn’t be messed with no matter what!

After all, they could temporarily suppress him all they wanted, but he would inevitably rise one day. No sane person would make such a powerful expert as an enemy! Bubblegum and the Mighty Wolves were even staring at him with stars in their eyes.

That’s when the dragon prick opened his mouth. “Men, after looking carefully at this man, it appears that….” He began.

There it was! He had obviously changed his mind. Jack felt like patting himself on the back. Was there any other player who could intimidate 50 opponents alone? Damn, he was good!

But then, the guy finished his sentence:

“…he’s carrying all the loot! I’m promoting whoever kills this bitch! Fuck him up, Mighty Dragons! HAHAHAHA!!!” He screamed!

Wait…what?! What the fuck was wrong with that guy?! Was he mad?! Yes, yes he was! The man’s eyes were now glowing with intense greed as he gazed at the magical equipment. He was probably even picturing himself leading his men with cloak and falchion equipped.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! How could this guy be so idiotic?! This was so troublesome! Sadly, there was no time to lose!

“Spread out and run!” Jack shouted at his allies at the top of his lungs. They still had hope. As long as Bubblegum reached the village, everything would be fine!

At least, she now had the perfect diversion to slip out! No, perhaps it was too good a diversion! As he gazed at the 50 bloodthirsty avaricious assholes, he couldn’t help but gulp. How was he supposed to buy enough time?!

“Come and fight me, you wannabe lizards!” Jack heroically screamed as he took a step forward. He was going to charge at them!— or so it appeared. A second later, he was turning heels and running for his fucking life!

There was no way he’d fight them head-on! He was a pro player, not a goddamn hacker! That’s why he ran toward the wolf territory as fast as possible! As he fled, he heard the CPR dude shout behind him.

“Save him! We can’t let him die at all costs!” There was so much seriousness and desperation in his voice that Jack had to applaud his performance once again.

Making the enemy think that he was afraid to die was genius! Instead of going after Bubblegum, they would all head his way! This would be perfect!

But then he noticed an issue. Shouting it to confuse the enemy was fine, but why was he also sending all their men to help him?! Who freaking cared if he died?!

The items the enemies were targeting were ones they had no method of obtaining. The cloak was a bound cosmetic that kept track of players’ achievements.

As for the Cluckinator? Every player had a few safe inventory slots that offered better item protection. There were ways to bypass this, but none that beginner players could employ.


– The enemies were wasting their time

– They had angered him

– Fuck them!

But a few fast ones were already reaching him. They were obviously AGI characters, and escaping was impossible. Luckily this meant that their attacks wouldn’t pack as much of a punch!

As one attacked him, Jack moved his blade, parrying the blow while pushing the player back. As the enemy lost his balance, Jack went for the kill!

Red damage numbers appeared above the man’s head!

– 5


But that’s all the damage he managed to do as the other guy was already on him and forced him to parry! Still, they suddenly were extremely wary of him. They stared at his weapon in shock. WTF was that damage?!

“You guys don’t stand a chance, haha! Jack heartily chuckled as he tried intimidating them. But inside, he was pissed and couldn’t wait for them to fall back.

“Oh my god! This sword is insane. We need it!” They shouted heatedly.

Yes, Jack’s display of strength had only fueled their greed further. Goddamn imbeciles! He fought back, hard. But every passing second, there would be a new player arriving, no matter how many he killed.

At this point, the Mighty Wolves were already almost wiped.

“I won’t let you die!” Bellowed the CPR dude as he tried to charge his way, but the dragon prick stopped him. Once again, wasn’t he over-selling it? Also, what was happening to Bubblegum? Was she fine?!

He couldn’t see her as he had gone too far away. He could only hope that everything would be fine. Then, the last of the Mighty Wolves disappeared, dispersing in blue particles. The forest seemed to become silent for a second.

Twenty enemies were remaining, all surrounding Jack. In total, he had defeated 15 alone, and their group had beaten more enemies than their numbers! But it was now freaking over as he had nowhere to run, with his HP a pitiful 3 points.

That’s when the dragon prick stepped forward. “You struggled so much, but this is the end. I wonder what you’ll drop upon dying, hehe!” Then he added one more sentence that infuriated Jack.

“Grab the loot as soon as it spawns. We don’t want it to just disappear like what happened with that pink-haired girl. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, Sir!” They all shouted in unison.

Fuck, Bubblegum had died. Since the ores were boss lair’s resources, they had all disappeared. So much for their successful raid.

All was coming to waste because of these bastards! And for what? They wouldn’t get a single concrete benefit from this! They would only hinder Jack’s progress!

Fucking assholes! Jack took one last look at them as they attacked him to deal the killing blow. He would remember their faces, all of them!

That’s when his screen went dark.


━━━ YOU DIED! ━━━


Jack O’Neil had plenty of shortcomings, but one of them was being excessively vengeful. They were called the Mighty Dragons, right? Soon he would make this irksome guild disappear from Infinite.

Had he been so nice that people were underestimating him again? He would have to rectify this.

Even after this setback, he found himself smirking…


[A/N] Jack was domineering enough, but they were blind. Also, going premium soon and going for that win-win. Thoughts?

Creator’s Thought

They say one’s IQ goes down a lot when in a group. One’s judgment can also be heavily affected by emotions, especially excitement from greed. These idiots really were world-class imbeciles! I can’t believe my first death was so freaking illogical! It made no sense for them to attack me!

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