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Chapter 1977 1977. A Simple Love

Chapter 1977 1977. A Simple Love

Creating a changing armor that would be able to transform just the way that Midnight did was a challenge. Luckily, this was not something new in the thoughts of the wandering blacksmith. For Midnight, yes it was new, but overall, it was not. 

The other dragons had asked for armor. But they only wanted armor for their dragon forms. Therefore, the wandering blacksmith had not focused on creating armor that would change with them. But he had the idea. 

Now that he was able to put it in to practical building theory, he was very focused. But he too needed to eat, not to mention Allison, who was only a child still. It was also a good chance to let her parents know, even though they would trust the heroes regardless. The party had managed to get hungry enough while they had been doing their own thing before even getting to the wandering blacksmith. Instead of just using whatever Walker had in his high spatial storage, he had to get something fresh. 

This led Gil, Alice, Su, Midnight, and Onyx to leave in search of food to bring back. Meanwhile, the wandering blacksmith had discreetly taken the layered rin to begin his ideas for carving runes. 

This had been an interesting challenge. Many blacksmiths worked together around the world. The dwarves as a perfect example. 

They would work together making multiple parts for each of their golems. These dwarven golems had gears, steam aspects, and sometimes completely rune carved magical parts. They made parts individually and would bring them together under a master blacksmith or whoever was the lead of this project. It was why they were able to do so much as a race when it came to innovation. 

The challenge was because this was the case for the layered ring. Multiple very young and inexperienced blacksmiths had worked using various materials. This was due to the meanings behind the materials but regardless, it made things much harder. 

The wandering blacksmith would be matching the mediums used with the runes so that there would not be any clashing. Iut made him think of what Walker asked him when it came to the eternal orb. Brining multiple manas together. 

But that was where the spark had come from. While everyone had left to get food, the wandering blacksmith was working. So was the newly found apprentice, Allison. 

When the wandering blacksmith began to dig through tools, Allison had stopped. She was watching her idol look around almost. But before she could get the courage to speak up again, she saw him pull a very small bag. More specifically, a roll of leather that held tools. 

Inside were a set of incredibly small engraving tools. He was clearly going to be using these on the ring. But when it came to what he was carving, he surprisingly began taking out swatches of fabric. These were from Lisa\'s shop. 

The reason these had been the focus of his thoughts were the simple fact of how they came to be. Originating ideas from the forest elves and their sewn fabric runes was the main case. The ring would follow the traditions of the elves already while adding the bolstered effects of Genesis innovations. From there, they would be carved differently for each layer in the ring before it was coated in a unique sealant. 

The small mana gems that the wandering blacksmith had shaved form other mana gems could also be used. They would fill gaps so that the runes would hold mana themselves. An ideal way to make use of the space made for the runes and also extra products.

Seeing these things gathered was confusing but mystical to Allison. She could not comprehend because she lacked the knowledge. However, she could see that they were all important. It was why she began to learn. She saw the preparations to do something. The right tools. The right materials. The right control as the wandering blacksmith took one very small and delicate tool to do the job. 

"Hello?" Walker was the one to speak. While they had left the forge, they had made their way toward the home of Allison. They had easily found it after stopping back with the instructor. 

"Yes, what can we do for you?" The dwarven man that greeted them was adorned with a small shield and an ax. His armor was a matching version of the guards. Therefore, he was a guard himself. 

"You must be Allison\'s father. We came to let you know that we took her from class to meet the wandering blacksmith. She had an interesting forging style and Gil wanted to introduce her to him. She is working for the next three days at a chance to be his first ever apprentice." Walker didn\'t cut corners or add formalities. He was right out in the open with what would happen. 

"What! Honey! Get out of the garden and come over here!" the small family homes built along the residential areas had a small gardens. Many families had planted basic herbs and a few of their favorite things. It was nothing like a farmer could grow, but it was something everyone naturally took pride in. 

When the woman rushed to them with a worried expression, Walker took note that she had scars on her face from what could have only been a dangerous escape from the demon lands years ago. Her horns were both cracked and showed the same history of dangers. However, the small mage staff that she had on her back proved she was somewhat of a magic user. 

"Our daughter is testing to be THE wandering blacksmith\'s apprentice!" The worry melted away and an expression of true pride bloomed on her face. 

"We were helping there and went to get food for them. If you would like to come along and drop it off with us, you are more than welcome. I am Gil, I had the apprentices at the crafting guild help me with a task. But I found she had a unique forging method that needed her to control mana and her body in perfect unison to create an ideal effect. A little more challenging than other techniques, but it could do more in the long run ." Gil seemed to ramble on before the two hugged him. 

"We thought that our daughter would take years to figure it all out. She was always so sad after she couldn\'t use the system skills she had because everything broke. We even tried building a small home forge for her but she refused to use it since she thought that she would break it." The mother was the happiest. Naturally she had seen the sadness in her daughter\'s eyes upon so many failures at first. 

"Well, Onyx and I were more surprised to meet a half dwarf and half demon child. Because of you two she is strong and she is able to use mana better than others. She is the perfect example of both of your bonds. A true example of Genesis too." Gil felt awkward after being hugged suddenly. 

"Well why would we not come here? Huh? The first place where my wife can be seen as another person without being bothered? I hated that whenever we went to the city to see my family they were judgy. But now with all those heroes… Oh holy dragon flames in the forge, you\'re the heroes!" 

What proceeded was a clear example of comical overreacting. The husband and wife pair had not realized immediately that their lovely daughter had managed to befriend the heroes that helped found Genesis!

By the time they calmed down, the party present heard the story of the wife escaping the demon lands and running for months. Afraid she had not left it at all. Sneaking through streams to hide and running in the dark to avoid certain monsters. When she found her husband, she tried to run, but he had stopped her in her tracks and forced her to treat the wounds on her body from her last daring escape. 

Before long, he had found an accepting smaller village and settled down. As time had gone on, things were rough with judgmental stares about demons being evil or turning in to full fledged monsters. But then the heroes arrived and flipped everyone\'s perceptions on their heads. They created Genesis and offered a place for these two to bring their young daughter to life happy and free. 

Besides making everyone listening feel as if they were hearing the greatest love story of all time, it also showed that these were the people that they fought for. That they wished to protect. Byt the time they made it to the forge, no one had it in their heart to interrupt the little blacksmith Allison watching the wandering blacksmith carve runes with the utmost care a master of their craft could use. 



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