
Chapter 74 Act [1]

Chapter 74 Act [1]

Every year, they\'d host a performance at the Haven Academy festival.

With many important figures showing up, there was no greater place to perform. It was for this reason that everything needed to be set up properly.

"No, that\'s not right! Put it to the right."

"Yes! Like that... no! A little to the left, yup, shit you went too much to the left again...!"

The organizer of the event was a middle-aged woman known as Olga. Not only was she the organizer of the event, but she was also the scriptwriter of the play.

Her fame was about the same, if not greater, than the lead actors of the play.

Throughout the Empire, there were only seven plays that were rated Five-Stars, which was the greatest and most honorable a play could receive.

The criteria to receive such a rating was extremely difficult, making it a very prestigious and coveted rating.

Olga had yet to receive her first Five-Star, however with several Four-Star plays under her name, she was set to be the next one to receive such a reward.

Her latest play, \'The Wounds of the Moon\' was something she had been working on for the past several years. It was her masterpiece.

For this reason, everything had to be perfect.

"No! That\'s not the right place!"

From the major details to the little details.

Everything had to be perfect.

"Madam Olga."

"Yes, right there."

"Madam Olga."

"No, you\'re-"

"Madam Olga!"

"Uh? Ah!"

Startled, Olga turned to her left where a young woman with glasses stood. Sporting an annoyed look, she glanced around and sighed.

"Madam, we\'re about to audition for the extra roles in the play. Several cadets are waiting to audition."

"Ah, right. I have to select one of them..."

Olga\'s expression crumbled. As a perfectionist, Olga hated nothing more than having to taint her play by granting permission to amateur actors and cadets into her play. Regardless of how small their role was, Olga hated the idea of having them in her play.

If not for the fact that she was forced to do it, she would\'ve completely rejected the idea.


Her distaste towards the situation reached a point where she ended up swearing.

"I can\'t believe I have to allow this."

The performance was extremely important to her. It was because it was so important to her that she had trouble controlling herself.

"Bring me to them..."

Clenching her teeth, she headed for the main theater which was currently almost completely empty. Waiting for her near the stage were three other people.

"Ah, madame Olga, you\'re here."


They were key members of the Curtain Call Collective, and judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they too felt the same way as her.

Wearing a helpless smile, a middle-aged man with a protruding belly and thinning hair, handed her a paper.

"We will hold an audition for the minor role of Azarias."


Olga frowned and almost swore again.

A serial killer from an exiled noble who enjoyed killing people. With his bloodthirsty tendencies and hard-to-decipher intentions, he was the first \'antagonist\' of the play.

A \'minor villain\' one could say.


"I can\'t agree to this."

He was a key character. While he was indeed a minor villain, he was someone who propelled the main character towards the path that he embarked on.

How could they let anyone take on such a role?

"I can\'t allow it."

It was for this reason that Olga slapped the paper on the table and shook her head.

"You should all know the importance of this character. I won\'t allow it even if you force me to."

"Madam, but-"

"No, buts! I won\'t allow it. Even i-"

".....You have no choice but to allow it."

A deep voice suddenly interjected, forcing Olga\'s mouth shut. When she turned her head, she almost cursed.

Standing a few meters from her was a tall and lanky man with thick squared glasses. Wearing an undervest without his blazer, his deep dark eyes scanned the surroundings.

"The rules are the rules. Since you have signed up for this, you have to go through it to the end."

"But Azarias is..."

"What other character then?"


When Olga was unable to answer, the man coldly cut her down.

"Since you can\'t decide, be quiet and start the audition. You don\'t have a lot of time. There\'s a chance you might get lucky and find someone worth consideration."

Find someone worth consideration?

Olga almost scoffed at the statement. However, she didn\'t let it show and merely clenched her teeth.


In the end, she relented.

How could she even disagree?

His name was Adonis, and he was the primary investor in the collective.

None of the plays would come to fruition without him. From the actors to the props. All was paid by him. His commands were absolute, leaving her with no choice but to quietly accept the situation.

\'Damn bastards.\'

Suppressing her fury, she sat down on her seat and looked up toward the stage where one of the attendees was waiting.

Olga waved her hand to signal the start.

"Send the first cadet in."


Immediately, a cadet appeared on the stage. Sporting short blonde hair, and blue eyes, he appeared quite handsome.

"Oh, he\'s quite good-looking. The audience might like him."

"He can make up his lack of skills with his looks."

While the other judges were praising his looks, Olga wasn\'t interested.

The only thing she cared about was his acting skills.


Olga cut the cadet off before he could say anything.

"You have five minutes to get ready and study the script in your hands. Tell us when you\'re ready to start."


Flustered, the cadet immediately looked down at the paper and started to memorize his lines. Olga sat quietly and watched his practice. From the way he tried to change his expressions, to the tone of his voice.

In the end, by the time it was time for him to perform, a minute into the performance she waved her hand.



