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Chapter 225 - 225.One Days Work

Walker and Su were standing about to head on their way since they had already spent most of the day between the alchemist building and the cathedral. They were feeling hungry and a bit worn out from their unexpected quest. Remembering this Walker checked the system quickly seeing the notification.

\'Daily quest completed


Heal those in need

Repair the healing light crystal.


300 exp multiplied to 3000exp.\'

He smiled while looking at this but did not forget that he had saved some things from their purchases in the markets of Ordist to share when he came back to the cathedral.

"Alice! I almost forgot," Walker pulled out a basket full of fruits that Gil had chosen from the markets. They Were all still perfectly ripe and waiting to be eaten. Walker had not seen any items worth bringing back and was also too put off after the incident with the cursed items. So he had decided to hold on to some of the fruits instead. "We purchased a lot of fruit so we could grow them in the garden and have them for whenever we wanted, but I made sure to save some for you!" Alice took the large basket in her hands having a bit of trouble holding it all up.

"Yes Alice you need to try those little brown fuzzy fruits. They are green on the inside and a bit sour but it\'s very good." This one had been Su\'s favorite. "I really enjoyed those kiwi fruits and I am sure you will too." Alice just nodded along with here seeing the sincere feelings in Su\'s words.

"I hate to run off but we need to get back for dinner, we have been away for so long and it would be rude to keep everyone who is waiting for us to get back to eat." Walker said his goodbye and so did Su. The high priest had disappeared off somewhere and Walker was not worried about saying good bye since they would see them in a few days anyways. He quickly released the flame doll of Maria he had made before heading out so that it did not cause any trouble if someone else tried to deal with it.

Alice waved as they left trying to hold all the fruit with one hand. Waving back Walker was very excited for the auction now. "Su I invited Alice and the high priest to come with us to the VIP auction, It should be very fun. The high priest was pretty surprised though, it seems like this auction is much harder to get into than I knew." 

"Leader, I actually happen to know a bit about this. When I was younger I tried to sneak in because I heard that they were selling a miracle potion to heal any injury. Of course it was a rumor but the VIP auction only gives tickets to those high class merchants or very rich nobles. I have also heard that many very high ranking members of the castle or guilds show up as well. We will need to wear our best clothing to attend." Walker could definitely see Su trying to sneak in to an auction if she thought that there was a way to heal her mother, she really did care for her family. Although it was a past event Walker enjoyed imagining Su trying to sneak in somewhere wearing a bunch of armor or carrying a shield.

"I will definitely have to ask Lisa to get something sewn up for myself then, I don\'t have a lot of formal wear." Walker had not expected this to be a problem. "Oh speaking about clothes and gear, we should stop by the forge tomorrow and see if we can get a high level blacksmith to come to our forge at the mansion soon. I will also see if Midnight wants to practice breathing fire, she may be able to learn a fire breath skill to help in the forging process." 

"I agree, if Midnight were to learn a skill like that she could imbue our gear with her elements or just strengthen them more. The Tamers guild master\'s dragon had very hot flames that melted those metals like nothing." The two recalled the crafting they had witnessed and could not wait to see what they could do themselves. Walker also had the thought of asking a blacksmith to show him how to properly repair and sharpen gear so that he could gain some skills to do just that on their journeys. If Walker really wanted he could one day gather all the tools for a forge and carry them in his inventory to have a portable forge! How great would that be for when a weapon of gear broke. 

Falling in to his own day dream Walker spent the entire walk home to the mansion lost in thought. Su did not mind this since she was also thinking about what kind of shields she would gain, Walker had said something about having two made for her which meant that she could properly learn how to dual wield shields. If she were to train on this she may increase her blocking speed and how much she could block. She could imagine defending two or more people at once in dire situations. She had started to take after Walker and became easily lost in thoughts.

When they returned to the mansion it was a sight to behold, Gil\'s mother had torn up a massive amount of soil. There were many paths marked out and some even were already lined with small stones. She seemed to be developing a small walking path. The benches that she had uncovered had already been moved. There were even wooden trellises made and placed around the starting path. For one days worth of work she had done an amazing amount. Walker would never look down on a farmer ever again. 

"Leader, this is already looking so amazing, I can not believe how much has already been done. It looks like there will be bushes planted over there. Oh and that spot will be perfect to reflecting on training. Look the path even goes out back to the training field." Su was much more excited than Walker expected, however since the warm weather was approaching he thought it all the better. They could all enjoy the garden to its fullest once the rainy month had passed and they were in full swing of spring. 

Walker could hear the familiar thunk of arrows and knew Gil must be out back. "I\'m going to go see what Gil is practicing, are you coming or going inside?" 

"I will head inside leader, I want to clean up after today\'s errands." With a nod Walker left Su to her own plans and headed around the side of the mansion. 

Gil had set up the training dummies at different angles and distances and was currently running around the sides to try and fire arrows differently. The thing was Walker thought it looked odd. He would run and get close to a dummy and fire behind it but also use his newly free hand to land a punch or push the dummy a bit. He felt that Gil needed a weapon in the free hand so that he would be able to properly attack. He added a dagger on to his growing list of gear and weapons the party needed. 

"Training the day away huh?" Gil heard Walker and came to a stop, the sweat dripping down his face spoke volumes.

"Back from your little date huh? How was your errands" The small bit of teasing in Gil\'s voice was evident but not in a mean way.

"We did very well at the alchemist building, we also mentioned we would sell some vials of pure water at the VIP auction." Walker wasn\'t sure if he wanted to tell Gil he invited Alice and the High priest to the auction as well but figured it was a bit better than to hide it. "We ran in to a bit of trouble at the cathedral but we fixed it all up no problem. I invited Alice and the high priest to the auction with us next week. The high priest asked if he could bid on some things for the church, I said we would not mind. Things should be a lot of fun." Gil smiled a bit too much hearing this but did not make any comments back.

"We should be getting the items from the horned rabbits and that greater snow imp delivered right? Will we sell some things from that too?" Gil was already thinking way ahead but it was a good thing.

"I wanted to see what we could do with the materials from the greater ice imp but at the moment we don\'t have any use for the high water mana crystal it had in its body. We also don\'t really need the skin for gear since we plan to have things made with the bronze dragon scales and other metal we have. It would just be a waste to hold on to those two items. The gold can at least help us get more material better suited to our needs." Walker and Gil agreed on this, they may not have included the others in this debate but none of them had any use for those items as well. "Actually I was just thinking of one thing we definitely need to get for you." Gil was confused by this but listened for Walker\'s theory.

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