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Chapter 1920. Big announcement

Chapter  1920. Big announcement

By the next hour, the marriage proposal and acceptance had been spread through all of Genesis like wildfire. Everyone was somewhat shocked since it was big news. Yyet, when it came to the party and those that spent a lot of time around them, it was the opposite.

"Walker, you heard what\'s going on in the coliseum, right?" Remey was the first to catch Walker after she heard the news and started to rush towards where she knew everyone would go, the coliseum.

"Well. yes. We all knew Gil and Alma would do something like this at some point. But I guess Gil was just waiting for them to be home. Plus, He has been going on about the promises he made a lot lately. Now I get why he was so in his head about it." Walker\'s extra happy attitude came with a simple reason.

Between Gil and Walker, they both knew who they cared for in these ways. The two were the two men of the group other than Onyx who was focused on other things in the realm of love. Gil however, had a much more in depth set of feelings though. His relationship with Alma was growing much faster.

Not that it was anything Walker was jealous of. Gil had managed to greatly bond with every elf he met. It was more like he was finding places to put himself where he excelled. Then on top of this, he had hit it off with Alma nearly instantly after they had begun getting closer to the elves.

From that point, everyone had some expectations of what would happen. It was just a matter of time and current events. While current events were concerned, it wasn\'t a surprise that Gil chose now.

Regardless of what they would feel about the corrupted floating city, this was something that didn\'t need to take that in to account. There was never an ideal time for increasing the bonds of a relationship. It happened naturally when it was meant to become more.

"Good! You two heard what happened? Can you believe that Gil just went and asked Alma to get married? We aren\'t too young for that since nobles get married young or engaged. But that\'s not the point. He should have told us, we could have been there."

When Su saw Remey and Walker she burst in to a rant. It was very clear that she was happy for Gil and Alma. But she was very unhappy to have missed the moment. "I thought you would be the one yelling and maybe punching Gil. Now I think we will need to protect him from Su."

The immediate elbow to his side that Walker got from Su seemed to sting more with the fact that she never did this. It threw him off a bit but the buzz around the colleagues where everyone had started to celebrate while trying to challenge Gil to a sparring match using the high elven dagger techniques.

"It\'s just too much. When are they going to get married in all this?" Su pointed out the hustle and bustle as they walked in to the colosseum. Walker couldn\'t help but laugh because he knew well that it would probably be quite some time for it to actually happen.

"It\'s an engagement. I bet there will be a lot of time to plan and do what needs to be done. Wasn\'t there a noble that was engaged for over ten years back home?"Walker could vaguely remember hearing a rumor that two nobles had gotten married after over ten years of engagement.

This was a fairly common practice since some families would make arranged marriages. This wasn\'t the case though, some children just decided they wanted to be with someone younger than most people. Others just happened to meet their person and need more time to grow and prepare before a wedding was possible.

"It\'s good though. This is another positive thing that everyone can focus on. Especially the elves and humans who were two of the first races to begin working on Genesis like this. Not that it held any reason why Gil asked Alma. Those two might have been destined."

"You\'re telling me. Here I am relaxing and watching Gil show off some fancy dagger techniques to the elves. The next moment their speeches had turned in to an emotional proposal and promises to their futures." Stepping through the air, Scylla stopped and softly landed next to the three.

"But it was a very nice change. Coliseums are normally for battling. Showing the true depth of strength. This is Genesis though, I can accept some new traditions." Seeing that Scylla enjoyed the change a lot, Walker didn\'t see how this couldn\'t become something that happened more often.

"Genesis is different. We will have plenty of new things to show off. Not that I would plan to do anything public like this. I\'d have to punch everyone that witnessed something like this until they forgot." With Remey\'s opinion, she wouldn\'t want so many people witnessing her business.

"I still think someone should have told us. Now the entire city will know before we even saw them." Su\'s opinion didn\'t change.

It continues like this while the four roamed through the crowds watching everything. When they spotted Gil finishing a sparring match in front of a group of younger looking elves, Su darted out first.

"I thought you would have gone to challenge Gil first." Scylla had assumed Walker would go to congratulate and challenge Gil. However, Su was ahead of him and already standing in front of Gil.

"I don\'t have my armor or shields. That\'s a problem for you today." Su gave a disapproving look and Gil could easily see why.

"I can\'t say I planned much of anything today other than showing off the techniques I learned-" Su dashed forward surprising Gil. He had yet to battle her using her armor less fighting style. He hadn\'t expected her to be so quick.

Before Gil could try and speak again, he found Su had grabbed him and was tossing him over her head. The stunned expression on his face was priceless. He\'d never expected that Su had adapted and learned such an up front fighting style that used her defenses as offenses.

"So, Alma, big day?" Walker found that Alma had left her conversation with a few elves and come over. It was surely busy since multiple elves who worked as advisors were rushed here to see what was happening.

"It is. I thought he would have taken longer to ask. I told the queen back home when she was teaching me a few things that I wouldn\'t be marrying an elf. Gil just had to take his time." This had been on Almas\' mind for much longer than Gil or Walker realized.

"Well you have to make sure you tied him up before some other archer tried to. You know how many of them fawn over Gil now. It\'s pretty gross." Remey\'s reply brought some laughter from Scylla and Alma. Walker just felt a bit lost.

"Challenging a worthy warrior to a battle to test their skills before committing yourself is also important. I hope that you had the proper time to fully test his battle prowess." Scylla didn\'t doubt Gil but still asked since it was a Demi-human tradition.

"He can hold his own now. I feel behind if anything." Alma was sure that the entire party had overstepped her in strength. She had other obligations that limited her personal growth.

While Su beat up on Gil, Midnight had heard the news. Unfortunately, she had found herself in a very odd situation of her own.

"This is the first light dragon hatchling coming to Genesis. She is going to be in your and the other hatchlings care. Do not let me down." Rise had found Midnight early in the day after the meetings.

She had hunted Midnight down for one reason. The most recent light dragon born had finally grown enough to leave the nest and come to Genesis. Rise would not allow the other dragons to get ahead of her. Having a hatchling use Genesis to the most was incredibly important.

"I will take care of her." Midnight\'s promise was strong and held her word. A dragon was full of pride and did not go against a promise. With the time they had, the little hatchling would be taken care of.

The little hatching crawled out from behind Rise. It\'s nose sniffing carefully. It was much smaller than most hatchlings but Midnight could send every pure light elemental mana around it. Clearly this little light dragon was unique compared to even Rise herself. It would be a very interesting time taking care of the little one.


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