"You may leave."

Uncaring for the cadet\'s expression, she looked towards the assistant.

"Send the next one."

"Ah, yes...!"

A vicious cycle started from there. A cadet would appear, only for them to be shut down a minute after their performance started.



"Send another one."

"Is this a joke?"

Olga didn\'t care for the cadet\'s feelings. Even as they tried their hardest, she rejected them the moment they made a mistake, or acted in a way that didn\'t fit her image of the Azarias in her mind.

Her actions didn\'t go unnoticed by the other judges who simply shook their heads and let her be.

"Get out."

This persisted for several hours until the sun started showing signs of setting.

Glancing at her watch, Olga asked.

"How many cadets left for the tryouts?"

"Five left."


Rubbing her head, Olga suppressed her urge to swear and took a deep breath. Another five? Kill me already... Then, with a wave of her hand, she muttered,

".....Let the next one in."



His appearance instantly grabbed the attention of all present.

Clad in the standard attire worn by all cadets, his garments appeared to contour flawlessly to his physique.

Moving with deliberate and measured steps, he maintained a stoic expression, methodically surveying his surroundings with cool indifference.

In the moment he appeared, the judges found themselves unable to tear their gaze away from him.

....All except for Olga who frowned.

Staring at his flawless appearance, Olga only felt disappointment. His face, expressions... It was as if she was looking at a blank piece of paper.

There was simply, nothing...

\'Another pretty face...?\'

The more she looked, the more disappointed she became.

In the end, she leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes. Having seen her fair share of performances, a judgment had subconsciously formulated in her mind.

\'....Another bust.\'

With a wave of her hand, she recited the usual rules.

"You have five minutes to look through the script. Once you\'re done, please start acting. Don\'t feel too pressured. It\'s just a minor role."


It all happened so quickly that I had a hard time understanding what was going on.

I was standing in the middle of the stage with a script.

"You have five minutes to look through the script. Once you\'re done, please start acting. Don\'t feel too pressured. It\'s just a minor role."


I thought of refusing, but when I thought back at Professor Bridgete\'s words, all thoughts of refusal disappeared.

\'Even if I do end up embarrassing myself, it\'s worth a shot.\'

Those extra credits... I certainly needed them.

I wasn\'t confident I\'d be able to do well in the written and combat exams. Maybe I could, but there was nothing wrong with getting a safety net.

"The character you will be auditioning for is a minor villain for the novel."

One of the \'judges\' said in a monotonous tone. From the moment I entered, her eyes never let me. However, there was a certain indifference in her gaze that felt uncomfortable.

"His name is Azarias."

Another judge started to speak. From the start, he seemed friendlier as he started to recount the scenario to me.

I quietly listened without saying a word.

"A once noble, now fallen, banished from his family for his psychotic nature. From youth, he relished in killing, finding increasing thrill with each life taken. I want you to encapsulate the rage and madness that he feels when killing his first human."

I stood still for a moment and took in the information. \'Encapsulate the rage and madness that he feels when killing his first human.\'


This scenario...

\'It\'s familiar.\'

To the point, it felt creepy.

It reminded me an awful lot of the first time I had killed someone. I could still vividly remember the emotions I had felt back then.

The state of madness I was in. The various expressions I had made. The smells, the sounds of everything around me... And the desperation that led me to that point.

I could still remember everything as if it had been yesterday.

To the point where I felt confident I could call forth those emotions again.

"Do you understand the role?"

The voice of the judge once again rang in my ears, prompting me to raise my head. In a softer tone, he continued,

"Remember, this is just a minor role. You don\'t have to feel too burdened. I understand you aren\'t an actor. We won\'t judge you too harshly."

He smiled slightly.

"You have five minutes. Please take that time to learn your lines and adapt to the emotions the character feels."

Glancing at the script, I shook my head.

"There\'s no need."

"No need...?"

The judges\'s expressions changed as they looked at each other. The same was true for the woman who appeared indifferent from the start. In fact, the moment those words came out of my mouth, her sense of indifference appeared even more prominent.

"Are you sure?"


I silently nodded.

There were only a few lines in the script. There wasn\'t much that I needed to memorize.

The only thing that one would need time for was probably for the emotional adjustment, but...

\'I already know it.\'

I had experienced it before.

For this reason, I didn\'t need the five minutes provided by the judges.

"I can start now."

I was ready to begin even now.

Looking at each other, the judges signaled for me to start.

"....Alright, you may begin."

Taking in the expressions of all the judges, from indifference to slight interest, my mind sank into my memories as I closed my eyes.

Gradually, I lost myself in those memories of the past, and when I opened my eyes again, the world was red.

My face twitched, and my expression changed.

So did the faces of the judges ahead as they witnessed me fall into madness.

A madness I barely managed to retain as my mouth gradually opened and I recited the first line of the script.

".....The foundation of all masterpieces is a great start."

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