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Chapter 1853 1853. Sewers

"This is more than I thought. Brother, should we be here?" Onyx was incredibly surprised that when the three of them had jumped down in to the space lit by the light orb that it was not small in the least. The space seemed to stretch further than Walker\'s light orb could reach. The darkness was enough to show that they would be challenged regardless of whether they decided use the light orb or just tried to improve night vision. 

"It is much larger. That might not be good though." Walker was thinking about the fact that the storage space above was very large. It was as sure thought that the space was enlarged to hide more things. But as they looked, there were not goods here at all. 

"No food?" Midnight was sniffing around and moving forward with onyx and Walker.s eh had sworn that she would be able to smell a little food here and there. Even if it was rotten remnants trapped in a storage space for generations. 

"That\'s what I thought too. Even the ruins with undead closer to the human kingdoms had evidence that food has been there. The rotten marks on stones or even the fact that some had died and been left petrified." it would be easy for them to find many things here that should have been long forgotten after the undead took over. 

The fact that some foods would store for many years already was something that some adventurers and races alike. Cheese and wines would store for a very long time in the right environment. Especially if they were sealed properly. While the dried meats would just become bricks of dry rotted leather for the most part. The fruits and vegetables would just be found as dusty marks or some blackned piles of solid dirt for the most part. 

None of what the three saw anything like this though. It was as if someone had swept this entire area clean before everything had been moved. The fact that runes we also left undisturbed proved that it had not been the undead that did this. Their runes had broken down and begun to deteriorate if still present. Therefore, these runes were left behind from before the undead had taken over. 

"We should explore more, if we head this way, it will take us under the streets." Walker pointed toward the direction that the door to the large storage should be above them. With this, midnight and Onyx took the lead since they had much better night vision. Not that walker was much behind them. 

Due to the bonds between them, Walker had also noticed more changes in his body. While he knew for a long time that he was less human, the more natural mana that he absorbed seemed to change him. It was natural since the natural mana was a mix of all manas. It would facilitate life and growth to a degree. Especially with the life magic that Walker had begun to learn about. 

Adding in other manas, and Waker had no idea what effect it would all have on his body. He literally had the affinity or the ability to learn all things. He had not really understood that and still didn\'t know no matter how much he put his mind to it. The limit of being unable to use a mastery skill seemed miniscule compared to the fact that his bonds and affinities were changing his very form. His being. 

"It\'s broken." Walker stopped as he noticed a change in their path. He couldn\'t let his mind wander so much that he was unable to pay attention. Since they found the broken wall, then it meant that there was more to the ruins that he had missed. 

"The ruined city had an underground. I assume for waste and water to run away. But if the city was being taken over…" Walker\'s mumbling brought clarity to Midnight and Onyx. this pace was already untouched by the undead. Why would they move to look at the waste of their previous still alive forms? That would be wasteful and something that the undead the controlled them ignored. 

"Since we have this path, we should follow it." Onyx knew that they could communicate this to others, but the searches throughout the ruined city were too important to stop them all. Instead, it would be easier for them to scout out and see what else they could find. 

"Then we go in." Walker accepted this idea easily. He had thought the same as Onyx. Midnight clearly thought so too since she started to become more fixed on sniffing the air as she walked ahead. She clearly wanted to return to her dragon form in case they found any monsters here. It was a small possibility now. 

"So the mad mage leading undead trying to become a god makes his move. People start to follow but naturally, some of them resist since they believe in a nurturing goddess of harvest and growth. Where do they go when they lose their chance at surviving? Down. so that means we should be able to find evidence of the past and records here." 

This all made a lot of sense to them as they moved. All three understood that if they had been forced to the underground, it would all be natural for them to push through to hidden storage areas to gain food, water, and anything else they needed. The only question would be, how deep did these escaping beings go? 

"I believe I learned a thing or two about this from the dwarves." Onyx had learned a lot while he had been out and about with the newly hatched serpents. So had Midnight since she had spent time in the forges with the dwarves and the wandering blacksmith. 

"Sandstone." Midnight knew what Onyx was getting at. It wasn\'t their bond between one another but just intuition. They had a very close mindset since they had spent a lot of time together. 

"Brother, there should be sandstone caves under any desert. That is why water can pool around and make an oasis. The sandstone is dense so when it rains, the water is slower to seep in. This might be a very large oasis." Onyx spoke with more pride since he was happy to share these things with Walker since it was new information. 

"That means that the race that lived here might have survived in some way. Not that it\'s likely. They could have just left a lot of evidence that they had been here. I doubt that many escaped the planned famine and then attacks from the undead. If anything, we will find records of them surviving and potentially leaving their stories for the future." Walker knew that finding anything living in some massive sandstone cave would be slim. But he liked that it was a chance he could take. 

This idea was enough to invigorate them as the three made their way past the broken wall. From the sight they found, it was a sewer. 

"This is rough, but they carved it out pretty well." The carved stone had shifted with time, but it was the same way that the entire city had been built. Interlocking stone pieces that came together to create a very tight build. Everything that had once been waste was long dried and turned to dust. The only remnant were the stone troughs that were stained forever. It also was why there wasn\'t anything but a musty and dusty scent here. Nothing that made anyone want to retreat. 

"They even have runes here to purify things. I would say that they were more advanced than we realized when they were alive." Walker examined the ancient light runes that had long faded away. They would easily be able to have stopped any diseases or illnesses from spreading due to the higher amount of waste in one place. Something that Walker knew was used in cities already but not as specified. He quickly memorized it to show others later. 

"We just follow this then. Brother, Sister, keep up." Onyx started to slither ahead. His focus on more than just discovering the past here. He clearly was ready to push further in his journey to strength. Not only because he had finally become a hero of sorts, but also because he wanted to avoid being injured in such a way as before again. 

The fact that everything looked so clean made it clearer that this had become a well traveled space at some point. Not any longer, but since nature hadn\'t gotten to this palace, nothing else had piled up. No spiderwebs, molds, or plants. It had remained this way for many years. A good sign for those exploring similar areas. 



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