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Chapter 1533 1533. A Lot Of Research Needed

"Things have really become busy here." Remey had taken a break from her potion making attempts. She had to stop before she exhausted all of her mana. Her understanding flames had drastically improved after discovering more about fire elemental mana.

"You\'re telling me. When The researchers arrived they set up a massive research area. They already have a few routes mapped out along with an informational supply chain. There are also some mages working on the maps and location of where the magic circle sent the demons." Walker was the one most impressed.

Researching things was not something Walker had ever thought of as a career. He had considered becoming a mage and knew that there was research in it. Yet, he did not consider academic research or magical research regarding runes as a profession. Seeing this he had become more impressed and considered it as a future hobby once things calmed down.

"How long until they think they might have results?" Remey was sure that Walker had gained some form of initial report.

"They said that it would take a few days maybe. The magic rune circle that was used seems to be very unstable. They said it seemed to be three different magical circles spliced together. That means that the rune books might be required to translate it." This was disappointing but inevitable. Expecting answers instantly was too much.

"There\'s also the fact that they pointed out the issue in the circle. It was made in a way that constantly drains mana from the one that activates it. In theory, it is this way because the person being teleported will be torn apart if there isn\'t enough mana for the entire trip. Although that was why Gluttony ended up the way he ended up. A sacrifice that was used for his mana and nothing else. Same with all the other demons here. Luckily they were not touching the circle."

"And we got out of there. Scylla dragged us away fast enough." Remey breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She knew that the rune circle had been dangerous but not so dangerous that she would have been unable to escape if she had not run from it.

The two watched as the maps were moved and lines drawn. They tried to follow along but were lost pretty quickly. "So, how did the potion making go?" Walker knew that he might be starting a long conversation. Remey could talk about potions forever. But he was curious and had the time to learn a little.

"I burned a lot. The alchemy fire is made for potion making. I can control it better. But the book I read was about pure flames. Using a condensed fire elemental mana that doesn\'t have other elemental mana mixed in. I tried it and the temperature turned everything to ash or black goop."

"Why not try and train with the flame elves that came here? Or find Ignus? He should show himself around soon. I can already feel the other dragons trying to come around and see what the plans are. They want answers too but are distracted enough for now." Walker had a feeling that everyone was holding their breath. They knew things were not over.

"I will speak to Ignus. He has years of mastery. I refused to let my partner help me. I have to be able to manipulate flames with perfection. If I can\'t then how could I handle a literal grand elemental fire spirit adding even more power to them? I\'m not dumb." Remey puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. She had angered her partner by refusing help but it was in the best interest of their relationship.

"If you need someone to help convince him, grab me, I will help you out. I want to go and see what Gil is doing. I watched him steal a few dwarves and elven mages to help him make new arrows." Walker left Remey to her thoughts. He knew that she was going to need time to think through her plans.

"It needs to be able to hold three condensed manas! It has to be a fusion of elemental mana that will mix together when the arrowhead impacts. That means the center should break and open to the other chambers!" Gil had drawn out plans. His drawing skills were rough but the two dwarves at the table were helping redraw it.

"You are already yelling about things? I just watched you start this new project only an hour ago." Walker laughed a little while glancing at the elven mages who were clearly excited.

"Walker! Any news?" Gil waited to hear something good but saw Walker shake his head. "Then they will have it for us soon. I\'m sure of it." The positivity was coming from Gil\'s personal drive to make fusion elemental arrows.

"So, care to tell me what you are working on? I know you wanted fusion arrows but that\'s all I have." Walker had a general idea of the goal but knew that things would be much more detailed when Gil explained them.

"Alright, listen! The arrow will have a small tube divided in two or three. I don\'t know about four elemental manas just yet. That depends on materials. But imagine this." Gil held up a small pipe and arrowhead.

"This is the arrow shaft. It is hollow and I have special materials within each portion of the shaft. It stores fire elemental mana in the arrow head then wind elemental mana in the shaft. When the arrow hits a target the arrow head pushes in and breaks a seal. Maybe a rune seal, I am not sure yet." Gil was rambling on and on faster and faster while Walker humored him.

The reaction of a broken seal will cause the fire elemental mana to spark up stronger than before. Air and fire work well and that causes a large explosion or fireball. It could be even more dramatic with fire and water or earth and fire. I have no idea if I could make a lightning arrow. I would need help to do that. But the mages will help me infuse the elemental mana using runes or elemental manipulation. It depends on materials."

"If you manage to make a lightning arrow then you might have to keep that under lock and key. That\'s something I have never heard of before." Walker saw the two elven mages nearly jump out of excitement. He knew that he was keeping them from working now.

"Exactly what we want to do! New arrows that use magic and archery! I am an arcane marksman you know!" Gil dove back in to conversation with the dwarves making the improved blueprints. He looked happier than ever to be using his time to make such things while waiting for the right information. He didn\'t even notice Walker leaving the smaller forge.

The streets that Walker took to were fairly empty. The soldiers had explored most of them and had already evacuated any prisoners or demons in need. Now everything was fairly quiet. The only noise came from those investigating or those trying to work on things here and there.

"Seriously! They had weapons that could do that here!?" The exclamation came from the king of the surface. He had appeared to relax a little more than Walker expected when he was alone with his attendants.

The king of the surface had been in charge of cataloging some of the found weapons which had unique runes. The demons had developed a lot since they discovered some hidden knowledge.

"I would never use such a sword. Look at the jagged blade! It is terrible for continued battle." Scylla had found comradery with the king of the surface. Both had technical minds that focused on battle. Most of the time the king of the surface would just speak to those directly under him. With Scylla, he could be more open.

Walker kept moving past them while they went in to details about the usage of weapons. He felt that he was not an expert whose opinion could be used there. "Brother? What are you doing? I thought you would be resting." Onyx was alone as well. It surprised Walker to find him.

"Just looking at this place. It\'s so different from what I grew up with. It makes me feel like I am in another world. How about you?"

"I was also exploring. There are many crevices from where they forced buildings together. A lot of hidden runes that were covered up. I think this place was the same as the desert elf city you took the tower from. Similar runes are on some buildings here as the mage tower." Onyx had been investigating constantly.

"I thought so. I saw some runes but didn\'t confirm it yet." Walker knew that Onyx had worked hard to find this and was most likely about to visit the researchers to share the things he had found. Walker could only praise how Onyx had matured so quickly.



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