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Chapter 674 - 674. Rocky

Su blocked the mutated monsters\' tail again and a small chip of stone and quartz fell off. She was worry that if she used the shield bash skill it would harm the monster or even worse defeat it accidentally. If that happened the breeders that came would suffer losses and they would have hurt the dwarves in the long run. She was not so weak as to let this happen. 

Walker saw what Su was avoiding and felt the same. He didn\'t want to cause the monster any harm and knew that the rock horned vipers would not have attacked them if they had not been fighting amongst themselves. They were the ones that had invaded the rock horned viper nest in the first place. 

"Su, I am going to try and manipulate the earth to trap it for a few moments so we can leave." Walker\'s plan was simple. He would manipulate the stones and hopefully trap the mutated rock horned viper long enough for them to leave. If things worked out well then it would stay in the nest and would not follow them. 

Su just taunted the monster again while blocking another hit from the tail. She flinched as she saw another piece of the monster\'s stone and quartz fall off to the ground. She knew it was hurting itself to continue to defend its\' nest and territory. 

Walker on the other hand was using his grand elemental manipulation. He was thinking about the blue ivy that Alma could control. He willed the earth to form stone vines just like the ivy. When he had gathered enough of the earth elemental mana he pushed the stone vines to entangle the mutated rock horned viper. 

This caused the monster to thrash around and Walker to create and strengthen more stone vines. "Leader, we are retreating." Su pulled Walker while keeping an eye on the other rock horned vipers that were hiding from the raging monster nearby. Walker created more and more of the stone vines since the mutated rock horned viper broke them constantly. 

\'The skill rocky vines had been taken from the sculptors system. The skill rocky vines had been automatically learned due to user actions.

Rocky vines- 3 mana cost

Depending on the rocks used the vines are stronger or weaker. The vines are able to be manipulated and created from any form of rock. These are often used as artistic pieces but can have unique battle applications depending on the user.\'

As more of the stone vines sprouted and wrapped around the mutated rock horned viper\'s body, Walker and Su began to run out of the nest and through the tight passageway they had come in. Yet, Walker noticed a few bold rock horned vipers going after the trapped viper. He instantly released it and pushed forward with all his might. 

The freedom the mutated viper gained was met with a severe battle that knocked the three regular horned vipers down. They had lost their chance t defeated the mutated rock horned viper and watched as the mutated viper slammed its tail on the ground to assert its dominance. It had completely forgotten about him and Su. 

"Are you sure they will be alright? That was a mutated rock horned viper. They are more dangerous than a regular rock horned viper." Zenith was pacing with shaking nerves. Ahe was fearing the worst had happened and that Walker and Su would not be returning. 

"As I said. They will be fine. My brother and sister would never let themselves be beaten by anything. Su can withstand attacks from anything and my brother will think his way out of any problem." Midnight and Onyx puffed p their chests in pride as they had both added the praise of their family. 

Zenith barely heard them over her running until there was a small sound of falling rocks from the cave they had come from. Walker popped out and soon so did Su. "Hey, thank\'s for waiting. That was weird huh?" Walker attempted to brush it all off but Zenith dashed forward to examine Su and Walker for any possible injuries. "You\'re fine! Completely fine." The stress and worries washed away.

"Leader and I took longer because we did not wish to harm it. If we did it could have been defeated by the other rock horned viper. It was breaking off parts of its tail on the shield." The earth spirit had materialized from the shield nodding and pointing to the shield dramatically.

"It was definitely harder to hold back. I needed to make vines from the rocks to hold the viper in place. But I got a new skill from it so I think that is pretty nice. It was fighting some of the other rock horned vipers though, so I hope it will be alright." Walker was already reading the skill description with interest. 

"Learned a new skill? Hard to hold back? I just…" Zenith lost her words since she had not expected such a reaction in any form. It was all a little too much to process at once on top of the other knowledge she had about them. 




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